

Apr 23, 2008
Let us discuss negative effects caused by alcohol in our society. Despite that the alcohol industry pays huge tax, the government foot further huge cost to what has been caused by alcohol. Individuals suffer most as negligence to regulation prevails, social responsibilities ignored and safety not given attention.
Let us discuss negative effects caused by alcohol in our society. Despite that the alcohol industry pays huge tax, the government foot further huge cost to what has been caused by alcohol. Individuals suffer most as negligence to regulation prevails, social responsibilities ignored and safety not given attention.
Remember Liquor is healthy when taken in specified quantity, but quantity increases with time(-:D).
Any way
Your right, but its is culture which have been cultivated for long time. No function or gathering without liquor, i am not taking only TBS standardized!, even local brewed. It will be a tough exercise to eliminate this. I suggest the same steps which have been used against tobacco industry should be apply
How could it be possible that liquor is healthy when taken in specified quantity?
I think the way u have started this thread is wrong..why have u stated that we should discuss the negative,why not the negative and positive of Alcohol?

Its always good to take alcohol not more that one little before 23hrs if ur going to work the next morning day.

Because u will not get enought time to sleep if you sleep after those hrs.

Beer alway help blood to Synchronized the brain.

Viva breweries...
Mzee Mwanakijiji....yes! Sisi ndio wa Good Templars. Angalia huko Marekani walivyo strict na madereve walevi bila kujali wana wadhifa gani serikalini. Huko ni kuokoa maisha.

Congressman arrested for DWI[/COLOR][/B]
Posted: 04:40 PM ET
Fossella was arrested for driving while intoxicated.
Fossella was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

(CNN) - New York Rep. Vito Fossella was arrested overnight for driving while intoxicated, the Washington Post first reported.

In a newly released statement, Fossella said he made an "error in judgment."

"As a parent, I know that taking even one drink of alcohol before getting behind the wheel of a car is wrong," Fossella said. "I apologize to my family and the constituents of the 13th Congressional District for embarrassing them, as well as myself."

Fossella, a Republican, was stopped while driving in Alexandria, Virginia - a suburb of Washington, D.C.

The Post says court records show Fossella is scheduled to appear in Alexandria General District Court on May 12 for an advisement hearing.

Fosella has served in Congress since 1997.
pombe is good always,,my homeboy, my dawg and true homie Jesus (yesu) alibadilisha maji yakawa mvinyo (pombe) ili watu wafurahi...Ingekua mbaya nadhani angabadilisha hayo maji yakawa ya bariiiiiiidi ili yakate kiu haraka lakini akaona no,,,ili watu wafurahi ni razima wapate mvinyo
IOGT, disarray post removed. Have a good day !
Dear Nyerererist,
I agree with you that according to scriptures Jesus changed water to wine.
Can you give me statistics of how many men went to beat their wives after that event as it is today? Alcohol contributes much to domestic violence if you are not aware.
Can you tell me how many cars crashed when people went home after taking wine made by Jesus? Alcohol contributes much to road accidents if you are not aware.
Lastly, can you tell me how many went and have unprotected sex after the Cana wedding?

We live in different times, why can't we tell people to be responsible; whether they drink or not?

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