Thanks kwa ElimuUngependa kujua nini? It is a functional programming language, very powerful for writing fault tolerant applications(the best at this i believe, Erlang applications never crash, it was written mainly to power telecommunications systems, whatsapp is written in Erlang).
It is not as hard as the other guy(stormryder ) said, only that you need to get your head around functional programming. I recommend a book Programming Erlang by the Pragmatic Programmers and Learn yourself some Erlang for the greater good. I learned Erlang from those two books.
There's another Language which is even better, it is Elixir. Elixir leverages BEAM, the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems. If you come from a Ruby/Python background, Elixir was written by a guy who is still a Contributor to the Ruby/Rails Programming Language, so he took all the best features of Ruby (elegance,beautiful syntax, easy to read code etc) and all the best features of Erlang(functional programming, concurrency, parallel programming, compiled, fault tolerant etc etc ) and made Elixir. Just the other day, somebody tweeted "Elixir makes Nodejs feel like PHP"
In my opinion, functional programming is going to dominate the future so if you're really interested i'd suggest you start learning yourself some Erlang/Elixir. Elixir, Go & Rust are the future of server & systems programming. - my opinion.
hanks ningependa ide inayotumikakatika erlangUngependa kujua nini? It is a functional programming language, very powerful for writing fault tolerant applications(the best at this i believe, Erlang applications never crash, it was written mainly to power telecommunications systems, whatsapp is written in Erlang).
It is not as hard as the other guy(stormryder ) said, only that you need to get your head around functional programming. I recommend a book Programming Erlang by the Pragmatic Programmers and Learn yourself some Erlang for the greater good. I learned Erlang from those two books.
There's another Language which is even better, it is Elixir. Elixir leverages BEAM, the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems. If you come from a Ruby/Python background, Elixir was written by a guy who is still a Contributor to the Ruby/Rails Programming Language, so he took all the best features of Ruby (elegance,beautiful syntax, easy to read code etc) and all the best features of Erlang(functional programming, concurrency, parallel programming, compiled, fault tolerant etc etc ) and made Elixir. Just the other day, somebody tweeted "Elixir makes Nodejs feel like PHP"
In my opinion, functional programming is going to dominate the future so if you're really interested i'd suggest you start learning yourself some Erlang/Elixir. Elixir, Go & Rust are the future of server & systems programming. - my opinion.
hanks ningependa ide inayotumikakatika erlang
hero7 Learn you some Erlang for Greater Good is also freely available on the web Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!Ok thanks
thankshero7 Learn you some Erlang for Greater Good is also freely available on the web Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!