wake 4 rukhsa UK

Game Theory

JF-Expert Member
Sep 5, 2006
How long before it's okay to stone your wife to death for talking to another man so long as you married her in a country that allows it?


Muslim husbands with more than one wife to get extra benefits as ministers recognise polygamy
Husbands living in a "harem" with multiple wives have been cleared to claim state benefits for all their different partners.

A Muslim man with four spouses - which is permitted under Islamic law - could receive £10,000 a year in income support alone.

He could also be entitled to more generous housing and council tax benefit, to reflect the fact his household needs a bigger property.

Ministers have decided that, even though bigamy is a crime in Britain, polygamous marriages can be recognised formally by the state - provided they took place overseas, in countries where they are legal.

The outcome will chiefly benefit Muslim men with more than one wife.

Ministers estimate that up to a thousand polygamous partnerships exist in Britain, although they admit there is no exact record.

Potentially, the benefits bill for income support could reach £10m.

New guidelines on income support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) state: "Where there is a valid polygamous marriage the claimant and one spouse will be paid the couple rate (£92.80).

"The amount payable for each additional spouse is presently £33.65."

Income support for all of the wives may be paid directly into the husband's bank account, if the family so choose.

Chris Grayling, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said that the decision was "completely unjustifiable".

He added: "You are not allowed to have multiple marriages in the UK, so to have a situation where the benefits system is treating people in different ways is totally unacceptable and will serve to undermine confidence in the system.

"This sets a precedent that will lead to more demands for the culture of other countries to be reflected in UK law and the benefits system."

Mr Grayling also accused the Government of trying to keep the ruling quiet because the topic is so controversial.

Corin Taylor, research director for the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "British taxpayers are paying a record amount of tax so the Government has a duty to make sure that every penny is spent properly.

"Polygamy is not something which British law allows and therefore British taxpayers should not have to pay for extra benefits for second or third wives.

"If other countries sanction polygamy that is fine but the British taxpayer should not have to fund it."

Ministers launched a review of the benefit rules for polygamous marriages in November 2006, after it emerged that some families had benefited financially.

The review concluded in December last year with agreement that the extra benefits should continue to be paid. But the decision was not publicly announced.

Four departments - the Treasury, the DWP, HM Revenue and Customs, and the Home Office - were involved in the review, which concluded that recognising multiple marriages conducted overseas was 'the best possible' option. In Britain, bigamy is punishable by up to seven years in prison.

Islamic law permits men to have up to four wives at any one time - known as a harem - provided the husband spends equal amounts of time and money on each of them.

The DWP believes the number of people in polygamous marriages entering Britain has fallen since the 1988 Immigration Act, which makes it harder to bring more than one wife to the UK.

But, while a married man cannot obtain a spouse visa to bring a second wife into Britain, some multiple partners may be able to enter the country via other legal routes such as tourist visas, student visas or work permits.

Officials have also identified a potential loophole by which a man can divorce his wife under British law while continuing to live with her as his spouse under Islamic law, and obtain a spouse visa for a foreign woman who he can legally marry.

Immigration rules say entry clearance may not be withheld from a second wife where the husband has divorced his previous wife, and the divorce is thought to be one of convenience.

This is so, even if the husband is still living with the previous wife and to issue the entry clearance would lead to the formation of a polygamous household.

Muslim couples are only married in the eyes of the British state if they undergo a register office wedding as well as a Nikah, or religious ceremony.

Muslim groups say it is quite common for men here to undergo more than one Nikah with different wives. This does not count as bigamy since only the first marriage is legally recognised.

A DWP spokesman said: 'There are fewer than 1,000 polygamous marriages in the UK and only a small percentage of these are claiming social security benefit.

"We recently reviewed the rules regarding benefit payments to customers in a polygamous marriage, which conclude that the rules in place since 1987 provide the necessary safeguards to ensure there is no financial advantage for claimants in a valid polygamous marriage."
Sasa wale wenye nyumba ndogo wakiomba hizo benefits je watapewa?

Manake hata UK wenye nyumba ndogo ni wengi siku hizi!
Tusiwaonee wivu hao waislamu wenye wake wanne. Kwani ni matatizo mno hata wakiomba nyumba kubwa wake wote hao hawawezi kukaa pamoja. Itabidi mtu mwenye wake wanne aombe "apartments" nne kila mke na "apartment yake.Yeye atatakiwa kuzunguka kwa zamu kwa kila mke kama inavyotakiwa.
Tusiwaonee wivu hao waislamu wenye wake wanne. Kwani ni matatizo mno hata wakiomba nyumba kubwa wake wote hao hawawezi kukaa pamoja. Itabidi mtu mwenye wake wanne aombe "apartments" nne kila mke na "apartment yake.Yeye atatakiwa kuzunguka kwa zamu kwa kila mke kama inavyotakiwa.

Shughuli ipo hapo!
Ngoja eastern Europeans wasikie hiii..wataingiza ndugu zao wote UK...pound tamu...lol
Hizo benefits ndio silaha ya kuangamiza wahamiaji. Watu wanaoingia kwenye mfumo wa benefits sio rahisi kutoka huko, matokeo yake hizo tabia zinaenda kwa watoto na mpaka vijukuu.

Hizi nchi zina kazi nyingi, kuna watu wachache sana wanaohitaji benefits. Ukifanya kazi na kutengeneza pesa zako mwenyewe ni heshima hata kwa familia yako na pia hata watoto shuleni hawawezi kuwa abused kwa kusema baba au mama anashinda nyumbani tu.

Mimi kwa waswahili ninaowajua, ushauri wangu ni mmoja tu chapa kazi hata kama hailipi sana, social benefits ndizo zimewakwamisha hata ndugu zetu weusi huko USA.

Hata ukiwa na wake wanne si wakafanye kazi? Kama pato halitoshi basi punguza wake.
Any young and beautiful young musilms out there? Mke mkubwa yupo, nahitaji namba mbili, tatu na nne,popote ulipo nitakufuata ikishindikana nitatuma mshkaji wangu aniolee, just send me your photo.

Sasa watu wa Eastern Europe na hili vina uhusiano gani?

Mtanzania, ungekuwa umeishi Ulaya Magharibi (tunakoamini kwamba kumeendelea sana) ungekuwa umeshapata picha tayari ya nini Kapinga alimaanisha. Kwa kukuelewesha , kama ilivyo hapa JF ni kwamba, baada ya mipaka ya EU kupanuliwa na kuwaingiza Romania na Hungary, kumekuwa na wimbi la kutisha la wahamiaji kutoka Ulaya Mashariki wakielekea nchi zote za Ulaya Magharibi, hadi wenyeji washaanza kupiga kelele. Watu hawa kutoka nchi hizo wamechukua "manual labour" zote ambazo huzifanya kwa malipo ya chini kidogo na hivyo kuwa kadhia kwa wenyeji. Ukisoma magazeti ya nchi hizi za Ulaya magharibi, yamejaa malalamiko ya ubaguzi na uhalifu kuwahusu hawa wahamiaji kutoka huko Ulaya Mashariki, kwamba wanaongeza uhalifu. Ndio maana mie huwa nawauliza hawa walalamishi kwamba: Kama mlikuwa hamuwataki, kwa nini mlifungua mipaka?
Wahamiaji wengi hutoka nchi hizi.
1. Romania
2. Hungary
3. Poland
4. Lithuania
5. Estonia
6. Albania
7. Former Yugoslavia
8. Former Soviet Union

Wamejaa ni balaa na wanazaana bila mipaka, tofauti na wenyeji ambao huzaa watoto wawili ama watatu. Malalamiko ndio huanzia hapo!
Any young and beatiful young musilms out there? Mke mkubwa yupo, nahitaji namba mbili, tatu na nne,popote ulipo nitakufuata ikishindikana nitatuma mshkaji wangu aniolee, just send me your photo.


Kuna warembo wengi tu bikira Waislamu sema wanataka kuwa mke Mkubwa! Kama utapenda nikuunganishie mama mwenye umri kidogo aliyeachika ana 35 -je unasemaje?
Hii issue naona itaongeza idadi ya waislamu ghafla, hata sisi tusiokuwa na dini tutaanza kuvaa kanzu, barakashia na makobazi na misikitini kwa sana.More wives, more money- how can any man refuse this?

Kuna warembo wengi tu bikira Waislamu sema wanataka kuwa mke Mkubwa! Kama utapenda nikuunganishie mama mwenye umri kidogo aliyeachika ana 35 -je unasemaje?

Ahh.. Mzalendo mbona unabana? niletee hizo dogodogo bana, hilo dungayembe labda liwe la kuvutia hizo benefits tu.
Mtanzania, ungekuwa umeishi Ulaya Magharibi (tunakoamini kwamba kumeendelea sana) ungekuwa umeshapata picha tayari ya nini Kapinga alimaanisha. Kwa kukuelewesha , kama ilivyo hapa JF ni kwamba, baada ya mipaka ya EU kupanuliwa na kuwaingiza Romania na Hungary, kumekuwa na wimbi la kutisha la wahamiaji kutoka Ulaya Mashariki wakielekea nchi zote za Ulaya Magharibi, hadi wenyeji washaanza kupiga kelele. Watu hawa kutoka nchi hizo wamechukua "manual labour" zote ambazo huzifanya kwa malipo ya chini kidogo na hivyo kuwa kadhia kwa wenyeji. Ukisoma magazeti ya nchi hizi za Ulaya magharibi, yamejaa malalamiko ya ubaguzi na uhalifu kuwahusu hawa wahamiaji kutoka huko Ulaya Mashariki, kwamba wanaongeza uhalifu. Ndio maana mie huwa nawauliza hawa walalamishi kwamba: Kama mlikuwa hamuwataki, kwa nini mlifungua mipaka?
Wahamiaji wengi hutoka nchi hizi.
1. Romania
2. Hungary
3. Poland
4. Lithuania
5. Estonia
6. Albania
7. Former Yugoslavia
8. Former Soviet Union

Wamejaa ni balaa na wanazaana bila mipaka, tofauti na wenyeji ambao huzaa watoto wawili ama watatu. Malalamiko ndio huanzia hapo!

From Daily Mail: June 2007

Increased immigration and older mothers have triggered a baby boom, as figures released yesterday put official birth rates at a 26-year high.

One in five babies is born to a woman from outside the UK - an increase of 10 per cent in just one year.

But there was also a large rise in births to women in their late 30s and 40s, as more continued to delay motherhood in favour of a career.

The figures, from the Government's Office for National Statistics, reveal the average number of children per woman in England and Wales has risen to 1.87 - the highest rate since 1980.

Last year there were 669,531 live births - the highest since 1993 and a rise of 3.7 per cent from 645,835 in 2005.

Of these, nearly 147,000 babies - 21.9 per cent - were born to immigrant families, compared to 13 per cent in 1996, the year before Tony Blair came to power.

A breakdown of the figures show the most dramatic increase can be seen in the birth rate for women from the European Union. Since 2000, the birth rate for EU immigrants has more than doubled.

In the last four years, about 600,000 Eastern European immigrants have arrived in the UK from the eight nations which joined the EU in 2004.

They include Poland, which joined the Union in 2004, and Romania and Bulgaria, which were added this year.

There have also been big increases in the numbers of babies born to women from Pakistan, India, Africa and the Middle East.

Since Labour came to power in 1997, about 1.5million immigrants have moved to the UK, official figures suggest. There are no statisticsfor those who are here illegally.

The highest birth rates in any one area were recorded in Newham in East London, an area with a high migrant population and a non-white majority.

In Newham, each woman has an average of 2.56 children.

The lowest fertility rates were found in the North East, where each woman typically has 1.78 children..

"Immigrant groups have higher birth rates than the existing population.'

More details click here
Mtanzania, ungekuwa umeishi Ulaya Magharibi (tunakoamini kwamba kumeendelea sana) ungekuwa umeshapata picha tayari ya nini Kapinga alimaanisha. Kwa kukuelewesha , kama ilivyo hapa JF ni kwamba, baada ya mipaka ya EU kupanuliwa na kuwaingiza Romania na Hungary, kumekuwa na wimbi la kutisha la wahamiaji kutoka Ulaya Mashariki wakielekea nchi zote za Ulaya Magharibi, hadi wenyeji washaanza kupiga kelele. Watu hawa kutoka nchi hizo wamechukua "manual labour" zote ambazo huzifanya kwa malipo ya chini kidogo na hivyo kuwa kadhia kwa wenyeji. Ukisoma magazeti ya nchi hizi za Ulaya magharibi, yamejaa malalamiko ya ubaguzi na uhalifu kuwahusu hawa wahamiaji kutoka huko Ulaya Mashariki, kwamba wanaongeza uhalifu. Ndio maana mie huwa nawauliza hawa walalamishi kwamba: Kama mlikuwa hamuwataki, kwa nini mlifungua mipaka?
Wahamiaji wengi hutoka nchi hizi.
1. Romania
2. Hungary
3. Poland
4. Lithuania
5. Estonia
6. Albania
7. Former Yugoslavia
8. Former Soviet Union

Wamejaa ni balaa na wanazaana bila mipaka, tofauti na wenyeji ambao huzaa watoto wawili ama watatu. Malalamiko ndio huanzia hapo!


Mimi niko UK na nina taarifa za kutosha kuhusu watu wa Eastern Europe. Lakini nilichoandika ni je kuja kwao kuna uhusiano gani na hili la kuoa wanawake wengi pamoja na benefits?

Pia kusema wenyeji wanalalamika, inategemea ni wenyeji gani, kama ni mwajiri hasa wa viwanda vidogo vidogo kuja kwa watu wa Eastern Europe ni baraka kubwa. Wengi wa wanaolalamika ni wenyeji ambao hawafanyakazi na pia wenyeji waliokuwa wanafanya manual jobs ambao walikuwa wanacharge ile mbaya kwa kazi zao kwa mfano plumbers. Wao Waingereza wamejazana kila sehemu, kwanini walalamike wenzao wakija kwao?

Kuhusu kuzaa watu wanaosemwa ni pamoja na sisi weusi. Je wao huko waliko hamia mbona hawasemwi? Katika hao wanaosema moja ya tano wamezaliwa na mama ambao hawakuzaliwa hapa ni pamoja na watoto wangu ambao baba yao na mama yao tumelipa tax muda wote na hatujawahi kupata social benefits.

Pia kwa taarifa yako watu wa Eastern Europe hawazai watoto wengi. Wanazaa watoto wachache kuliko Waingereza. Wanaozaa watoto wengi ni watu wa middle East, Asia na Afrika.

Wakati mwingine stereotype bila kuwa na data za uhakika ndio mwanzo wa ubaguzi.
From Daily Mail: June 2007

Increased immigration and older mothers have triggered a baby boom, as figures released yesterday put official birth rates at a 26-year high.

One in five babies is born to a woman from outside the UK - an increase of 10 per cent in just one year.


Hao Daily Mail ni anti-migrants miaka na miaka. Huko nyuma articles zao zote zilikuwa kwa sehemu kubwa refugees na watu kama sisi ambao tulikuwa kwenye work permit.

Wana ubia na jamaa anaitwa sir Andrew Green ambaye alikuwa balozi Saudi Arabia na Syria. Sijui Waarabu walimfanyia nini ila ni wazi jamaa ni anti-migrants.

Wanatumia ukweli mdogo kutisha wananchi kuhusu wahamiaji wakati ukweli ni kinyume chake. Kwa mfano kwenye kundi la wenye work permit walikuwa wanasema, kupata vibali vya kazi ni rahisi mno, watu wakifika wanaanza kupata benefits, wakati ukweli ni tofauti, ilikuwa sio rahisi kupata workpermit na pia tulikuwa hatupati benefits mpaka baada ya miaka minne, kwasasa ni miaka mitano.

Baadaye wakaandama Wanafunzi, serikali ikawaambia wakizuia wanafunzi wa nje, itabidi taxes zipande maana hao ndio wanasaidia vyuo kujiendesha kwa
fees zao ambazo nyingi ni kuanzia pounds 8000.

MIaka ya 90 wakati wanatutaka walikuwa wanatumia kila njia tuje, walihitaji Engineers, nurses, doctors, sasa wanashangaa kuona idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa na mama kutoka nje ni moja ya tano? Wao wamejazana USA, tena wanaishi illegally, wamejazana Australia, Afrika na kwingineko.

Daily mail sasa wamehamia kwa watu wa Eastern Europe, ni ubaguzi huo huo. Wamekuja kwasababu wamewaruhusu kuja, kama hawawataki si wangesubiri mpaka hiyo miaka saba?

Kwa taarifa tu business za Waingereza kwenye hizo nchi za Eastern Europe ni kubwa zaidi ya interests za watu wa Eastern Europe hapa UK.

Ubaguzi ni ule ule whether umeelekezwa kwa mzungu au mweusi.
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