

Jan 24, 2012
How to distinguish between a person who is a philosopher and a person who is being philosophical (au link ambayo nitaweza kupata msaada kwa hili)
A philosopher lives by (a) philosophy, while anyone can philosophize from time to time.

The test is consistency, does this person employ this philosophy throughout his life or only at certain times?

For example, Socrates made inquiry the centre of his life and philosophy (appropriately so, since philosophy is the love of knowledge and inquiry is the source of knowledge) so one can argue that Socrates was a philosopher since he was ever querying to get at the true nature of things, and not satisfied by outward appearances.

While many people may have chosen the path of inquiry from time to time, and hence be said to have philosophized at these times e.g pondering on the nature of existence and cosmogony is philosophical, but if this is done for some class and not throughout a person's life one can be said to have philosophized during this time, and the lack of a continuous consistency in this manner could be said to cast doubt on the validity of calling this person a philosopher.

So a philosopher worthy of the name philosophizes all the time, while even little children are prone to philosophize at a time or another, even while singing "twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are" simply due to the inquisitive nature of human existence.

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