JF-Expert Member
- Oct 23, 2007
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As you can see it is a cross between the traditional with the little thatched kiosk and the modern with the concrete building. I think this may be pretty typical of much of Africa. Although the facilities at Emau Hill are limited - well there arent any, but there is a mobile phone signal which is more than can be said for my home village. So no running water - well unless you count the river, no electricity, no sewage but you can text the world. As you drive towards the city of Dar es Salaam every second billboard by the side of the road is for a mobile provider. There is a two year old report by the BBC which states that 97% of Tanzania has got mobile phone coverage. Fishermen from the island of Zanzibar take their mobiles out with them to check the prices in the markets. If the price is too high in Zanzibar, they sail to Dar es Salaam and sell their catch there.