What if Everybody Gave Up!

Mwafrika wa Kike

JF-Expert Member
Jul 5, 2007
Do y'all real wanna know?

If everybody gave up!

1. We wouldn't have had satelites
2. We wouldn't be driving convertibles
3. We wouldn't have had HD Technology
4. We wouldn't have had victoria secret
5. We wouldn't have had jet engines
6. We wouldn't have had the internet
7. We wouldn't have had our beloved baby - JF

Few days ago, somebody asked me to give up everything I do here at JF and move on with my life. Using Kolimba, Waryoba, Lamwai, and all those who gave in to CCM back in the days, He insisted that I make my decision sooner than later coz at the end of the day, I will be crawling back, kneeling down, crying like a baby to ccm leaders for their mercy.

Well, I was taught by my mama to always be respectful to senior citizens no matter what they do or say to me. I kindly asked the old guy to leave me alone for a while. In the process, I was thinking about Halima Mdee, Lucy Ngowi, Ms Nkya, Zitto, Mrema, Dr Slaa, Shariff, Mnyika, Raila Odinga, Barack Obama, and thousands of fighters with the same question ringing again and again in my mind. What will happen if all these people give up?

I know that am not of the Odinga's stature and will never try to compare myself with all these great people. I however had to ask for few more days (a week) from "grandpa" to think about this. Well, this happened last Sunday (which makes yesterday my last day). To my surprise, I still dont know all the answers to the question:

What if Everybody Gave Up?
I tried... it doesn't work.. that fire will keep burning until it burns somebody or it blows you up!..
Do y'all real wanna know? ... Few days ago, somebody asked me to give up everything I do here at JF and move on with my life.

What if Everybody Gave Up?

How about IF Every Government Official in Tanzania Gave up

1. Stealing from poor Tanzanians - left right and center
We would have afordable medication for malaria and food for all Tanzanians and my own mother would have not died of malaria.

2. Driving the most expensive cars not even affordable by civil servants in the first world
We would have free education for all Tanzanias and mass transportation for the poor workers !.

3.Hating those who talk of how corrupt the goverment is
We would have no PCCB nor Richmond or Buzwagi investigations nor Zitto's suspension nor deletion of JF's postings.

4. Corruption, nepotism, sleaziness, and self gratification

Need I say more ?
That Mzee must have been dillusional! If the price is right for MwK, we will have a 1001 MwKs in no time. Does he think RAs crumbs will buy them all?
If all you senior members of JF gave up then we (referring to myself) watoto wa 80's would not understand the politics of our country in such great detail that we see here (hii shule). So dont give up and keep it coming...nadhani sasa tunaanza kupata majibu ya maswali ambayo tumejiuliza miaka nenda rudi! kwanini nchi yetu tuipendayo kwa hali na mali maskini namni hii miaka 50 karibia baada ya uhuru ? kwanini watu hadi leo hii wanakufa na malaria? kwanini upataji wa kazi nyumbani ni mgumu mno? ASANTE JF kwa kutufumbua watajaribu kufunga hii forum lakini hawataweza kutufunga midomo!!tutawasha moto kwengine...the struggle will go on mpaka wenzetu (kaka, dada,bibi na babu zetu mikoani) the remaining 99% of tanzanians nao wafunguke na kuona!!!
I guess that oldman might be in negative growth!, not zama za vitisho anymore!

Hope he had no time to study the growth rate of JF members and visitor, for sure he will be mad! their days are numbered, hakuna kurudi nyuma ofcourse God is with us, kwani tu upande wa haki!.

No giving up until they surrender!
status quo ingeendelea na baadae mlipuko mkubwa utatokea
ambao unaweza kuifanya tanzania yetu ikapotea.
Mwafrika wa Kike,
I read somewhere this quote: "Some people see things as they are and asky why, but others see things as they could be and ask why not? In the latter group you find people like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela, John F. Kennedy and maybe someday, Mwafrika wa Kike.!
Wazee na lile Tabaka la Watawala au Viongozi limeingia kiwewe kwa kuona mwamko wa kimawazo na kiutendaji kutoka kwenye damu zetu.

Walivyokuwa wakikimbilia Utandawazi na eti nchi isiyo na mipaka katika mambo ya uzalishaji mali (kuruhusu hujuma), walisahau kuwa mtandao huo huo, utatukutanisha mimi na Kitila ambaye yupo UK, Lunyungu ambaye yupo Musoma kubadilishana mawazo na kuleta msukumo wa kujenga taifa.

Hawa wazee wanaogopa eti Legacy yao itapotea kwa nguvu za damu mpya. Huko ni kushindwa kwao kuwa wanafunzi wa historia na kukubali mageuzi!

Same dillema with black population in US today, wale wa Obama ni vijana kama sisi, Wazee ndio wamkimbilia Hillary na kutumia uzee wao kugawanya mawazo na kutishia kutenga jamii!

We shall overcome this and new blood rules!

MwK, kama huyu Mzee ni nduguyo, mwambie kuna makaka wengi ambao watakusaidia kujijenga. Hivi mbona anadai urudi CCM?
.. There are a lot of idiots among the ruling class.
If not the majority of them. Actualy most of them are cowards. They will never take make against their greed, never act responsibly and are never accountable for their actions, they will always find a scape goat, Sitta's case in point.

Since JKN I have never heard any leader in Tanzania make a statement such as this one " As the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, I have made this decision as the president and the buck stops here" Sijawa kusikia, utakuata jambo liko waazi alkini bado kamati za viini macho ziundwe the ....

Sijawahi kusikia wala kuona kiongozi yeyote akikubali kutumia madaraka aliyopewa kutetea haki ya wanyonge (Labda Lowasa kuwatukana ma DC), wala kiongozi yeyeote kujiuzulu kwa ajili ya kashfa ya aina yeyeote ile. Wa mwsiho alikuwa ni Dr. Hassy Kitine aliyejiuzulu baada ya Membe na Jenerali Ulimwengu kulivalia njuga swala ya matibabu ya mkewe Canada/USA ten years ago.

Lakini ikiwa ni issue ya mgao, waacha weee kivumbi, ndo utajua nini nguvu mpya, kasi mpya na wizi mpya pamoja na mbinu zake ... balaa!
watu ambao tumekuwa tunawa-admire, they never gave up.......our admirations and desires should not fade cowardly

Alunta Continua!!

MWK....go girl.....go girl!!..... and keep it up
Do y'all real wanna know?

If everybody gave up!

1. We wouldn't have had satelites
2. We wouldn't be driving convertibles
3. We wouldn't have had HD Technology
4. We wouldn't have had victoria secret
5. We wouldn't have had jet engines
6. We wouldn't have had the internet
7. We wouldn't have had our beloved baby - JF

Few days ago, somebody asked me to give up everything I do here at JF and move on with my life. Using Kolimba, Waryoba, Lamwai, and all those who gave in to CCM back in the days, He insisted that I make my decision sooner than later coz at the end of the day, I will be crawling back, kneeling down, crying like a baby to ccm leaders for their mercy.

Well, I was taught by my mama to always be respectful to senior citizens no matter what they do or say to me. I kindly asked the old guy to leave me alone for a while. In the process, I was thinking about Halima Mdee, Lucy Ngowi, Ms Nkya, Zitto, Mrema, Dr Slaa, Shariff, Mnyika, Raila Odinga, Barack Obama, and thousands of fighters with the same question ringing again and again in my mind. What will happen if all these people give up?

I know that am not of the Odinga's stature and will never try to compare myself with all these great people. I however had to ask for few more days (a week) from "grandpa" to think about this. Well, this happened last Sunday (which makes yesterday my last day). To my surprise, I still dont know all the answers to the question:

What if Everybody Gave Up?

Mwanamke Wa Kike:

Nina kitabu hapa cha Mahtima Gandhi. Kabla ya kufikia ngazi ya juu alijaribu ku-experiment vitu vingi kabla ya kujenga conclusion yake.

Unaweza kutuuliza maswali hapa lakini majibu yanaweza kuwa ya Mob psychology. Kwa mfano mtu kaiba kandambili, na watu wakaanza kumvukuza na kupiga makelele mwizi mwizi. Unaweza kunyanyua jiwe na kumpiga mwizi. Jiwe ulilotumia linaweza kumuua yule mtu. Ukilinganisha thamani ya kitu alichoiba na adhabu anayopata, unaweza kujikuta ni mob psychology tu ndio iliyokufanya kutumia nguvu hizo.

Tukirudi kwenye ninachotaka kusema. Gandhi alijaribu vitu vingi. Kwa mfano kupunguza gharama za alijaribu kuonyoosha nguo zake mwenyewe kitu ambacho alikuwa ajakifanya. Mwanzoni nguo zake zilikuwa za mikunjo. Alijaribu kuonyea nywele mwenyewe, na alikosea siku za mwanzo. Siku zilivyoendelea aliweza ku-master jinsi ya kupiga pasi na kunyoa nywele mwenyewe na kupunguza gharama za maisha.

Mfano mwingine mzuri ni wakati alipokuwa Afrika kusini kama wakili wa wahindi walifanyishwa kazi za kitumwa. Siku zote hawa watu walikuwa wanamfuata kile anachosema kwa sababu walikuwa wanaonewa na wazungu.

Kuna wakati magonjwa ya kuambukiza yalikumba miji huko Afrika kusini. Na moja ya njia ya kuzuia magonjwa ya kuambukiza ni usafi. Na maeneo waliuokuwa wanaishi wahindi wenye kufanyishwa kazi za kitumwa yalikuwa machafu. Gandhi kutokana na kupendwa kwake alichukua jukumu la kuwaelimisha muhimu wa usafi. Kilichotokea ni kuwa watu waliomsikiliza na kumpenda wakati anawawakilisha kuondoa ubaguzi wa wazungu, wakageuka kuwa maadui zake. Wakaona kama anawatukana vile.

Mimi hapa sio mwanaharakati na kuna wenzangu wengine wasiotaka kujitambulisha. Watu wa namna yangu ni sawa na watumwa wa-kihindi huko South Africa. Tutakusikiliza kwa sababu unapambana na Balali, Kikwete au Mkapa leo, lakini ukituambia tusafishe vyoo kwa sababu ya kipindupindu unaweza kupata majibu yatakayo kuvunja moja. Hivyo nakuomba jaribu ku-experiment approaches nyingine zaidi ya JF.

BM (Boyevaya Mashina)
As a matter of fact our current crop of leaders has given up completely. You need to have given up on any pretense of working for the common good if you get paid more than five million shillings a month and still find it necessary to steal to supplement that! I hear that the BoT Governor was being paid twenty five million shillings a month! It appears that there is no limit to the possession mania of those that have given up on the people.

Is it not elementary that those who steal elections have given up completely on democracy? Have they not completely given up on truth if they then continue to claim to be champions of democracy?

You must have given up on the people if you steal their votes as well as most of their tax money.

There is wealth under our feet and money in our central bank. Only leader that have completely given up on us would scramble for that so ferociously.
If everybody gave up, the world will cease to exist. That will be the beginning of the end of human race. That will be a sad day for Mpanda Merikebu and many others.

I am saying this because the world depends on us. If it weren't for Mandela and his comrades, SA would have been in apartheid. If it wasn't for MLK, to whom we celebrated his life yesterday, and others, then race issues would have been worse. If it wasn't for Mirambo, Meli, Mkwawa and others, Germans and Brits would have ruled Tanganyika for a little longer. If JF, Dr. Slaa and others had given up, Ballali would still be at the helm of our Central Bank.

There is more than a million reason for you or any other person to give up their pursuit. As an individual, you are unique and have an important role in our society. As a JF member, you are one of the positive axis of what we are striving for.

The old man might have some really good reasons for you to give up and follow his advise. However, these are his opinions and reasons and you have yours. I believe you're leading your life according to MwK...that should be it and the rest of us have to respect it. It's all about R.E.S.P.E.C.T

Obama's speech has just reminded me of this thread!

we owe it to our children....

what a powerful phrase!
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