
Darwinism and Racism
The complete title of Darwin's most famous work, often abbreviated to The Origin of Species, was The Origin. of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. As Koster notes about Darwin's view on race, he:

'never considered "the less civilized races" to be authentically human. For all his decent hatred of slavery, his writings reek with all kinds of contempt for "primitive" people. Racism was culturally conditioned into educated Victorians by such "scientific" parlor tricks as Morton's measuring of brainpans with BB shot to prove that Africans and Indians had small brains, and hence, had deficient minds and intellects. Meeting the simple Indians of Tierra del Fuego, Darwin wrote: "I could not have believed how wide was the difference between savage and civilized man; it is greater than between a wild and domesticated animal . . . Viewing such a man, one can hardly make oneself believe that they are fellow creatures and inhabitants of the same world."44

Darwin's belief that some races (such as blacks) were inferior to others became so widely accepted that, as Haller concluded: 'the subject of race inferiority was beyond critical reach in the late nineteenth century.45 Although Darwin opposed all forms of slavery, he did conclude that one of the strongest evidences for evolution was the existence of living 'primitive races' which he believed were evolutionarily between the 'civilized races of man' and the gorilla:

'At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time, the anthropomorphous apes. . . will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla. ... It has often been said ... that man can resist with impunity the greatest diversities of climate and other changes; but this is true only of the civilized races. Man in his wild condition seems to be in this respect almost as susceptible as his nearest allies, the anthropoid apes, which have never yet survived long, when removed from their native country.' 46

The missing link wasn't missing but, many evolutionists of the time concluded, lived in Australia and other faroffplaces.47 The existence of some living races was openly viewed as irrefutable evidence of a graduation of living creatures 'linking' humans to the monkeys (or today 'to our common primate ancestor'). This 'scientific conclusion' was interpreted as compelling evidence for evolution, thus a large number of biology textbooks of the time discussed the 'hierarchy of the races' topic.

The man who some regard as the actual modern 'discoverer' of evolution by natural selection, Alfred Russell Wallace, also espoused essentially the same idea.48 In his words,

'the weak dying was necessary to improve the race because in every generation the inferior would inevitably be killed off leaving the superior-that is, only the fittest would survive.'49

This was the essence of Darwinism, and race differences and fitness of these differences (racism) was at its core.

Although Darwin was far less racist than many of his disciples, especially Spencer, Haeckel, Hooton, Pearson, and Huxley, his theory provided the basis for the latters' extreme racism. As Poliakov 50 noted, Darwin's primary spokesman in Germany, Ernest Haeckel, was 'the great ancestor' of Nazi biology theoreticians. Importantly, Darwin did little to oppose this conclusion which spread like wild-fire from his works.51 Since Darwin's writings were critical in the development of evolutionary theory, his thoughts on the application of his theory of racism are crucial to understand how the racism theory spawned. Although he was known as a kind and gentle man, Darwin openly gave his support to eugenic ideas which gradually won acceptance in the scientific community, both in Europe and the United States. Darwin, evidently highly influenced by his early theological and religious training, said:

'I have always maintained that excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work.'

Later, convinced that the eugenic theory was valid,

'In The Descent of Man, Darwin canonized Galton with the words; "we now know, through the admirable labours of Mr Galton, that genius . . . tends to be inherited.' 52

By the beginning of the 19th century, every discussion of social problems was permeated with 'scientific notions of class [and] race,' and that

'nearly every one of these theories had some practical applications as its corollary: political, social or cultural; and meanwhile biological research, anthropology and the science of language had intensified, not abated, the use of "race thinking".' 53

Even Chambers in his classic Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, about which Darwin said that without this book he might never have written The Origin of Species, concluded that the Negro was 'at the foot of' the Mongol, the Yellow race between, and Caucasians at the top.54 Chambers himself taught that the 'various races of mankind, are simply . . . stages in the development of the highest or Caucasian type. . .' and that the Blacks were the least developed, and the Caucasians were the highest, most evolved race.55

Racism Based on Biology
People have always tended to assume they were better than those who were culturally different, but most ideas of biological racial inferiority are fairly recent. Since up to the time of Darwin it was almost universally regarded that all humans were descendants of Adam and Eve-a view called monogenism-most concluding that all humans must literally be biological brothers. Although some individuals developed ingenious hypotheses to justify the conclusion that Blacks were inferior, such as God created them as a separate race (some concluded that the 'beasts of the earth ' discussed in Genesis was the Black race) this view has never held much weight in historical Christian theology, Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox.56-60 As Proctor opinioned:

'Prior to Darwin, it was difficult to argue against the Judeo-Christian conception of the unity of man, based on the single creation of Adam and Eve. Darwin 's theory suggested that humans had evolved over hundreds of thousands, even millions of years, and that the races of men had diverged while adapting to the particularities of local conditions. The impact of Darwin's theory was enormous.' 61

Consequently, until the middle 1800s, most Westerners believed that all humans were descendants of Adam and Eve, thus we are all brothers. Up until the widespread acceptance of evolution, the only justification for racism was the belief that God cursed certain groups or created other Adams who were inferior-a view called polygenismn -which could be identified by physical traits such as skin colour, or that some groups degenerated biologically more than others-but were still our brothers. As Gould notes, 'nearly all scientists were creationists before 1859, and most did not become polygenists', 62 and Walbank and Taylor conclude:

'. . . Darwinism led to racism and anti-semitism and was used to show that only "superior" nationalities and races were fit to survive. Thus, among the English-speaking peoples were to be found the champions of the "white man's burden" an imperial mission carried out by Anglo-Saxons. ... Similarly, the Russians preached the doctrine of pan-Slavism and the Germans that of pan-Germanism.' 63

On the question of racism and Christianity, especially as exemplified in Germany, Sir Arthur Keith stated that:

'Christianity makes no distinction of race or of color; it seeks to break down all racial barriers. In this respect the hand of Christianity is against that of Nature, for are not the races of mankind the evolutionary harvest which Nature has toiled through long ages to produce? 64

The racism which developed from the theory of evolution was by no means confined to Blacks. One of the leading American eugenicists, Charles Davenport, founder and director of the prestigious Cold Spring Harbor Biological Laboratory, concluded that Black Americans were below Caucasians-but so were several other groups. Among the groups that he included were 'the Poles, the Irish, the Italians, and . . . the Hebrews' and even the Serbians, Greeks, Swedes, Bohemians.65 He attributed a wide variety of negative racial characteristics to each different group: Poles tended to be independent although self-reliant, the Italians tended to commit crimes of personal violence, the Hebrews were a mixture of slovenly Serbians and the tidy Swedes, and the Germans and Bohemians were given to 'thriving'. He was concerned that the immigrants then flooding the United States would rapidly cause the American population to become darker in pigment, smaller in stature, and more involved in crimes of larceny, kidnapping, assault, murder, and rape.

Davenport taught that a woman should not marry a man without a thorough knowledge of his biological and genealogical history. He felt a woman should act like a stock breeder who carefully checks the pedigree of a potential sire for his colts or calves. Davenport argued that the state should control who is able to breed, reasoning that if the state had the right to take a person's life, surely it could deny permission to reproduce. As a highly respected scientist, Davenport's ideas were highly influential at the time and no more radical than those advocated by many other scientists and intellectuals. In the late 1930s, the policies that Germany, then the most advanced nation in the world, was advocating were very similar.

The two races most often compared are the 'Caucasian ' and 'Negroid', now commonly called the 'white' and 'black' races. The dominant western cultural ethos, that whites were 'superior ' and blacks 'inferior' and more 'ape-like', was commonly reflected in science books published from 1880 and 1980. The textbook drawings which depict our supposed immediate ancestors, such as Homo erectus and Homo habilis, typically have very pronounced Negroid race characteristics including dark skin, kinky hair and Negroid facial features. Modern man (Homo sapiens), though, is often pictured as having light skin, straight hair, a flat forehead, a narrow nose and small lips.66 Most of the drawings of 'ape-men' and early humans even today still show pronounced Negroid traits (for examples see Time Life, The Neanderthals,67 and Early Men,68 April 1984 Science 84 cover). In addition, the fact that certain Negroid facial features are closer to the facial characteristics of many primates (the kinky hair, flat-nose, large lips, and sloping forehead, as well as the cheek and jaw-bone construction) has lent superficial support to this contention. The Caucasian race would for this reason be more evolutionarily 'fit', meaning it was a 'superior' race. As the major survival element in human evolution is intelligence, the conclusion that the higher evolved race, the Caucasians, possessed a superior intelligence was uncritically accepted for decades. Differences in intelligence were viewed as the key factors in human evolution because mind was a major factor of survival, and thus of selection.

The belief that evolution normally produced racial inequities was often noted, even exemplified, in the standard biology textbooks published around 1900. The popular American high school biology textbook by Hunter, titled A Civic Biology,69 in the section on evolution under the subtitle 'The Races of Man', stated that

'at the present time there exists upon the earth five races or varieties of man, each very different from the other in instinct, social customs, and to an extent, in structure. '

The five races were then ranked from inferior to superior as follows:

'There are the Ethiopian or Negro type, originating in Africa; the Malay or brown race, from the islands of the Pacific; the American Indian; the Mongolian or yellow race, including the natives of China, Japan and the Eskimos; and finally, the highest type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America.' 70

The textbook states that the 'highest' race is the Caucasians, who are specifically 'higher' developed in terms of 'instincts, social customs, and . . . [physical] structure.' 71 This book, widely adopted by American public high schools for over 30 years, was the text John Scopes used when he was a substitute biology teacher and was later convicted of violating the Butler Act, the law against teaching evolution in public schools. Also, typical of the views of the educated at this time is an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica which, under the heading 'Negro', stated:

'By the nearly unanimous consent of anthropologists this type occupies ... the lowest position in the evolutionary scale . . . the cranial sutures . . . close much earlier in the Negro than in other races. To this premature ossification of the skull, preventing all further development of the brain, many pathologists have attributed the inherent mental inferiority of the blacks, an inferiority which is even more marked than their physical differences . . . the development of the Negro and White proceeds on different lines . . . in the former the growth of the brain is . . . arrested by the premature closing of the cranial sutures ... The mental [differences] are at least as marked as the physical differences . . . No full blooded Negro has ever been distinguished as a man of science, a poet, or an artist . . .' 72

Moser, in reference to the above quote, argued that:

'... as to whether the Negroes in America have produced any great men ... the Encyclopaedia Britannica, edition of 1903 [claims that they have not]: the 1970 edition does [not] make this admission. '

Then Moser adds that it is his conclusion that

'. . . American Negroes that have made contributions to various fields, sports, science, etc., but. . . It is only that Negro that has a mixture of white genes in his system that has risen to the level where he has produced on the level with the white race.73

The man primarily responsible for the widespread acceptance of evolution in the 19th century, Thomas Huxley, wrote soon after the black slaves were freed that:

'No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that the average Negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the white man. And, if this be true, it is simply incredible [to assume] that, when all his disabilities are removed, ... he will be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smaller-jawed rival, in a contest which is to be carried out by thoughts and not by bites.74

Negroes were viewed by evolutionists then as being in certain ways unredeemably, unchangeably, and irrevocably inferior to whites.75 And racist sentiments such as these were held by many, if not most, prominent 19th century biologists who were evolutionists. In a review of a recent work which documented this beyond question, Burnham76 noted:

'After 1859, the evolutionary scheme raised additional questions, particularly whether or not Afro-Americans could survive competition with their white near relations. The momentous answer [from the scientists] was a resounding no . .. The African was inferior-he represented the missing link between ape and Teuton. '

Darwin was keenly aware of the implications of his theory on race. In the sixth chapter of The Descent of Man, he speculated that survival of the fittest pressures would eventually eliminate both the black race, which he considered inferior, and other 'lower races'. In addition, he concluded:

'I could show [that war had] done and [is] doing [much] . . . for the progress of civilization . . . The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date . . . an endless number of lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.' 77

And Morris78 noted as to Darwin's sub-title of his book The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life:

'It is clear from the context that he had races of animals primarily in mind, but at the same time it is also clear . . . that he thought of races of men in the same way.'

One of the many examples which illustrates that the 'graduations in the evolutionary level of living man' view was a major aspect of evolution is a response to a Dr. Austin H. Clark, a biologist at the Smithsonian Institution, who proposed that evolution proceeds in 'jumps' .78 Note that the quote draws support from the now discredited Piltdown Man, and the Neanderthal and Cro-magnon men (both now shown to be different races of modern humans) for evidence.

'Dr. Clark calmly reverses the old saying that nature never proceeds by leaps, and assures us that this is her only method or procedure. Yet man, as the skull history shows us so clearly, proceeded by slow steps from the Pithecanthropus, the Piltdown Man, the Neanderthal Man, to the Cro-magnon Man, who distinctly represents the modern type. If nature were as broad a jumper as Dr. Clark believes, the first man should have shown the high, civilized type of today. But we do not have to go back to fossils. The lowest type of men now living, the Australian savages, are at a sufficiently great remove from the civilized type to overthrow Dr. Clark's theory, which, instead of embodying the good points of the creational and developmental theories, actually combines the difficulties of both . . . ' 80

And Harvard evolutionist Gould concluded that racism was so widespread at this time that Darwin's co-author, Alfred Russel

'Wallace was one of the few nonracists of the nineteenth century [evolutionists]. He really believed that all human groups had innately equal capacities of intellect. Wallace defended his decidedly unconventional egalitarianism with two arguments, one anatomical the other cultural. He claimed [in contrast to the claims of almost all evolutionists of his day] first of all, that the brains of "savages'? are neither much smaller nor more poorly organized than our own [and that] . . . in the brain of the lowest savages, and, as far as we know, of the prehistoric races, we have an organ . . . little inferior in size and complexity to that of the highest type.' 81

The differences in behavior found between the black and white races, Wallace concluded, contrary to the conclusions of evolutionists around him, were because of cultural conditioning which 'can integrate the rudest savage into our own most courtly life.' The reason for Wallace's 'unconventional egalitarianism ' is explained by Gould as follows:

'Wallace, the hyperselectionist, the man who had twitted Darwin for his unwillingness to see the action of natural selection in every nuance of organic form, halted abruptly before the human brain. Our intellect and morality, Wallace argued, could not be the product of natural selection; therefore, since natural selection is evolution 's only way, some higher power-God, to put it directly-must have intervened to construct this latest and greatest organic innovation.' 82

Gould notes that Darwin was 'positively aghast at Wallace 's abrupt about-faith at the finish line itself.' 83 He wrote Wallace in 1869 that 'I differ grievously from you, and I am very sorry for it. ' Wallace, sensitive to the rebuke, thereafter referred to his non-racist theory of human intellect as 'my special heresy.'

An important argument that Hitler used to support his programs of racial genocide of the Jews, Blacks and other groups was that they were genetically 'inferior' and that their interbreeding with the superior Aryan race would adversely affect the latter's gene pool, polluting it, and lowering the overall quality of the 'pure race'.84-87 As Himmelfarb notes:

'From the "preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life " [that is, Darwin 's subtitle to Origin of Species] it was a short step to the preservation of favored individuals, classes or nations-and from their preservation to their glorification . . . Thus, it has become a portmunteau of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and dictatorship, of the cults of the hero, the superman, and the master race . . . recent expressions of this philosophy, such as Mein Kampf are, unhappily, too familiar to require exposition here.' 83

Instead of letting chance factors dominate reproduction decisions, Hitler proposed that the scientists use the power of the state to influence these decisions so that the gene pool would shift to what 'informed conclusions' concluded was the desired direction. Consequently, Hitler encouraged those individuals that he perceived as having Aryan traits to mate, and discouraged 'interbreeding', supposing that this policy would gradually cause the Aryan race to evolve 'upward'. He believed that the Nazi race programs would further evolution by intelligently deciding which traits were not beneficial, and preventing those with them from reproducing.


Darwinism and Racism
The complete title of Darwin's most famous work, often abbreviated to The Origin of Species, was The Origin. of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. As Koster notes about Darwin's view on race, he:

'never considered "the less civilized races" to be authentically human. For all his decent hatred of slavery, his writings reek with all kinds of contempt for "primitive" people. Racism was culturally conditioned into educated Victorians by such "scientific" parlor tricks as Morton's measuring of brainpans with BB shot to prove that Africans and Indians had small brains, and hence, had deficient minds and intellects. Meeting the simple Indians of Tierra del Fuego, Darwin wrote: "I could not have believed how wide was the difference between savage and civilized man; it is greater than between a wild and domesticated animal . . . Viewing such a man, one can hardly make oneself believe that they are fellow creatures and inhabitants of the same world."44

Darwin's belief that some races (such as blacks) were inferior to others became so widely accepted that, as Haller concluded: 'the subject of race inferiority was beyond critical reach in the late nineteenth century.45 Although Darwin opposed all forms of slavery, he did conclude that one of the strongest evidences for evolution was the existence of living 'primitive races' which he believed were evolutionarily between the 'civilized races of man' and the gorilla:

'At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time, the anthropomorphous apes. . . will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla. ... It has often been said ... that man can resist with impunity the greatest diversities of climate and other changes; but this is true only of the civilized races. Man in his wild condition seems to be in this respect almost as susceptible as his nearest allies, the anthropoid apes, which have never yet survived long, when removed from their native country.' 46

The missing link wasn't missing but, many evolutionists of the time concluded, lived in Australia and other faroffplaces.47 The existence of some living races was openly viewed as irrefutable evidence of a graduation of living creatures 'linking' humans to the monkeys (or today 'to our common primate ancestor'). This 'scientific conclusion' was interpreted as compelling evidence for evolution, thus a large number of biology textbooks of the time discussed the 'hierarchy of the races' topic.

The man who some regard as the actual modern 'discoverer' of evolution by natural selection, Alfred Russell Wallace, also espoused essentially the same idea.48 In his words,

'the weak dying was necessary to improve the race because in every generation the inferior would inevitably be killed off leaving the superior-that is, only the fittest would survive.'49

This was the essence of Darwinism, and race differences and fitness of these differences (racism) was at its core.

Although Darwin was far less racist than many of his disciples, especially Spencer, Haeckel, Hooton, Pearson, and Huxley, his theory provided the basis for the latters' extreme racism. As Poliakov 50 noted, Darwin's primary spokesman in Germany, Ernest Haeckel, was 'the great ancestor' of Nazi biology theoreticians. Importantly, Darwin did little to oppose this conclusion which spread like wild-fire from his works.51 Since Darwin's writings were critical in the development of evolutionary theory, his thoughts on the application of his theory of racism are crucial to understand how the racism theory spawned. Although he was known as a kind and gentle man, Darwin openly gave his support to eugenic ideas which gradually won acceptance in the scientific community, both in Europe and the United States. Darwin, evidently highly influenced by his early theological and religious training, said:

'I have always maintained that excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work.'

Later, convinced that the eugenic theory was valid,

'In The Descent of Man, Darwin canonized Galton with the words; "we now know, through the admirable labours of Mr Galton, that genius . . . tends to be inherited.' 52

By the beginning of the 19th century, every discussion of social problems was permeated with 'scientific notions of class [and] race,' and that

'nearly every one of these theories had some practical applications as its corollary: political, social or cultural; and meanwhile biological research, anthropology and the science of language had intensified, not abated, the use of "race thinking".' 53

Even Chambers in his classic Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, about which Darwin said that without this book he might never have written The Origin of Species, concluded that the Negro was 'at the foot of' the Mongol, the Yellow race between, and Caucasians at the top.54 Chambers himself taught that the 'various races of mankind, are simply . . . stages in the development of the highest or Caucasian type. . .' and that the Blacks were the least developed, and the Caucasians were the highest, most evolved race.55

Racism Based on Biology
People have always tended to assume they were better than those who were culturally different, but most ideas of biological racial inferiority are fairly recent. Since up to the time of Darwin it was almost universally regarded that all humans were descendants of Adam and Eve-a view called monogenism-most concluding that all humans must literally be biological brothers. Although some individuals developed ingenious hypotheses to justify the conclusion that Blacks were inferior, such as God created them as a separate race (some concluded that the 'beasts of the earth ' discussed in Genesis was the Black race) this view has never held much weight in historical Christian theology, Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox.56-60 As Proctor opinioned:

'Prior to Darwin, it was difficult to argue against the Judeo-Christian conception of the unity of man, based on the single creation of Adam and Eve. Darwin 's theory suggested that humans had evolved over hundreds of thousands, even millions of years, and that the races of men had diverged while adapting to the particularities of local conditions. The impact of Darwin's theory was enormous.' 61

Consequently, until the middle 1800s, most Westerners believed that all humans were descendants of Adam and Eve, thus we are all brothers. Up until the widespread acceptance of evolution, the only justification for racism was the belief that God cursed certain groups or created other Adams who were inferior-a view called polygenismn -which could be identified by physical traits such as skin colour, or that some groups degenerated biologically more than others-but were still our brothers. As Gould notes, 'nearly all scientists were creationists before 1859, and most did not become polygenists', 62 and Walbank and Taylor conclude:

'. . . Darwinism led to racism and anti-semitism and was used to show that only "superior" nationalities and races were fit to survive. Thus, among the English-speaking peoples were to be found the champions of the "white man's burden" an imperial mission carried out by Anglo-Saxons. ... Similarly, the Russians preached the doctrine of pan-Slavism and the Germans that of pan-Germanism.' 63

On the question of racism and Christianity, especially as exemplified in Germany, Sir Arthur Keith stated that:

'Christianity makes no distinction of race or of color; it seeks to break down all racial barriers. In this respect the hand of Christianity is against that of Nature, for are not the races of mankind the evolutionary harvest which Nature has toiled through long ages to produce? 64

The racism which developed from the theory of evolution was by no means confined to Blacks. One of the leading American eugenicists, Charles Davenport, founder and director of the prestigious Cold Spring Harbor Biological Laboratory, concluded that Black Americans were below Caucasians-but so were several other groups. Among the groups that he included were 'the Poles, the Irish, the Italians, and . . . the Hebrews' and even the Serbians, Greeks, Swedes, Bohemians.65 He attributed a wide variety of negative racial characteristics to each different group: Poles tended to be independent although self-reliant, the Italians tended to commit crimes of personal violence, the Hebrews were a mixture of slovenly Serbians and the tidy Swedes, and the Germans and Bohemians were given to 'thriving'. He was concerned that the immigrants then flooding the United States would rapidly cause the American population to become darker in pigment, smaller in stature, and more involved in crimes of larceny, kidnapping, assault, murder, and rape.

Davenport taught that a woman should not marry a man without a thorough knowledge of his biological and genealogical history. He felt a woman should act like a stock breeder who carefully checks the pedigree of a potential sire for his colts or calves. Davenport argued that the state should control who is able to breed, reasoning that if the state had the right to take a person's life, surely it could deny permission to reproduce. As a highly respected scientist, Davenport's ideas were highly influential at the time and no more radical than those advocated by many other scientists and intellectuals. In the late 1930s, the policies that Germany, then the most advanced nation in the world, was advocating were very similar.

The two races most often compared are the 'Caucasian ' and 'Negroid', now commonly called the 'white' and 'black' races. The dominant western cultural ethos, that whites were 'superior ' and blacks 'inferior' and more 'ape-like', was commonly reflected in science books published from 1880 and 1980. The textbook drawings which depict our supposed immediate ancestors, such as Homo erectus and Homo habilis, typically have very pronounced Negroid race characteristics including dark skin, kinky hair and Negroid facial features. Modern man (Homo sapiens), though, is often pictured as having light skin, straight hair, a flat forehead, a narrow nose and small lips.66 Most of the drawings of 'ape-men' and early humans even today still show pronounced Negroid traits (for examples see Time Life, The Neanderthals,67 and Early Men,68 April 1984 Science 84 cover). In addition, the fact that certain Negroid facial features are closer to the facial characteristics of many primates (the kinky hair, flat-nose, large lips, and sloping forehead, as well as the cheek and jaw-bone construction) has lent superficial support to this contention. The Caucasian race would for this reason be more evolutionarily 'fit', meaning it was a 'superior' race. As the major survival element in human evolution is intelligence, the conclusion that the higher evolved race, the Caucasians, possessed a superior intelligence was uncritically accepted for decades. Differences in intelligence were viewed as the key factors in human evolution because mind was a major factor of survival, and thus of selection.

The belief that evolution normally produced racial inequities was often noted, even exemplified, in the standard biology textbooks published around 1900. The popular American high school biology textbook by Hunter, titled A Civic Biology,69 in the section on evolution under the subtitle 'The Races of Man', stated that

'at the present time there exists upon the earth five races or varieties of man, each very different from the other in instinct, social customs, and to an extent, in structure. '

The five races were then ranked from inferior to superior as follows:

'There are the Ethiopian or Negro type, originating in Africa; the Malay or brown race, from the islands of the Pacific; the American Indian; the Mongolian or yellow race, including the natives of China, Japan and the Eskimos; and finally, the highest type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America.' 70

The textbook states that the 'highest' race is the Caucasians, who are specifically 'higher' developed in terms of 'instincts, social customs, and . . . [physical] structure.' 71 This book, widely adopted by American public high schools for over 30 years, was the text John Scopes used when he was a substitute biology teacher and was later convicted of violating the Butler Act, the law against teaching evolution in public schools. Also, typical of the views of the educated at this time is an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica which, under the heading 'Negro', stated:

'By the nearly unanimous consent of anthropologists this type occupies ... the lowest position in the evolutionary scale . . . the cranial sutures . . . close much earlier in the Negro than in other races. To this premature ossification of the skull, preventing all further development of the brain, many pathologists have attributed the inherent mental inferiority of the blacks, an inferiority which is even more marked than their physical differences . . . the development of the Negro and White proceeds on different lines . . . in the former the growth of the brain is . . . arrested by the premature closing of the cranial sutures ... The mental [differences] are at least as marked as the physical differences . . . No full blooded Negro has ever been distinguished as a man of science, a poet, or an artist . . .' 72

Moser, in reference to the above quote, argued that:

'... as to whether the Negroes in America have produced any great men ... the Encyclopaedia Britannica, edition of 1903 [claims that they have not]: the 1970 edition does [not] make this admission. '

Then Moser adds that it is his conclusion that

'. . . American Negroes that have made contributions to various fields, sports, science, etc., but. . . It is only that Negro that has a mixture of white genes in his system that has risen to the level where he has produced on the level with the white race.73

The man primarily responsible for the widespread acceptance of evolution in the 19th century, Thomas Huxley, wrote soon after the black slaves were freed that:

'No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that the average Negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the white man. And, if this be true, it is simply incredible [to assume] that, when all his disabilities are removed, ... he will be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smaller-jawed rival, in a contest which is to be carried out by thoughts and not by bites.74

Negroes were viewed by evolutionists then as being in certain ways unredeemably, unchangeably, and irrevocably inferior to whites.75 And racist sentiments such as these were held by many, if not most, prominent 19th century biologists who were evolutionists. In a review of a recent work which documented this beyond question, Burnham76 noted:

'After 1859, the evolutionary scheme raised additional questions, particularly whether or not Afro-Americans could survive competition with their white near relations. The momentous answer [from the scientists] was a resounding no . .. The African was inferior-he represented the missing link between ape and Teuton. '

Darwin was keenly aware of the implications of his theory on race. In the sixth chapter of The Descent of Man, he speculated that survival of the fittest pressures would eventually eliminate both the black race, which he considered inferior, and other 'lower races'. In addition, he concluded:

'I could show [that war had] done and [is] doing [much] . . . for the progress of civilization . . . The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date . . . an endless number of lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.' 77

And Morris78 noted as to Darwin's sub-title of his book The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life:

'It is clear from the context that he had races of animals primarily in mind, but at the same time it is also clear . . . that he thought of races of men in the same way.'

One of the many examples which illustrates that the 'graduations in the evolutionary level of living man' view was a major aspect of evolution is a response to a Dr. Austin H. Clark, a biologist at the Smithsonian Institution, who proposed that evolution proceeds in 'jumps' .78 Note that the quote draws support from the now discredited Piltdown Man, and the Neanderthal and Cro-magnon men (both now shown to be different races of modern humans) for evidence.

'Dr. Clark calmly reverses the old saying that nature never proceeds by leaps, and assures us that this is her only method or procedure. Yet man, as the skull history shows us so clearly, proceeded by slow steps from the Pithecanthropus, the Piltdown Man, the Neanderthal Man, to the Cro-magnon Man, who distinctly represents the modern type. If nature were as broad a jumper as Dr. Clark believes, the first man should have shown the high, civilized type of today. But we do not have to go back to fossils. The lowest type of men now living, the Australian savages, are at a sufficiently great remove from the civilized type to overthrow Dr. Clark's theory, which, instead of embodying the good points of the creational and developmental theories, actually combines the difficulties of both . . . ' 80

And Harvard evolutionist Gould concluded that racism was so widespread at this time that Darwin's co-author, Alfred Russel

'Wallace was one of the few nonracists of the nineteenth century [evolutionists]. He really believed that all human groups had innately equal capacities of intellect. Wallace defended his decidedly unconventional egalitarianism with two arguments, one anatomical the other cultural. He claimed [in contrast to the claims of almost all evolutionists of his day] first of all, that the brains of "savages'? are neither much smaller nor more poorly organized than our own [and that] . . . in the brain of the lowest savages, and, as far as we know, of the prehistoric races, we have an organ . . . little inferior in size and complexity to that of the highest type.' 81

The differences in behavior found between the black and white races, Wallace concluded, contrary to the conclusions of evolutionists around him, were because of cultural conditioning which 'can integrate the rudest savage into our own most courtly life.' The reason for Wallace's 'unconventional egalitarianism ' is explained by Gould as follows:

'Wallace, the hyperselectionist, the man who had twitted Darwin for his unwillingness to see the action of natural selection in every nuance of organic form, halted abruptly before the human brain. Our intellect and morality, Wallace argued, could not be the product of natural selection; therefore, since natural selection is evolution 's only way, some higher power-God, to put it directly-must have intervened to construct this latest and greatest organic innovation.' 82

Gould notes that Darwin was 'positively aghast at Wallace 's abrupt about-faith at the finish line itself.' 83 He wrote Wallace in 1869 that 'I differ grievously from you, and I am very sorry for it. ' Wallace, sensitive to the rebuke, thereafter referred to his non-racist theory of human intellect as 'my special heresy.'

An important argument that Hitler used to support his programs of racial genocide of the Jews, Blacks and other groups was that they were genetically 'inferior' and that their interbreeding with the superior Aryan race would adversely affect the latter's gene pool, polluting it, and lowering the overall quality of the 'pure race'.84-87 As Himmelfarb notes:

'From the "preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life " [that is, Darwin 's subtitle to Origin of Species] it was a short step to the preservation of favored individuals, classes or nations-and from their preservation to their glorification . . . Thus, it has become a portmunteau of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and dictatorship, of the cults of the hero, the superman, and the master race . . . recent expressions of this philosophy, such as Mein Kampf are, unhappily, too familiar to require exposition here.' 83

Instead of letting chance factors dominate reproduction decisions, Hitler proposed that the scientists use the power of the state to influence these decisions so that the gene pool would shift to what 'informed conclusions' concluded was the desired direction. Consequently, Hitler encouraged those individuals that he perceived as having Aryan traits to mate, and discouraged 'interbreeding', supposing that this policy would gradually cause the Aryan race to evolve 'upward'. He believed that the Nazi race programs would further evolution by intelligently deciding which traits were not beneficial, and preventing those with them from reproducing.

Kumbe jamaa alikuwa racist. Ndio maana jamaa wote wana uracism. Wewe sema Mungu, utaona mwenyewe.

The argument that there must be a god because of all the wonderful creation, suggests that all complex things are created.

If all complex , wonderful things are created, then applying that same reasoning to god, he must also be created, because he is more complex than any of his creation.

If god, the most complex entity, is not created, then what stipulates the argument that all the less complex entities must be created?

This is a conundrum that the believers cannot escape from.
The argument that there must be a god because of all the wonderful creation, suggests that all complex things are created.

If all complex , wonderful things are created, then applying that same reasoning to god, he must also be created, because he is more complex than any of his creation.

If god, the most complex entity, is not created, then what stipulates the argument that all the less complex entities must be created?

This is a conundrum that the believers cannot escape from.

So you and your fellow fools, believe in a created God, inter-alia, there is no God.

Hahah ahaha hee eee.

Pundit, does God exist? If you say no, then you just lied to everyone. Read your above narrative. Which one are you, creationist or evolutionist? You just support creation. You are flip floping a lot.

You either support evolution or creation, inter-alia, believe in God or You don't. You can not be either side, as you are.

Max Shimba said, stop speaking on behalf of a God who does not exist.





Evolution is not a device to predict the future! Where in the theory of Evolution does it say anything about predicting the future? its like asking a Car to fly you to the moon, that is not its purpose and can therefore never do that.

--"The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no God'!"
--By David Brandt Berg

IT'S SO RIDICULOUS FOR MAN TO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD!--Because man can't help but believe in God if he just looks at Creation! If you're not an absolute fool, if you have a reasoning mind at all, all you have to do is look at the Creation to know Somebody had to design it, pattern it, and put it together and make it work like it does!

This is not an argument at all, he is using the Bible as proof for what is said in the BIBLE!! What is that? Yes, Darwin was probably a racist as was almost every white man at that time, but by comparison Darwin was a modorate because he was opposed to slavery.

Furthermore just because someone was a good or bad man has nothing to do with the validity of their thoughts/ideas e.g when a priest rapes his alter boys does that make the Bible he preached automatically false?
Evolution is not a device to predict the future! Where in the theory of Evolution does it say anything about predicting the future? its like asking a Car to fly you to the moon, that is not its purpose and can therefore never do that.

So, the evolutionist can't tell me what was before the begining and they can't tell me and predict the future. All evolutionist can tell is history.

So, why do you believe and have faith in undependable evolution?


So, the evolutionist can't tell me what was before the begining and they can't tell me and predict the future. All evolutionist can tell is history.

So, why do you believe and have faith in undependable evolution?

Faith is not a word I would use, but Evolution is the best explanation for how we came to be as I have explained before. And it is totally dependable, i don't know why you say its not dependable, you are simply trying to apply it in the wrong places.

I know there must be a certain comfort in believing there is a supernatural being looking over you and that everything is going to be OK.

There is however absolutely no evidence or even logic behind that belief, just think about it, if a God who loves us actually existed would he have let the Nazis do what they did? Would he have let all the other genocides happen? Would he have let his representatives on earth molest thousands of children? I know the common answer here is that he has given us free will, but think about all the victims where was their free will? Is God letting people suffer horribly to prove some point? Do you really want to worship such a God?

Also think about this, if God is all powerful and all knowing therefore all events have already been pre-arranged and to change them would mean proving Good wrong, therefore there is actually no freewill.

And again if God is all powerful why cant he just destroy the Devil and all evil? Why does he have to go through the elaborate steps of impregnating a woman with his son who also happens to be part of him and then having him tortured and crucified to save us from our sins. Why cant he just will it, if he is truly all powerful? Who is God trying to impress?

And on that point if Jesus died to save us from sin why do we still have sin? What exactly did he save us from? And how is it even morally acceptable to have someone else die for my sins? I wouldn't want anyone to die for my mistakes, i would much rather face the consequences myself. Creationists talk of gaps in evolution theory without realizing that their own ideas (I refuse to call them theories) are full of GAPING HOLES.

And finally why are creationists so desperate to disprove evolution? If evolution was to be completely disproved today that still wouldn't make the idea of a God/Creation any more true.
Just because A is false it does not make B true, so while it is good to discuss evolution, it in no way helps the creation idea to try and bring down evolution.

P.S: My thread of God and Slavery got moved to dini Forum that's why i cant reply, in case anyone was wondering.
Faith is not a word I would use, but Evolution is the best explanation for how we came to be as I have explained before. And it is totally dependable, i don't know why you say its not dependable, you are simply trying to apply it in the wrong places.

I know there must be a certain comfort in believing there is a supernatural being looking over you and that everything is going to be OK.

There is however absolutely no evidence or even logic behind that belief, just think about it, if a God who loves us actually existed would he have let the Nazis do what they did? Would he have let all the other genocides happen? Would he have let his representatives on earth molest thousands of children? I know the common answer here is that he has given us free will, but think about all the victims where was their free will? Is God letting people suffer horribly to prove some point? Do you really want to worship such a God?

Also think about this, if God is all powerful and all knowing therefore all events have already been pre-arranged and to change them would mean proving Good wrong, therefore there is actually no freewill.

And again if God is all powerful why cant he just destroy the Devil and all evil? Why does he have to go through the elaborate steps of impregnating a woman with his son who also happens to be part of him and then having him tortured and crucified to save us from our sins. Why cant he just will it, if he is truly all powerful? Who is God trying to impress?

And on that point if Jesus died to save us from sin why do we still have sin? What exactly did he save us from? And how is it even morally acceptable to have someone else die for my sins? I wouldn't want anyone to die for my mistakes, i would much rather face the consequences myself. Creationists talk of gaps in evolution theory without realizing that their own ideas (I refuse to call them theories) are full of GAPING HOLES.

And finally why are creationists so desperate to disprove evolution? If evolution was to be completely disproved today that still wouldn't make the idea of a God/Creation any more true.
Just because A is false it does not make B true, so while it is good to discuss evolution, it in no way helps the creation idea to try and bring down evolution.

P.S: My thread of God and Slavery got moved to dini Forum that's why i cant reply, in case anyone was wondering.

You did agree that all the evolutionist knows is history. You guys can't do better than history.

After one Million years, you will have somemore evolution history. But momentarily you can't tell me what will happen in the next one million years? You have to wait, don't you? Evolution is depending on the history/past. So, where is the problem when Max said evolution is undependable?

Here we are not talking about God. You can't prove to me that God does not exist. So, stop talking your defacto idiologies.


You did agree that all the evolutionist knows is history. You guys can't do better than history.

After one Million years, you will have somemore evolution history. But momentarily you can't tell me what will happen in the next one million years? You have to wait, don't you? Evolution is depending on the history/past. So, where is the problem when Max said evolution is undependable?

Here we are not talking about God. You can't prove to me that God does not exist. So, stop talking your defacto idiologies.

THAT IS NOT THE FUNCTION OF EVOLUTION!! (Predicting the future) How can you say its undependable when you are asking it to perform a function it was never meant or claims to do? Is your TV undependable because it cant cook diner? And in any event how does creationism predict the future?

It doesn't work that way, the people who make the claim bear the burden to prove their claims, and so far there is absolutely no proof of God.
If I told you there is a teacup around the orbit of Pluto you would have no way of proving me wrong because telescopes are not powerful enough to detect such a small object, however your inability to prove me wrong does not make me right does it? It is up to me to prove myself right since I made the claim.

People have used God all over this thread to call us fools, so I am well within my rights to destroy the idea of God. Don't get upset because you cant answer any of my questions. Or can you?

So, the evolutionist can't tell me what was before the begining and they can't tell me and predict the future. All evolutionist can tell is history.

So, why do you believe and have faith in undependable evolution?

Can the believer tell us what was there before god? Or how did god come about?

If not, they are equally undependable

You did agree that all the evolutionist knows is history. You guys can't do better than history.

After one Million years, you will have somemore evolution history. But momentarily you can't tell me what will happen in the next one million years? You have to wait, don't you? Evolution is depending on the history/past. So, where is the problem when Max said evolution is undependable?

Here we are not talking about God. You can't prove to me that God does not exist. So, stop talking your defacto idiologies.

Prove to me that god exist, and before writing anything consider several times the meaning of the word "prove"
Wakuu ,

Hii nayo imekaaje? Naomba mchango wenu tafadhali, Je haya ni maarifa au ndo vile hekaya za alfu lela ulela?:

Sahih Bukhari V4 B55 #543 wrote:

The Prophet said, "Allah created Adam, making him 60 cubits tall. When He created him, He said to him, "Go and greet that group of angels, and listen to their reply, for it will be your greeting (salutation) and the greeting (salutations of your offspring." So, Adam said (to the angels), As-Salamu Alaikum (i.e. Peace be upon you). The angels said, "As-salamu Alaika wa Rahmatu-l-lahi" (i.e. Peace and Allah's Mercy be upon you). Thus the angels added to Adam's salutation the expression, 'Wa Rahmatu-l-lahi,' Any person who will enter Paradise will resemble Adam (in appearance and figure). People have been decreasing in stature since Adam's creation.
Prove to me that god exist, and before writing anything consider several times the meaning of the word "prove"

Haa haha ahaha ahaha ahaha ahaha

The Bible says in the book of Pslams that "FOOLS SAY THAT, THERE IS NO GOD"

I told you fool. You can't. YOU KYANT, KYAANT BWAI. Do you see where you are now? I need my watertight concrete verifiable exhibits from your defacto beliefs that GOD DOES NOT EXIST. No assumptions, no childish examples. ONLY VERIFIABLE CONCRETE AND WATERTIGHT EXHIBITS.


Usitake kujaribu kukimbia, wewe bado ni dogo katika mambo haya.


All I need from you fools is to support your belief that God does not exist. period.

I need my exhibits.

Haa haha ahaha ahaha ahaha ahaha

The Bible says in the book of Pslams that "FOOLS SAY THAT, THERE IS NO GOD"

I told you fool. You can't. YOU KYANT, KYAANT BWAI. Do you see where you are now? I need my watertight concrete verifiable exhibits from your defacto beliefs that GOD DOES NOT EXIST. No assumptions, no childish examples. ONLY VERIFIABLE CONCRETE AND WATERTIGHT EXHIBITS.


Usitake kujaribu kukimbia, wewe bado ni dogo katika mambo haya.


All I need from you fools is to support your belief that God does not exist. period.

I need my exhibits.

A soon as you prove my teacup around Pluto doesn't exist i will prove God doesn't exist!! Poor Max cant even disprove a simple teacup!!!
I gotta go worship my teacup now, get to work Max! Hahahaha!!!
A soon as you prove my teacup around Pluto doesn't exist i will prove God doesn't exist!! Poor Max cant even disprove a simple teacup!!!
I gotta go worship my teacup now, get to work Max! Hahahaha!!!

I asked this question more than TEN TIMES. So don't come here with your pickney bwai answers.







You can't even tell me what was there before the beginning. You guys are jockers.

And you still belive in the cult of evolutionist? If I ask you tell me how is a man going to look after 10000 years, all I will get is more blah blah, as you guys failed to answer Max Shimba and came with same old story.

That first sentence is a pure fallacy, called begging the question or circular reasoning. You say nothing with it. The second sentence demonstrates your misunderstanding of modern science. Theories are not to be proven but to be falsified and, if falsified remain theories, albeit obsolete.

And What makes you think there is a contest between obsolete magic and science? There is no matter of 'winning' whatever.

Should we ask you superstitious believers? We might then as well ask where that god of yours or others came from. And where that came from etc. ad infinitum.

I asked this question more than TEN TIMES. So don't come here with your pickney bwai answers.







because it is just an assumption, nothing more, that might be right or wrong.

Haa haha ahaha ahaha ahaha ahaha

The Bible says in the book of Pslams that "FOOLS SAY THAT, THERE IS NO GOD"

I told you fool. You can't. YOU KYANT, KYAANT BWAI. Do you see where you are now? I need my watertight concrete verifiable exhibits from your defacto beliefs that GOD DOES NOT EXIST.

You can cite the whole bible from front to end and backwards, upside down or inside out, but that does not alter the simple fact that it is only a human artefact, produced by fallible men about the hearsay of hearsay of hearsay that someone said that god might have said. [hadithi za popobawa]
Without any trace of evidence that it was god or the devil or just hallucination.

Unless of course, you can show me a bible (or any 'holy' scripture for that matter) that has been created without any interference of man and doubtlessly can be ascribed to god and no other.

"The Fool Hath Said...There Is No God"

The biggest bill of goods ever sold to supposedly intelligent people is that there is no God and that present life originated from one simple cell and evolved through a process of natural selection to its present form. I submit that this hypothesis is not only unfounded, unscientific, and untenable, but that it is also, based on all known and established laws, impossible. Moreover, I suggest that when man denies God, man becomes a fool (Rom. 1: 21, 22). There are many irrefutable proofs that spontaneous generation is responsible for life. Creation implies a Creator and design a designer. If I were to show you my wrist watch and tell you that it simply evolved from the basic shapeless metals and materials into its present state, you would view me as the fool that I most surely would be. "Such is impossible," would be the outcry. "If such could happen, from where were the basic metals and materials derived?" Still, a further question could be asked, "what intelligence provided the impetus for the formation of the watch?" Yet, my wrist watch example is very crude and simple compared to the more advanced complexities involved in the universe. The Bible believer who necessarily accepts the six-day creation account of Genesis one and two is often styled as uneducated. Notwithstanding, Doctor Russell Humphreys (practicing physicist) wrote, "there are around 10, 000 practicing professional scientists in the USA alone who openly believe in a six-day recent creation" (Creation Ex Nihilo, pg. 37, referenced by Doctor Steven Taylor, In Six Days, pg. 304, see addendum).

How can I say that Darwinian evolution or naturalism is impossible? I believe one of the most successful proofs that renders evolution not only untenable but utterly impossible is the factual study of how creation interacts. Not only interacts but how each particular component is a dependant component of the whole. These components are often absolutely necessary for even the primary and rudimentary existence of each other. Allow me to introduce this line of thought by quoting Doctor Jerry Bergman who is a biology scientist who is instructor of science at Northwest State College, Archbold, Ohio (Doctor Bergman has been a consultant for more than 20 science text books):

"Naturalism must account for both the parts necessary for life and their proper assembly. For life to persist, living creatures must have a means of taking in and biochemically processing food. Life also requires oxygen, which must be distributed to all tissues, or for single-celled life, oxygen must effectively and safely be moved around inside the cell membrane to where it is needed, without damaging the cell. Without complex mechanisms to achieve these tasks, life cannot exist. The parts could not evolve separately and could not even exist independently for very long, because they would break down in the environment without protection. Even if they existed, the many parts needed for life could not sit idle waiting for the other parts to evolve, because the existing ones would usually deteriorate very quickly from the effects of dehydration, oxidation, and the action of bacteria or other pathogens. For this reason, only an instantaneous creation of all the necessary parts as a functioning unit can produce life…Creating the universe in parts would not be unlike creating a liver and waiting a few days before creating a brain, then several more weeks before creating a femur bone - until the body was eventually complete. No other method appears to exist to produce life other than creating instantaneously a fully functioning complete organism. This does not preclude that changes may have occurred since that time, only that a certain level of complexity must have existed for both an organism and a universe to exist" (In Six Days, pg. 27, 31, all emphasis throughout mine, dm).

What I shall address in the remainder of this study are a few areas to illustrate how there must be initially a totality of the interactive and co-dependent parts in order to have the functioning whole. I shall begin with the simpler and advance to the more complex.

The human skeleton. Doctor Bergman wrote: "To illustrate this concept as applied in biology, an ordered structure of just 206 parts will be examined. This is not a large number - the adult human skeleton, for example, contains on the average 206 separate bones, all assembled together in a perfectly integrated functioning whole" (In Six Days, pg. 34, 35). Before I proceed, please allow me to ask you the question, have you ever wondered about the perfectly shaped, located, and supporting relationship positioning of the bones making up the human skeleton? In view of this basic anatomical fact, how could these 206 bones have evolved separately and sequentially? This may sound very simple, but it becomes mind boggling. Allow me again to quote biologist scientist Doctor Bergman:

"To determine the possible number of different ways 206 parts could be connected, consider a system of one part which can be lined up in only one way (1 x 1); or a system or two parts in two ways (1 x 2) or 1, 2, and 2, 1; a system of three parts, which can be aligned in six ways (1 x 2 x 3), or 1, 2, 3; 2, 3, 1; 2, 1, 3; 1, 3, 2; 3, 1, 2; 3, 2, 1; one of four parts in 24 ways (1 x 2 x 3 x 4) and so on. Thus, a system of 206 parts could be aligned in 1 x 2 x 3…206 different ways, equal to 1 x 2 x 3…x 206. This number is called '206 factorial' and is written '206!.' The value 206! is an enormously large number…, which is a '1' followed by 388 zeros…." (Ibid., pg. 34, 35). Achievement of only the correct general position required (ignoring for now where the bones came from, their upside-down or right-side up placement, their alignment, the origin of the tendons, ligaments, and other supporting structures) for all 206 parts will occur only once out of 10 to the 388th power random assortments….If one new trial could be completed each second for every single second available in all of the estimated evolutionary view of astronomic time (about 10 to 20 billion years), using the most conservative estimate gives us 10 to the 18th power seconds." In view of this, I might ask, what does this mean in simple terms? Hear Doctor Bergman: "…The chances that the correct general position will be obtained by random is less than once in 10 billion years…." (Ibid., pg. 36).

Notwithstanding the simple matter of the human skeleton, not even mentioning all the different anatomical differences and structural interaction of all living forms, the evolutionist considers all uneducated who do not accept their unintelligent explanation for life! A God who could create the human skeleton that would be immediately aligned and functioning would have no difficulty in restoring "strength" to the feet and ankle bones of the lame man (Acts 3: 1-11).

The means of sight, the eye. We are told regarding Eve, "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food" (Gen. 3: 6). God told Abram, "Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever" (Gen. 13: 14, 15). Doctor Ariel Roth is a former director of the Geoscience Research Institute in Loma Linda, California. Doctor Roth is a biology scientist. Concerning the 670 muscles in the human, Doctor Roth wrote: "The presence of complexity - interdependent parts that do not function unless other parts are also present - poses another major problem for evolution. For instance, a muscle is useless without a nerve going to the muscle to direct its contracting activity. But both the muscle and the nerve are useless without the complicated control mechanism in the brain to direct the contracting activity of the muscle and correlate its activity with that of other muscles. Without these three essential components, we have only useless parts. In a process of gradual evolutionary changes, how does complexity evolve?" (In Six Day, pg. 87). Doctor Roth next mentions the eye:

"Without the foresight of a plan, we would expect that the random evolutionary changes would attempt all kinds of useless combinations of parts while trying to provide for a successful evolutionary advancement. Yet as we look at living organisms over the world, we do not seem to see any of these random combinations…The simple example of a muscle…pales into insignificance when we consider more complicated organs such as the eye or the brain. These contain many interdependent systems composed of parts that would be useless without the presence of all the other necessary parts. In these systems, nothing works until all the necessary components are present and working. The eye has an automatic focusing system that adjusts the lens so as to permit us to clearly see close and distant objects. We do not fully understand how it works, but a part of the brain analyzes data from the eye and controls the muscles in the eye that change the shape of the lens….Then there are the 100, 000, 000 light-sensitive cells in the human eye that send information to the brain through some 1, 000, 000 nerve fibers of the optic nerve. In the brain this information is sorted into various components such as color, movement, form, and depth. It is then analyzed and combined into an intelligible picture. This involves an extremely complex array of interdependent parts. But the visual process is only part of our complex brains, which contain some 100, 000, 000, 000 nerve cells connected by some 400, 000 kilometers of nerve fibers. It is estimated that there are around 100, 000, 000, 000, 000 connections between nerve cells in the human brain. That we can think straight…is a witness to a marvelous ordered complex of interdependent parts that challenges suggestions or an origin by random evolutionary changes. How could such complicated organs develop by an unplanned process?" (Ibid. pg. 88, 89).

Can you just imagine the lens saying to the brain or in the reverse, Now evolve me 100, 000, 000 light sensitive cells and an optic nerve with 1, 000, 000 nerve fibers and put in place capability and storage for color, movement, form, and depth, oh, yes, I will need the necessary delicate muscles to activate these components? Remember that all of these necessary components would have to come into existence within a very short time of each other or they would deteriorate. However, according to organic evolution, such an intricate and complex evolution through natural selection would take multiplied years (some say trillions) to happen.

The science of cells. "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God," wrote the inspired writer of Hebrews, "so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" (Heb. 11: 3). The more we study a matter, the more we discover. I am not sure Hebrews 11: 3 is referring to such matters as cellular consideration, but it is possible. The more science has discovered about cells, the more ridiculous the notion of evolved life becomes. Doctor John Marcus (a biochemistry scientist) wrote regarding cellular matters and Darwinian philosophy thus, "We have already seen that no such system could possibly appear by chance. Life in its totality must have been created in the beginning, just as God told us" (Ibid. pg. 180, 181).

Doctor Hickman wrote: "Cells are the fabric of life. Even the most primitive cells are enormously complex structures that form the basic units of all living matter. All tissues and organs are composed of cells. In a human an estimated 60 trillion cells interact, each performing its specialized role in an organized community. In single-celled organisms all the functions of life are performed within the confines of one microscopic package. There is no life without cells" (Hickman, 1997, pg. 43). How could these 60 trillion cells in the human that are interacting and often co-dependent, I ask, have simply evolved?

Doctor Jerry Bergman in referencing the work of Overman considers the cell in the following fashion;

"Evolutionists once argued that all life could develop from some hypothetical first cell, because even today all new life develops from a single cell, but we now realize that a cell can develop into a complex organism only because all of the parts and instructions are in the original cell produced from conception. The human mother passes not only 23 chromosomes but also an entire cell to her offspring, which includes all the organelles needed for life. A cell can come only from a functioning cell and cannot be built up piecemeal, because all the major organelles must have been created and assembled instantaneously for the cell to exist" (In Six Days, pg. 29 and Overman, 1997).

When the cell is microscopically considered, another area of research emerges, the matter of DNA. Doctor John Marcus wrote:

"DNA evidence is often claimed to give support to the evolutionary theory; in reality, DNA illustrates God's handiwork of design in a powerful way. Let us consider the complexity of this important component of living systems in order to see how absurd it is to believe that life could come about by chance. DNA is the primary information-carrying molecule of living organisms. The beauty and wonder of this molecule can hardly be overstated when one considers its properties. Being the blueprint of living cells, it stores all the information necessary for the cell to feed and protect itself, as well as propagate itself into more living cells, and to cooperate with other living cells that make up a complex organism. If the DNA of one human cell were unraveled and held in a straight line, it would literally be almost one meter long and yet so thin it would be invisible to all but the most powerful microscopes. Consider that this string of DNA must be packaged into a space that is much smaller than the head of a pin and that this tiny string of human DNA contains enough information to fill almost 1, 000 books, each containing 1, 000 pages of, text" (Ibid. pg. 174, remember that there are about 60 trillion interacting cells in the human).

Amazing as the DNA molecule may be," Doctor Bergman continues, "there is much, much more to life than DNA alone; life is possible only if the DNA blueprint can be read and put into action by the complex machinery of living cells. But the complex machinery of the living cell requires DNA if it is going to exist in the first place, since DNA is the source of the code of instructions to put together the machinery. Without the cellular machinery, we would have no DNA since it is responsible for synthesizing DNA; without DNA we would have no cellular machinery. Since DNA and the machinery of the cell are co-dependent, the complete system must be present from the beginning or it will be meaningless bits and pieces" (Ibid., pg. 174, 175).

Relative to the cellular and DNA, all of this is comparatively simple when one considers how all of this graduates. Involved in the cell and DNA, there must be a number of proteins present. The DNA template then (when everything is perfect and equally functioning) produces RNA. For RNA to be synthesized, at least five different protein chains must be present and cooperate. Furthermore, this enzyme complex must be able to recognize where to start reading and transcribing DNA into RNA. All of this is still simple when we advance to the three types of requisite RNA and the process produced by a large number of proteins called the ribosome. The paramount point that I wish to make is stated better by Doctor Bergman:

"Needless to say, without proteins life would not exist; it is as simple as that. The same is true of DNA and RNA. It should be clear that DNA, RNA, and proteins must all be present if any of them are going to be present in a living organism. Life must have been created completely functional, or it would be a meaningless mess. To suggest otherwise is plain ignorance (or perhaps desperation). So, we truly have a 'which came first?' problem on our hands. I believe the answer is, of course, that none of them came first! God came first; He designed and then created all of life with His spoken Word. DNA, RNA, and protein came all at exactly the same time. It is extremely difficult to understand how anyone could believe that this astoundingly complicated DNA-blueprint translation system happened to come about by chance" (Ibid., pg. 177).

Beloved, organic evolution that is being increasingly accepted today as science is not science. It is a fanciful hypothesis that is not founded on scientific laws and it is incapable of being reproduced, duplicated, or replicated to study in a laboratory. It is high time that this Godless philosophy be stripped of its claims of super intelligence and be presented as the unintelligent belief system that it is. Darwinian evolution is not even a theory because a theory has some facts upon which it rests. As we have seen, naturalism is not only unbelievable, it is impossible. We have shown this, I believe, based on the interacting and co-dependent nature of some of the most basic and necessary components of rudimentary life. We have also shown from actual science that these co-supporting components cannot be viewed as sequential in their developmental and evolutionary processes, as evolutionists claim, because they cannot separately exist for even a short period of time in their rudimentary forms. Hence, life had to have opened at once, just as we are told in Genesis one and two.

In view of the complexity and the interacting nature of the most essential and basic of the components of life, we should now more greatly appreciate the biblical statement: "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God, they are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good" (Ps. 14: 1).

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