Game Theory

JF-Expert Member
Sep 5, 2006
Nahisi kuwa ndani ya JF ni mimi peke yangu nnayetazama this TV show

Yaani hawa watu mlioko states inaonekana kuwa mliopo JF eidha hamna Cable ya kukamata HBO au bado mnaendelea kuagiza cvd za ZE KEMODI toka bongo

haya nani kati yenu anatazama the wire?

by the way trailer ya season five imetoka jana hii hapa:

Now lets talk about THE WIRE
watu wa USA jamani mbona mko kimya?

STEVE D whats up man?

hivi jana ulitazama episode iliyonyeshwa ya season 5?

MARLOW anaimaliza BALTIMORE yote

keshamwondoa Proposition Joe

watu wa USA jamani mbona mko kimya?

STEVE D whats up man?

Ooooya masela wewe... aise mshirika siwezi kukupiga fix hapa... kwa kweli sijazikamia hizi series...najua ulitaka tuanze kuziangalia kipindi kile ulichobadili jina.. daah, itabidi tu tuishie kuona via youtube... wewe tupatie links tu, tutazicheck... si unajua tena, wengine tuko mbali na SLINGBox catcher zetu wala hazifanyi kazi huku.. lol
Nadhani nyie watu wa States mnaweza kuitazama on demand...anyway ngoja niwa dropie links za season ya Kwanza

I still cant believe kuwa mko nyuma hivi mimi siko states lakini niko uptodate na episode zote

lakini inawezekana kazi zimewatinga sana...btw OBAMA mwenyewe alisema kuwa his favorite show ni THE WIRE
TV is so 1984, they program stuff for you and shove it down your throat.

Kwangu ni mwendo wa Netflix na the net where one can get a more personal selection and even a user generated selection.
True hata mimi huwa natazama hizi series online


SOPRANOS etc etc

Juzi nilitazama EPISODE 9 ya series hii ya Mwisho MIKE kamwondoa SNOOP

Juzi nilitazama EPISODE 9 ya series hii ya Mwisho MIKE kamwondoa SNOOP

Wee Thugnificent,

Next is McNulty ataondoka maana Kema kamchomea. Cheese naye kama sitakosea Slim atampopoa!

Sad Omar was taken out!
REV KISHOKA nilikuwa nina struggle na hiii thread na jamaa wachache lakini nimeamini kuwa wewe na mimi tuko kwenye chapter moja maana jinsi uliyoelezea ni kama vile mzee huachi jumatatu ikakupita hivi hivi bila HBO

Anyway mambo yote yako hapa sasa mnaweza kucatch up na episodes zote

Dont wanna spoil wakati wengi hamjaitazama

True that mimi nipo UK lakini na banana na hii show..i have collected 3 seasons now..ngumu kidogo kupata madukani...its favourite character is Russell "Stringer" Bell (Mr. Straight A's in Economics)..mafisadi bongo wangechukua kozi kwake..jamaa na cover tracks ki
Alright ya'll saw how it ended, here's Entertainment Weekly Top 15 moments on The Wire. You be the judge.

The Wire | 'The Wire': 15 Brilliant Moments | The A-List | Photos |


Season 1, Episode 3

D'Angelo tries to teach Wallace and Bodie the game of chess. ''This,'' he says, kissing a piece, ''is the king pin, aiight? He the man.'' The boys figure Avon for their King, Stringer the Queen, and the Castle the drug stash. ''These are the pawns, they like soldiers,'' says D'Angelo. ''They be out of the game early.'' All three boys are dead by series' end.


Season 1, Episode 4

Watching Bunk, chomping on his cigar, and McNulty methodically work a crime scene was one of The Wire's richest pleasures. In the victim's kitchen, their whole dialogue is one variation or another on a most satisfying swear word. Actors Wendell Pierce and Dominic West, brilliant both of them, make it sound like Shakespeare. Suck on this, network crime procedurals.


Season 2, Episode 11

Frank, a ruined lion of a man, scrambles to make a wretched mess right. On his frantic nephew's urging, Frank drives to meet the Greek under the bridge to strike a deal that will save his son. The scene cuts from Frank smoking a cigarette, to a crooked fed, to the Greek getting a phone call, to Frank's walk to certain doom. Awful stuff.


Season 1, Episode 12

Bodie and Poot, on Stringer's orders, have to kill their friend Wallace. It's a cruel death — all the more so because Wallace whimpers for the mercy of his friends — of a boy who made school lunches for the kids in his house and wasn't fit for the corner. Wire fans were put on notice that their favorite characters were always vulnerable


Season 2, Finale

The montages are what will keep you up at night. Every season ends with a jaw-dropper, but if forced to pick, you gotta go with this one, set to Steve Earle's ''I Feel Alright.'' From shots of the stevedores' seal of brotherhood to drunken out-of-work men on the streets, from mournful Beadie to broken Nicky in the drizzle, it's a killer.


Season 3, Episode 11

Omar whistling ''A-Hunting We Will Go'' down an alley at night is already magic. Cut to Brother Mouzone (or Bow Tie, as Omar calls him) appearing out of nowhere, ready for a duel. ''I admire a man with confidence,'' says Mouzone. ''I don't see no sweat on your brow neither, bro,'' responds Omar. Men with codes.


Season 3, Episode 11

Just a couple of old friends, brothers really, reminiscing over a good view and booze. ''I told your ass not to steal a badminton net!'' Avon remembers telling Stringer when they were kids. The love flowing back and forth is really a goodbye, as Avon knows he's setting his friend up. ''Us, motherf---er,'' he says, hitting Stringer's fist. ''Us, man.''


Season 3, Episode 11

Omar and Brother Mouzone, now partners, corner Stringer in his building, where he was supposed to at last taste business credibility. ''I ain't involved in gangster bulls--- no more,'' Stringer swears, not realizing how wrong he is. Omar informs him of Avon's betrayal. ''Well, get on with it, mothe...'' Stringer says, and the two men take him out.


Season 4, Episode 8

Baltimore, from the accent on up, is every bit a starring character. When Chris and Snoop are trying to ferret out interlopers trying to take over their territory, he tells Snoop to ''ask a Baltimore, Who Young Leek be?'' Snoop doesn't get his reference to local club music or the Big Phat Morning Show. ''You ain't right, girl. The average Baltimore n----- gonna know all that s---.''


Season 4, Episode 11


Fans can argue that a frustrated Carver beating his fists into his steering wheel is the real gut-punch. But the scene of him finding Randy in the hospital, stunned after the unnecessary death of his foster mother, will rattle your bones. ''You going to look out for me, Sergeant Carver?'' Randy yells down the hall. ''You promise? You got my back, huh?"


Season 4, Episode 9

Bunny takes a few corner kids to Ruth's Chris as a classroom reward. The kids, thrown off by the hostess and hushed conversation, by the waitress bleating about chanterelles, swing from preening exuberance to alienation. Afterwards, Bunny uses Zenobia's wind-up Kodak to take a shot of the restaurant awning, but the kids no longer want to be part of the picture.


Season 4, Episode 12

Dukie, the lamb of the series, is ripped from Prez's classroom, where he mastered the computer and depended on the teacher for sandwiches and clean laundry. To thank him, Dukie shows up to school with a Christmas present, a pen set, in a sad gift bag. Prez, powerless, realizes the boy is bound now for the streets.


Season 4, Episode 12

Bodie, after working the corner since he was 13, realizes he's an old man. The game has changed, and he can't adapt his rules of behavior. ''Hell yeah, this is my corner,'' he yells into the shifting night, knowing Chris and Snoop are coming for him. ''I ain't running nowhere!'' A soldier falls, with two shots to the head.


Season 5, Episode 9

You have to clutch any moment of triumph to your breast on this show. Bubbles, after suffering mightily for four brutal seasons, celebrates his year anniversary of sobriety. ''Ain't no shame in holding on to grief,'' he says. ''As long as you make room for other things, too.'' Remember that when you gear up for rewatching The Wire on DVD.


Season 5, Episode 9

Michael, realizing he's fallen out of favor, pulls a gun first on Snoop. The woman, sociopathic in her bemused approach to killing, maintains the same composure in her final moments. ''How my hair look, Mike?'' she asks, running a palm over her braids. ''You look good, girl,'' says Michael, before he kills a woman he fears and respects.
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