Umoja wa Mataifa wapitisha azimio la kwanza la kimataifa kuhusu 'Artificial Intelligence' ili kulinda Haki za Binadamu

The Sheriff

JF-Expert Member
Oct 10, 2019

Baraza Kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa Alhamisi 21, 2024 limepitisha kwa pamoja azimio la kwanza la kimataifa kuhusu Akili Mnemba (Artificial Intelligence - AI), likiziomba nchi kulinda haki za binadamu, kulinda data binafsi, na kufuatilia kwa karibu teknolojia hiyo ili kubaini hatari zinazoweza kujitokeza.

Azimio hilo lisilokuwa na nguvu za kisheria, lililopendekezwa na Marekani kwa kusaidiana na China na mataifa mengine zaidi ya 120, lilichukua miezi mitatu kujadiliwa na pia linapigania kuimarisha sera za faragha.

“Leo, wajumbe wote 193 wa Baraza Kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa wamezungumza kwa sauti moja, na pamoja, wamechagua kuitawala teknolojia ya Akili Mnemba (AI) badala ya kuiruhusu itutawale," Balozi wa Marekani katika Umoja wa Mataifa Linda Thomas-Greenfield alisema.

Azimio hilo ni mojawapo ya mipango ya hivi karibuni ya serikali nyingi duniani kote kujenga maendeleo ya AI, huku kukiwa na hofu kwamba inaweza kutumiwa kuvuruga michakato ya kidemokrasia, kuchochea udanganyifu au kusababisha kupoteza kazi kwa kiasi kikubwa, miongoni mwa madhara mengine.

Mwezi Novemba, Marekani, Uingereza na nchi zaidi ya kumi na mbili zilitangaza makubaliano ya kwanza ya kimataifa ya kina kuhusu jinsi ya kuhakikisha usalama wa AI kutoka kwa watendaji wasiofuata sheria, wakihamasisha makampuni kuunda mifumo ya AI ambayo ni "salama kwa muundo."

Ulaya iko mbele ya Marekani, na wabunge wa EU wakipitisha makubaliano ya muda mrefu mwezi huu kusimamia teknolojia hiyo. Utawala wa Biden umekuwa ukishinikiza wabunge kwa sheria za AI, lakini Bunge la Marekani lenye mgawanyiko limefanya maendeleo madogo.

Kama serikali ulimwenguni kote, maafisa wa China na Urusi wanachunguza kwa juhudi kubwa matumizi ya zana za AI kwa madhumuni mbalimbali. Mwezi uliopita, Microsoft ilisema iliwakamata wadukuzi kutoka nchi zote mbili wakitumia programu ya OpenAI iliyoungwa mkono na Microsoft kuboresha ustadi wao wa upelelezi.


March 21 (Reuters) - The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday unanimously adopted the first global resolution on artificial intelligence that encourages countries to safeguard human rights, protect personal data, and monitor AI for risks.

The nonbinding resolution, proposed by the United States and co-sponsored by China and over 120 other nations, also advocates the strengthening of privacy policies.

"Today, all 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly have spoken in one voice, and together, chosen to govern artificial intelligence rather than let it govern us," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said.

The resolution is the latest in a series of initiatives - few of which carry teeth - by governments around the world to shape AI's development, amid fears it could be used to disrupt democratic processes, turbocharge fraud or lead to dramatic job losses, among other harms.

"The improper or malicious design, development, deployment and use of artificial intelligence systems ... pose risks that could ... undercut the protection, promotion and enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms," the measure says.In November, the U.S., Britain and more than a dozen other countries unveiled the first detailed international agreement on how to keep artificial intelligence safe from rogue actors, pushing for companies to create AI systems that are "secure by design."

Europe is ahead of the United States, with EU lawmakers adopting a provisional agreement this month to oversee the technology. The Biden administration has been pressing lawmakers for AI regulation, but a polarized U.S. Congress has made little headway.

In the meantime, the White House sought to reduce AI risks to consumers, workers, and minorities while bolstering national security with a new executive order in October.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said it took nearly four months to negotiate the resolution, but that it gave the world "a baseline set of principles to guide next steps in AI’s development and use."

Asked on Wednesday whether negotiators faced resistance from Russia or China, senior administration officials said there were "lots of heated conversations," but the administration actively engaged with countries with which it has different views.

Like governments around the world, Chinese and Russian officials are eagerly exploring the use of AI tools for a variety of purposes. Last month, Microsoft said it had caught hackers from both countries using Microsoft-backed OpenAI software to hone their espionage skills.

In response to the Microsoft report, China has said it opposes what it called groundless accusations while Russia did not respond to a request for comment.

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Reporting by Alexandra Alper; Editing by Lincoln Feast, Jonathan Oatis and Edwina Gibbs

Source: Reuters
Binadamu mara nyingine tumekuwa wapuuzi na tuna Ile trait ya self destructive behaviour, so far tushachelewa, tungesoma alama za nyakati maybe yangetuacha ila sasa the wrath is upon us, na binadamu anaenda ongozwa na AI.
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