Ofisi ya Msajili Bodi ya Maabara Binafsi za Afya yasema inafanyia kazi Madai ya Maabara kutoa majibu ya Uongo

Roving Journalist

JF Roving Journalist
Apr 18, 2017

Bodi ya Maabara Binafsi za Afya ni chombo chini ya Wizara ya Afya kilichoanzishwa kwa mujibu wa kifungu cha 4 cha Sheria ya Usimamizi wa Maabara Binafsi za Afya ya Mwaka 1997 (Sura 136) kwa lengo la kusajili na kusimamia Maabara binafsi za Afya nchini.

Ofisi ya Msajili Bodi ya Maabara Binafsi za Afya imepokea taarifa iliyotolewa na Mtandao wa JamiiForum yenye kichwa cha habari “Baadhi ya maabara zinatoa majibu ya uongo ili zahanati ziuze dawa”. Ofisi ya Msajili Bodi ya Maabara Binafsi za Afya kwa kushirikiana na Bodi ya Ushauri wa Hospitali Binafsi, imepokea taarifa hii na tayari imeanza ufuatiliaji wa haraka na itachukua hatua kali kwa wote watakao bainika kufanya vitendo hivyo.

Bodi ya maabara binafsi kwa kushirikiana na wadau wengine imekuwa ikitoa mafunzo ya mara kwa mara ya Ubora wa Huduma za Maabara kwa Wataalam wa Maabara nchini, na tunawataka Wataalam wote kufanya kazi kwa weledi kwa kuzingatia Sheria, Taratibu na Kanuni za kitabibu.

Aidha Wizara ya Afya Mwezi Januari, 2024 imekamilisha miongoza ya upimaji wa vipimo vya maabara (Standard Operative Procedure) kwa ngazi zote na tayari imeanza kusambazwa kwenye ngazi zote za vituo vya kutolea huduma za Afya nchini.

Bodi inatoa wito kwa wananchi kutoa taarifa za vitendo hivi vya wataalam wanaotoa majibu yenye mashaka au ya uongo ili waweze kuuza Dawa kwa kupiga simu ya bure na 199 na kutoa taarifa.

Tunaendelea kuwakumbusha watumishi kwenye vituo vyote vya kutolea huduma za Afya, kuzingatia maadili ya taaluma zao ili kutoa huduma bora za uchunguzi wa magonjwa kwa wananchi, na kuleta ufanisi katika upatikanaji wa huduma bora za Afya nchini.

Pia soma: Wagonjwa wanapewa magonjwa ambayo hawana ili Zahanati ziuze dawa
==========For English Audience Only============​
Regulatory Measures Taken by the Health Laboratory Private Facilities Board in Response to Allegations of False Test Results

Recently it has come to light that various medical laboratories, health facilities and dispensaries provide inaccurate test results to patients so as to be able to provide prescription of antibiotics for the purpose of increasing sales in their businesses. This was a serious matter of that needed attention as such practices on public health is dangerous on the well-being of the community.

The Health Laboratory Private Facilities Board, established under the Ministry of Health in accordance with Section 4 of the Health Laboratory Private Facilities Act of 1997 (Chapter 136), which serves as a regulatory body responsible for registering and overseeing private health laboratories in the country has responded swiftly to this problem.

The Office of the Registrar of the Health Laboratory Private Facilities Board received this report from JamiiForums network. In response to these serious allegations, the Board, in collaboration with the Private Hospital Advisory Board, has initiated swift investigations and will take serious actions against those found engaging in such unethical practices.

The Health Laboratory Private Facilities Board, and collaboration with various stakeholders, regularly conducts training sessions on Laboratory Service Quality for healthcare professionals nationwide. The Board emphasizes the importance of adherence to medical laws, regulations, and procedures, urging all laboratory professionals to work with integrity.

In January 2024, the Ministry of Health finalized and disseminated Standard Operating Procedures for laboratory testing at all levels of healthcare facilities. This comprehensive guide aims to ensure uniformity and excellence in laboratory procedures across the country.

The Board encourages citizens to report any suspicious or false test results by calling the toll-free number 199. This initiative aims to involve the public in maintaining the integrity of healthcare services.

Healthcare providers are reminded to uphold professional ethics, providing quality diagnostic services to the public. The Board emphasizes the significance of ethical conduct in delivering efficient and high-quality healthcare services nationwide.​
Achana nao hawa waongo na huenda nao ni sehemu ya washiriki wa huo ukora, haya mambo yameanza miaka na miaka hasa hiyo taifodi kwani ni ngumu kuipata hivyo dawa zake hazitumiki mpaka zinakwisha muda wa matumizi.
Acha na hizo! Mgonjwa akipimwa kwenye maabara ya hospital binafsi huwa hapewi karatasi ya majibu yake Kama dawa hajanunua hapo.
Na hawana cha kufanya zaidi ya porojo tu, magonjwa mengi ni miradi inayolipa sana.
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