

    Hii movie inayoitwa NO WHERE kiukweli imeniliza mtu mzima!

    Huu mwaka tangu uanze kiukweli sijawahi na sikudhani kama nitadondosha chozi!,Ila baada ya kuitazama hii movie iitwayo NO WHERE nimejikuta machozi yakinitiririka kama mtu aliyepatwa msiba! Natumbua kabisa hizi movie mara nyingi ni fiction zinazokosa uhalisia,lakini hii movie imefanya nikawaza...
  2. D

    Yusuph dabo sio kocha atafikisha azam any where? my football review on azam match

    short clear 1. azam awawezi kutengeneza build up. in short ni through ball ndefu then inshallah. foward wapo one on one na 3 defenders every time. ni kama kichekesho. i still believe they got luck to win that yanga match. 2. wachezaji wa azam awajawa couched. honestly amna mipango ni...
  3. Logikos

    Tatizo la Overproduction; Where do we Go From Here..... (A Chinese Case Study)

    Pre-amble: Naongelea Dunia kwa Ujumla na Sio Nchi / Taifa Ni kawaida kwenye Ubepari kutokea tatizo la overproduction; na hili likitokea wazalishaji wanapunguza uzalishaji jambo ambalo linasababisha uchumi wa wakati huo kushuka na matatizo ya ajira... Kinadharia Over Production inasababisha...
  4. Technophilic Sentinel

    Wakimbizi wa Burundi na Rwanda wanawekwa kwene makambi. Waarabu wa Sudani wanazurula nchi nzima

    Kuna idadi kubwa sana ya wakimbizi waliokimbia wakiarabu kutoka Sudan wakiwa mitaani wengine wamepanga.Lakini upande wa pili kuna wakimbizi majirani wamejazwa kwene makambi kigoma huko ka kagera. Je, hii ni kudhibitisha kua waafrica tunajichukia na tunawapenda maadui zetu!! Nawasilisha...
  5. K

    Where history "Will be"

    Dear JF members, Sometimes the things which had been "will be" meaning repeated what happened in history could be repeated . Lets peruse this document concerning our World to come in the concept of giving an eye on New World Order. P'se go through the attached document to get the whole idea...
  6. Raphael Alloyce

    Tanzania: Where Beauty Embraces the Heart and Soul

    Dear Tanzanians, In the heart of East Africa lies a land that isn't just beautiful; it's a poetic masterpiece of nature's finest strokes and human warmth that intertwine to create an experience that transcends mere words. Tanzania, oh, Tanzania - a symphony of breathtaking beauty that doesn't...
  7. R

    Where are our Judiciary and the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS)?

    The Judiciary stands as one of the critical and indispensable arms of the government, entrusted with the solemn duty of ensuring justice for all Tanzanians. Similarly, the Tanganyika Law Society represents a stronghold of legal defence, where citizens anticipate support in their pursuit of...
  8. mrPhysics

    Where can I work as a part time/ full time PHYSICS tutor?

    Hello everyone, Where can I work as a part time physics tutor (family student mentor to school at large) I'm very competent physics candidate with good moral, charming and high sense of humour currently located at Dar es Salaam Incase a parent want a physics coaching to their children or...
  9. Kingsmann

    BBC: Tanzanians wonder where Vice-President Philip Mpango has gone

    Some Tanzanians have expressed concern over the whereabouts of Vice-President Philip Mpango, who has not been seen in public for over a month. He was due at a science conference on Wednesday in Arusha but was instead represented by a cabinet minister. His disappearance from public view has...
  10. Doto12

    A country where English language is compulsory but agriculture is optional

    A country where English language is compulsory but agriculture is optional. They will endup speaking good English with empty stomach.
  11. D

    Where is SGR? 2 years delays? infrastructures?

    It’s 2023 , we have not progress kabisa In infrastructures . Leo kutoka Dodoma Dar ni shida. No buses no nothing . Yani natumia 12 hrs kwa bus . Kweli ? When. Will people work . Serikali hii vipi ? Wana fanya nini sasa? Au wengine Huko kuna kitu wanafanya? Maji shida? umeme shida? Usafiri...
  12. Meneja Wa Makampuni

    A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be

    1. A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be. 2. If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools. 3. Politics determines who has the...
  13. Mathanzua

    Discerning of the times: The Armageddon, What? Where? When? Why?

    In the New Testament,the word Armageddon is mentioned only once in Revelation 16:16.This will be the last battle between good and evil(Rev.16:14) before the Day of Judgement.It will be fought in Israel at the Valley of Megiddo,below Mt.Megiddo and hence the name Armageddon. Below is a complete...

    Tyson Ndunguru rafiki yake MC Joel wa (Tyzee SwahiliHood) aliyedaiwa amepotea apatikana

    Picha: Tyson Nduguru Pichani ni ndugu yetu/rafiki yetu anayefahamika kwa jina la TYSON NDUNGURU maarufu mtandaoni kama Tyzee SwahiliHood. Ndugu yetu tokea alivyotoka nyumbani kwake siku ya ijumaa ya tarehe 26/05/2023 hajarudi wala kuonekana nyumbani kwake hadi dakika hii tunapoandika tangazo...
  15. S

    Where is God?

    Mi najiuliza maswali mengi. Mungu Ni Nini, anataka Nini na Yuko wapi. Ukifuatilia historia ya binadamu tokea tukiwa wawindaji maporini miungu ilikuwepo. Wazee walikuwa wanaongoza vijana kwa kuwaambia kuwa Mungu anataka mfanye hivi, na hio miungu ilikuwepo pangoni ambapo wazee tu wanaingia...
  16. The Supreme Conqueror

    Maeneo 6 Duniani ambapo jua halizami

    6 places on Earth where the sun never sets! Our routine revolves around 24 hours a day, with around 12 hours of sunlight, and the remaining hours are night time. But, did you know that there are places across the world where the sun does not go down for more than 70 days? Imagine how...
  17. Bavaria

    When EU embargo comes, where will Russia sell its crude oil?

    MOSCOW, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Russia has ramped up oil shipments to Asia since Europe imposed sweeping sanctions, but still needs to re-route over a quarter of its crude exports away from Europe - or about 1.3 million barrels per day - when a full oil embargo hits in December. Russia exports...
  18. BARD AI

    History's most infamous dictators - where are they buried?

    Six feet Under ground Their stories fascinate us in the most terrible way. Cruel, violent, despicable revolutionaries and unquestionably megalomaniacs - where are the bodies of these dictators buried? Where should Franco's body be placed? The tomb of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco was...
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