To all women respect for you


JF-Expert Member
Nov 12, 2010
WOMEN have strengths that amaze men.
They carry children,
they carry hardships,
they carry burdens,
they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and
laugh when they are nervous.
They volunteer for good causes.
they bring food to shut ins.
They are childcare workers,
executives, attorneys, stay-at-home moms,
biker babes and your neighbors.

They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up for justice.
WOMEN walk and talk the extra mile
to get their children in the right schools and
for getting their family the right health care.

They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They do without new shoes so their children can have them.
They love unconditionally.
WOMEN are honest, loyal, and forgiving.
They are smart, knowing that knowledge is power;
but they still know how to use
their softer side to make a point.
WOMEN want to be the best for their family,
their friends, and themselves.
They cry when their children excel and
cheer when their friends get awards.
WOMEN are happy when they hear
about a birth or a new marriage.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They have sorrow at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
A WOMAN'S touch can cure any ailment.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
She can make a romantic evening unforgettable.
WOMEN come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.
They drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to
show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

WOMEN do more than just give birth.
They bring joy and hope.
They give compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
All they want back is a hug, a smile and for you to do the same
to people you come in contact with.
Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.
The beauty of a woman is seen from her eyes, because
that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty
in a woman is reflected in her passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!

Haya we! ya kidhungu na ndefu_ngoja nikachukue kamusi ntarudi_strengh of a woman(shaggy)
Hiki kithungu mwe..... ngoja naja kwanza
Ila so nice strength of a woman
Thank you
Hiki kithungu mwe..... ngoja naja kwanza
Ila so nice strength of a woman
Thank you

kamekaa vizuri,..ila seme tu wengi tutatoka nduki,..maake inabidi tusome kwa kidhungu na kufikiri kwa kikwetu_hapo sasa
darnchams, thanks so much. for once, after reading so much negative stuff on women and wives we get a positive feedback. this will get me going for a month,i promise u. thanks for also remembering chentutu. wadau, hebu tumieni google chrome.inatafsiri za ajabu bt u will get the message (uwii,kumbe nimeshasema kidhungu tena. maimuna!)
Inatia faraja kwakweli, thanks alot. Atleast I can get off my bed now!
do that my sister. do it very fast and walk shoulder high proclaiming the strength of a woman. you are strong people, you deserve all manners of respect.
darnchams, thanks so much. for once, after reading so much negative stuff on women and wives we get a positive feedback. this will get me going for a month,i promise u. thanks for also remembering chentutu. wadau, hebu tumieni google chrome.inatafsiri za ajabu bt u will get the message (uwii,kumbe nimeshasema kidhungu tena. maimuna!)
thanks too brother. you know what, when i think of a woman my heart is torn apart. she has amazing capabilities than a man. take a look at your fiancee or wife or your mother one whole day. concentrate on what she does and note down the events of the day and when you go to sleep note down what she does too to make a man happy then conclude your findings. i bet the next day you will wake up a changed person full of compassion for women.
1. you will never ignore the presence of a woman every time you walk by the roadside and you will find yourself saying hellow to any woman you come across.
2. you will give out your seat in a bus to allow a woman seat.
3. you will give a woman first priority in a voting queue.
4. you will allow a woman to go first in a health facility
5. you will allow a woman draw water first to assume other home responsibilities as you drug yourself behind
6. you will be ready to assist her kitchen chores, bathe the children as well as changing diapers without arguing
7. you will find yourself bringing two redds after yourself taking two in a bar,bring her favorite juice, flowers or cards to appreciate her good work
8. you will never becoming home late and always explain to her when you come late and the reasons
9. words of am sorry, please forgive me will always be streaming from your mouth whenever you upset her
Generally, you will realize that a woman has hidden capabilities and powers, they are makers of homes and deserves utmost due respect than what our forefathers used to think.
ww ulitakiwa uolewe na mwana kwetu, angekuanzishia uzi na uandike barua ya kujieleza,lol!
ushapika chai sasa?

hahahahahaaaaa! Sasa hiyo ingekuwa ndoa au ndoano? Mambo ya kuapishana na kusaini kwenye makaratasi ka tupo mahakamani nani anayaweza? Kwanza huyo ningemkimbia mapema manake angenipa majukum mazito mweeh! Mwenzako leo sina ratiba ya kunywa chai ati!
thanks too brother. you know what, when i think of a woman my heart is torn apart. she has amazing capabilities than a man. take a look at your fiancee or wife or your mother one whole day. concentrate on what she does and note down the events of the day and when you go to sleep note down what she does too to make a man happy then conclude your findings. i bet the next day you will wake up a changed person full of compassion for women.
1. you will never ignore the presence of a woman every time you walk by the roadside and you will find yourself saying hellow to any woman you come across.
2. you will give out your seat in a bus to allow a woman seat.
3. you will give a woman first priority in a voting queue.
4. you will allow a woman to go first in a health facility
5. you will allow a woman draw water first to assume other home responsibilities as you drug yourself behind
6. you will be ready to assist her kitchen chores, bathe the children as well as changing diapers without arguing
7. you will find yourself bringing two redds after yourself taking two in a bar,bring her favorite juice, flowers or cards to appreciate her good work
8. you will never becoming home late and always explain to her when you come late and the reasons
9. words of am sorry, please forgive me will always be streaming from your mouth whenever you upset her
Generally, you will realize that a woman has hidden capabilities and powers, they are makers of homes and deserves utmost due respect than what our forefathers used to think.
Thanx kwa hiyo namba 2. Wanaume wengi bongo hawana hiyo!
Thanx kwa hiyo namba 2. Wanaume wengi bongo hawana hiyo!
sio kupenda kwetu. wengi hatujafahamu fadhila za mwanamke. tungali tunazidi tu kushikilia mila na desturi za kizamani-mwanamke jikoni, pahali pake
yaan me ninyanyuke kabisaa kumpisha sister duh muosha kucha thubutu labda kibibi kizee,tena nakicheki kwanza kama hakipo 'stebo'

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