tax evasion

  1. R

    SoC04 Building a tax-compliant society in Tanzania

    Tanzania is striving to create an economic environment that fosters a happy and prosperous life for its citizens. Achieving this goal requires effective management of the existing tax bases, recognizing that taxes are the lifeblood of a progressive nation like ours. Here are several innovative...
  2. R

    The urgent need for legislative alignment in Tanzania’s tax dispute resolution framework

    For more than two decades, Tanzania's tax disputes have been adjudicated by a structured system starting with the Tax Revenue Appeals Board (TRAB), followed by appeals to the Tax Revenue Appeals Tribunal (TRAT), and finally to the Court of Appeal of Tanzania (CAT). This process has been governed...
  3. R

    Walking the talk of President Samia’s call on tax evasion and the use of efd machines

    In her recent address on IDD-EL-FITRI day, President Samia Suluhu Hassan delivered a compelling call to action for all Tanzanians. She implored citizens to actively engage in preventing the evasion of lawful taxes and underscored the significance of employing Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFD) for...
  4. IAfrika

    Njama ya wanaokwepa kulipa ushuru Kenya kupitia Namanga kutoka bandari za Tazania watibuliwa

    The country is losing millions of shillings daily in a tax evasion scheme between Kenya Revenue Authorities employees and crafty importers. And as Sam Ogina reports importers and KRA officials at the Namanga border are now using fake import declaration forms to fraudulently allow trucks from...
  5. Wacha1

    2-Acacia Mining employees pay Tanzania $650,000 in tax evasion case

    UPDATE 1-Acacia Mining employees released from Tanzania jail Credit: UPDATE 2-Acacia Mining employees pay Tanzania $650,000 in tax evasion case By: Nuzulack Dausen and Helen Reid * Acacia Mining employees plead guilty to tax evasion * Courrt orders payment of $650,000 in compensation *...
  6. Samantha Cole

    Tanzanians are NOT surprised at the tax fraud in the UK

    By Samantha Cole of Tanzania Business Ethics Almost 1 in 5 of the biggest UK companies paid NOTHING last year and 5 companies even got a handout back from the taxman! We, in Tanzania, already learnt our lessons the hard way with Barrick Gold and Acacia Mining who succeeded for many years to...
  7. Samantha Cole

    Acacia seeks goodwill from villagers in Mara

    Report in The Citizen By Beldina Nyakeke The Acacia North Mara Goldmine acting general manager has called for peace and harmony between the mine and the host community. Currently, the mine is surrounded by a wall that separates the firm from the host community. Acacia mining is advocating for...
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