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  1. mkalamo

    Indian-origin astronaut Captain Sunita Williams and her fellow veteran NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore are set to fly into the ISS on the brand new space

    Washington, May 6 Indian-origin astronaut Captain Sunita Williams and her fellow veteran NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore are set to fly into the International Space Station (ISS) on a brand new spacecraft, the Boeing Starliner on Monday. The duo will launch into space from the Cape Canaveral...
  2. maroon7

    Kabla ya kujenga fly over Magomeni na fire panueni barabara Kimara - Ubungo

    Nimeshangazwa sana na huyu waziri kusema wanatafuta hela kujenga fly over magomeni na fire na sehemu zingine lakini cha kushangaza hawajagusia kabisa kupanua kipande sumbufu kwa foleni kutoka ubungo hadi kimara, na barabara ya mandela. Hivi jamani inahitajika hadi aje Tony Blair kutuambia hizi...
  3. DodomaTZ

    Daraja jipya la Kiyegeya limejengwa kwa teknolojia ya kisasa ambayo imetumika kujenga fly over ya Ubungo

    Mhandisi Musa Kaswahili ambaye ni Kaimu Meneja wa TANROADS Mkoa wa Morogoro anasema: "Machi 03, 2020 daraja lililokuwepo katika eneo la Kiyegeya lilibomoka kutokana na mvua kubwa iliyonyesha na kusababisha barabara hii muhimu ya kitaifa na kimataifa (Morogoro - Dodoma) kujifunga. "Serikali...
  4. Mathanzua

    #COVID19 WEF attendees and billionaires hire unvaccinated pilots to fly them to Davos. What do they know that we do not know about the vaccines?

    Word has been received that Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has banned pilots who are vaccinated for covid from flying globalist attendees to and from Davos, Switzerland for the group’s annual meeting. Because of the safety risks involved with flying a plane while fully...
  5. J

    Waziri Bashungwa alipongeza Jeshi kwa zoezi la Dragon Fly

    WAZIRI BASHUNGWA ALIPONGEZA JESHI KWA ZOEZI LA DRAGON FLY Waziri wa Ulinzi na Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa, Mhe. Innocent Bashungwa Mb) amepongeza mafanikio Zoezi la Kamandi ya Jeshi la Anga lijulikanalo kama ‘Dragonfly’ linalofanyika eneo la Mitwero mkoani Lindi. Ameyasema hayo wakati...
  6. MK254

    Travellers can now fly nonstop from Minnesota to Nairobi

    Kenyans living in Minnesota can now fly nonstop to Nairobi after the national carrier signed a code-sharing agreement with the US-based JetBlue airline to have passengers traveling to JKIA connect through New York. Minnesota is one of the cities in the US with the largest number of Kenyans, and...
  7. M

    Rais Zelensky wa Ukraine anapoomba NATO waweke "No fly zone" nchini Ukraine, je anajua athari yake kwa nchi yake? achilia mbali athari kwa NATO

    Kama kuna kichaa duniani leo ambaye anaweza kuitumbukiza dunia kwenye vita kuu ya tatu ni Rais na msanii wa kuchekesha Zelensky wa Ukraine. Kila kukicha anazililia nchi wanachama wa NATO waweke zuio la ndege yoyote kuruka nchini Ukraine. Hivi anaelewa matokeo yake? Kwa mawazo yake anadhani...
  8. MK254

    KQ receives nod to fly past New York in US

    Parliament has backed a Cabinet decision to amend the air services agreement between Kenya and America that will see Kenya Airways expand its route network beyond New York. Kenya Airways is currently operating scheduled passenger air services between Nairobi and New York. Kenya signed the deal...
  9. J

    Mfugale fly over, Daraja la juu la Kijazi, Magufuli Bus Terminal, Soko la Chifu Kingalu na Soko la Ndugai miradi iliyotukuka

    Ni miradi iliyofunguliwa na hayati Magufuli. Ni miradi yenye kumbukumbu nzuri katika kurahisisha shughuli za jamii kwa maeneo husika. Ni miradi itakayokumbukwa kwa muda mrefu. Nawasalimu kwa jina la JMT!
  10. J

    Mchungaji Matsai: Watanzania tunatambuana kwa Utanzania wetu na siyo Dini zetu, serikali ijenge fly over Jangwani!

    Mchungaji Matsai wa Kanisa la KKKT Kimara amewataka watanzania waendelee kuwa wamoja kwani nchi yetu haina dini ila watu wake ndio wana dini. Matsai amesema hayo mbele ya Waziri wa uwekezaji Prof Kitila Mkumbo na Naibu Spika Dr Tulia Ackson aliyeshiriki ibada Kanisani hapo. Kadhalika mchungaji...
  11. JF Marketer

    Qatar Airways Launches its First Exclusive Programme for Students Worldwide

    Qatar Airways has launched a global programme exclusive to students worldwide. Student Club is powered by the airline’s loyalty programme, Qatar Airways Privilege Club, and offers a range of benefits curated for students to support them throughout their educational journey. Members of Student...
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