
  1. Mwl.RCT

    The Garden of Vitality: Cultivating Health in a Fast-Food World

    The Garden of Vitality: Cultivating Health in a Fast-Food World Imagine a world where the average American consumes over 1,000 pounds of processed food each year. Now stop imagining – because that's our reality. This staggering figure isn't just a number; it's a stark reflection of our...
  2. H

    Wakuu naomba msaada kujua fee structure ya chuo cha Muhimbili College of Health and Allied Sciences.

    Habari wana JF, Husika na kichwa hapo juu. Naomba kufahamishwa ada ya diploma ya nursing kwa mwaka ni shilingi ngapi? Pia, gharama za hostel zao ni shilingi ngapi kwa mwaka na je, mwanafunzi anaweza pata hostel kwa miaka yote mitatu? Naomba kwasilisha, mnaojua mnisaidie!
  3. Jamii Opportunities

    Paramedic at Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS) July, 2024

    Paramedic Job Purpose: Responds immediately to emergency calls to deliver medical assistance. Evaluates sick or injured patient’s condition and offers treatment necessary before hospital admission. Transports patient to nearest appropriate medical facility in ambulance. Collaborates with...
  4. M

    SoC04 The future of occupational health of workers in Tanzania

    Occupational health relates to the impact health has on work and work has on health. Its objective is to prevent or reduce occupational health diseases developing such as asthma, hand-arm vibration and noise induced hearing loss. Sometimes the employee brings these conditions into work and...
  5. rais wako

    SoC04 Addressing the challenge of limited access to health services

    The story of change of a Tanzanian medical doctor addressing the challenge of limited access to health service and bridging the Gap by Integrating Telemedicine, Point-of-Care (POC) Diagnostics, and Community Health Workers (CHWs) to battle the Challenges in Tanzania Introduction In the heart of...
  6. Golden Elimeleck

    SoC04 Quality heart and kidney health to all Tanzanian under integration of Community Health Workers(CHWs) and Telemedicine

    Heart and kidney diseases are major health concerns in Tanzania, contributing significantly to the national burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases are responsible for approximately 13% of all deaths in Tanzania, while...
  7. rais wako

    SoC04 Addressing the challenge of limited access to health services

    The story of change of a Tanzanian medical doctor addressing the challenge of limited access to health service and bridging the Gap by Integrating Telemedicine, Point-of-Care (POC) Diagnostics, and Community Health Workers (CHWs) to battle the Challenges in Tanzania Introduction In the heart of...
  8. I

    SoC04 TANZANIA TUITAKAYO: Kuboresha Huduma za Afya kwa kutumia Vitengo vya Afya Vinavyotembea (Mobile Health Units)

    Utangulizi Katika kuiona Tanzania ya baadae yenye wananchi wenye nguvu na afya ni lazima tuweke kipaumbele cha upatikanaji wa huduma za afya kwa wananchi wote. Wazo moja la kiubunifu ambalo linaweza kuboresha kwa kiasi kikubwa huduma za afya, hasa katika maeneo yasiyo na huduma za kutosha...
  9. Paul samx

    SoC04 Comprehensive approach to address health challenges in Tanzania over the next decades

    Introduction. Tanzania, like many other developing countries, faces a unique set of health challenges. In order to address these issues, the comprehensive approaches that consider the social, economic, and political determinants of health are necessary. This article will explore the current...
  10. Tido The great

    Kwa anaejua Ada katika chuo cha primary health care institute Iringa

    Habari zenu Wakijuwa, Naomba kuuliza Kwa anaefahamu Ada katika chuo cha primary health care institute Iringa Ni sh ngap Kwa mwaka natanguliza shukrani
  11. Extraodinary Gynecx

    SoC04 Achievements of health status in Tanzania 🇹🇿 in the next five to ten years

    In order to achieve the desired health status in Tanzania in the next five to ten years, innovative approaches must be implemented to bring about significant benefits to our country. Tanzania faces various health challenges, including limited access to healthcare services, inadequate healthcare...
  12. I

    SoC04 Tha Tanzania we want: A vision for the future

    In the heart of East Africa lies Tanzania, a nation brimming with potential and vibrant dreams. It is the year 2024, and the country stands on the brink of a transformative journey that will redefine its future. This is the story of how Tanzania could embrace innovative and bold ideas to shape...
  13. D

    SoC04 Improving health services in Tanzania

    Improving health services in Tanzania, a country with a population of over 60 million people, requires a multifaceted approach. Here are ten strategies to enhance health services in Tanzania, each addressing different aspects of the healthcare system: 1. Increase Healthcare Funding and Budget...
  14. Mwl.RCT

    SoC04 Awakening the Minds of Tanzania: A 10-Year Vision for Mental Health Transformation

    I. Introduction: Awakening to the Untapped Potential What if every mind in Tanzania was a wellspring of creativity and innovation, propelling our nation towards unmatched prosperity? The Comptroller and Auditor General's (CAG) 2022-23 report reveals a starkly different reality: a staggering 99%...
  15. Mwl.RCT

    SoC04 Tanzania's Digital Shield: Securing a Nation's Health in 5 Years

    I. Introduction The dim light of the clinic barely illuminated Aisha's face, etched with worry. Her baby, normally so full of life, lay listless in her arms, his tiny chest heaving with each labored breath. The fever reducer she'd just given him, purchased from a street vendor out of...
  16. A

    Natafuta Vyuo vinavyotoa Course ya Commmunity Health

    Hivi course ya COMMUNITY HEALTH ipo na inatolewa kweli? Nimejaribu kufatilia vyuo vingi sijaiona. Naomba kama kuna mtu anajua chuo kinachotoa hii course tafadhali.
  17. Uhakika Bro

    SoC04 What if the nation really need is to breathe? We want a properly breathing Tanzania

    You find an idiot complaining about how its life is broken by the society/government/religion/lack of connection etc while they themself can not even do the least like breathing well for oneself! Anyway I am not here to preach to idiots. I am no preacher; I am a researcher. But I know the code...
  18. Shining Light

    Makonda suspends health officials over embezzlement allegations in Arusha

    In a public meeting on May 28, 2024, Makonda expressed surprise and concern over their continued presence in office. Arusha DC Director Selemani Msumi confirmed that the matter is now with security agencies, and Human Resources Officer Elizabeth Ngobei stated that the suspension letters had...
  19. Jamii Opportunities

    Finance Officer at Tindwa Medical and Health Services

    Job Summary Tindwa medical and health service is local registered company dealing with providing Emergency Medical Services, Waste and Environmental Management, Occupation Health and safety both local and international and Medical Supplies Services. Currently, it is looking for a volunteering...
  20. P

    SoC04 Tanzania we want, the one with effective and functional pre hospital care system leading to minimal lives loss due road traffic accidents

    INTRODUCTION. In Tanzania road traffic injuries causes almost 42% of all death due road traft accident ( TPF, 2016). Apart from deaths also leads to high burden of disability adjusted life years. Many of injuries and deaths are preventable. Many road traffic death occurs in pre hospital...
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