Effects of Forex Transactions in Tanzania, Govt to act?


JF-Expert Member
Feb 11, 2007
Meghji tackles trends of ’dollarising’ the economy



THE government yesterday declared illegal the growing trend of pricing goods and services for Tanzanians in US dollars, saying stern measures would be taken against those who continue with such practices.

Finance Minister Ms Zakia Meghji told the parliamentary budget session here that all commercial transactions in the country should henceforth be pegged on the local shilling.

She stated that ’dollarisation’ of the local economy had contributed heavily to the steady weakening of the shilling.

The minister directed the business community to display prices of goods and services in Tanzanian shillings, and where the aim is to attract foreign customers, then prices in both local and foreign currencies can be indicated.

’’No Tanzanian should be forced to pay for goods or services in foreign currency the legal tender in Tanzania is the Tanzanian shilling,’’ she emphasized.

Ms Meghji, however, added in elaboration that Tanzanians in possession of foreign currency would still be allowed to use it.

She warned against businesses that peg prices in US dollars and convert them into local currency using their own exchange rates.

’’In Tanzania, only the bureaus de change and commercial banks are allowed to trade in currency exchange,’’ she said.

The finance minister pushed for increased production of goods and services for export, to earn more foreign currency and subsequently strengthen the shilling.

’’Our shilling could gain strength through increased exports and trimmed imports,’’ she pointed out.

She implored Tanzanians to show more preference for local products, and go for imports only when necessary, as a deliberate strategy to strengthen the national economy and national currency.

The tendency of charging local goods and services in US dollars has been gaining momentum lately, with financial experts warning that this is likely to soon render the shilling more or less irrelevant.

Sectors most notorious for charging in dollars are air travel, the hospitality industry, housing and even education where some schools have been discovered to be charging their school fees in dollars.

Some businesses go to the extent of inventing their own exchange rates for customers looking to pay for the goods and services in local currency.
Je kutakuwa na usimamizi thabiti ili kuhakikisha wale watakaokiuka agizo hili wanachukuliwa hatua za kisheria!? au ndiyo zile zile za akina EWURA na bei ya mafuta!?

Serikali yabana matumizi ya dola kuilinda shilingi

Na Ndyesumbilai Florian, Dodoma

Serikali imetoa agizo linalozitaka mamlaka zote, zikiwamo za biashara au sekta ya utalii kutoza na kutangaza bei zao zote kwa kutumia shilingi ili kulinda sarafu ya Tanzania.

Uamuzi huo ulitangazwa rasmi bungeni jana na Waziri wa Fedha, Zakia Meghji, wakati akitoa tamko rasmi la serikali kuhusu matumizi ya fedha za kigeni kulipia ada na huduma katika soko la ndani la Tanzania.

Katika tamko hilo, Meghji alisema kwa siku za karibuni, jambo hilo limezua manung'uniko mengi yakiwamo ya wadau mbalimbali wakiwamo wabunge ambao wiki jana waliibana serikali na kutaka ilitolee tamko.

Wakizungumzia wakati wakichangia hotuba ya Waziri wa Mipango, Uchumi na Uwezeshaji, Dk Juma Ngasongwa wabunge hao, akiwamo Dk Harrison Mwakyembe, waliibana serikali na kutaka ilitolee tamko, jambo ambalo lilimlazimu Waziri Mkuu, Edward Lowassa, kuahidi kuwa tamko hilo litatolewa kwa muda muafaka.

Katika tamko hilo jana, Meghji alisema kuanzia sasa, bidhaa na huduma zinazowalenga wageni na hasa watalii au wateja wasio wakazi wa Tanzania, zinatakiwa kutangazwa kwa sarafu ya Kitanzania (shilingi) na fedha zozote za nje na kuongeza kwamba malipo yatapokelewa kwa sarafu ambayo mlipaji atakuwa nayo.

Kuhusu viwango vya kubadilishia fedha vinavyotumika katika kuweka bei hizo katika sarafu mbili, alisema wahusika hawana budi kuziweka wazi na inafaa zisizidi bei ya soko la fedha za kigeni.

"Ifahamike wazi kuwa ni benki na maduka ya fedha za kigeni (bureaux) tu ndiyo yanayoruhusiwa kisheria kupanga viwango vya bei ya kubadilishia fedha kwa kuzingatia ushindani katika soko la fedha za kigeni," alisema.

Waziri huyo pia aliagiza kuwa ni marufuku Mtanzania yeyote kulazimishwa kulipia huduma au bidhaa yoyote nchini kwa fedha za kigeni.

"Mtu alipe kwa fedha za kigeni akitaka mwenyewe au kwa hiari yake na wala si kulazimishwa, kama ambavyo imekuwa ikifanyika sasa," alisema waziri huyo.

Kuhusu dawa ya kuepusha kushuka kwa thamani ya shilingi ya Tanzania, Meghji alisema ni kuongeza uzalishaji katika sekta zote na kwa Watanzania kujenga mazoea ya kutumia bidhaa na huduma zinazopatikana nchini, badala ya mazoea ya sasa ya kuthamini bidhaa za kigeni.

"Thamani ya sarafu ni kielelezo cha uwezo wa kiuchumi kukidhi mahitaji yake ya msingi, ikiwamo kulipia mahitaji ambayo hayana budi kuagizwa kutoka nje," alisema.

Meghji aliongeza kuwa Watanzania wanaweza kuchangia katika kuimarika kwa Shilingi, ikiwa wataongeza nguvu, jitihada katika uzalishaji katika sekta mbalimbali za kijamii.

Akizungumzia mlolongo wa kuporomoka kwa thamani ya shilingi ya Tanzania, Meghji alisema ni kuanzia mwaka 1988 ambako kiwango cha kubadilishia kilikuwa Sh125 kwa dola
moja ya Marekani na kufikia Sh335 kwa dola ile ile ilipofika mwaka 1992.

Mporomoko huo wa wastani wa asilimia 67, waziri huyo alieleza kuwa haujaweza hadi sasa kudhibitiwa na serikali, kiasi cha kuifanya shilingi izidi kupoteza umaarufu wake ikilinganishwa na fedha za mataifa mengine.

Sababu ya msingi, Meghji alieleza kwamba ni udhaifu katika uchumi wa Tanzania, jambo ambalo hata hivyo alieleza kuwa serikali haiwezi kujiingiza katika kudhibiti mno fedha za kigeni.

Alisema dhana ya matumizi makubwa ya fedha za kigeni hasa dola, ambao unajulikana kama 'dollarisation' hasa katika mauziano ya bidhaa na huduma limezikumba nchi nyingi zenye uchumi dhaifu, ikiwamo Tanzania.

Katika siku za karibuni, kumekuwapo na malalamiko, vilio kutoka kwa watu wengi wakipinga ongezeko la matumizi makubwa ya dola za Kimarekani katika biashara nchini.

Hoteli nyingi zikiwamo za kitalii, hasa katika ukanda wa Pwani, Bagamoyo, Zanzibar, Arusha na hata katika mbuga za wanyama nchini, zimekuwa na mazoea ya kutoza huduma zao mbalimbali kwa kutumia dola za Kimarekani, hata kwa wananchi wa kawaida.

Aidha, baadhi ya majengo makubwa ya kibiashara ambayo yamejengwa katika miji mbalimbali nchini yakiwamo yale ya mashirika ya hifadhi za kijamii, yanapangishwa
kwa dola za Kimarekani kwa eneo la mraba.

Matumizi na umiliki wa fedha za kigeni nchini unasimamiwa

na Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BoT), kupitia Sheria ya Usimamizi wa Fedha za Kigeni ya mwaka 1992 (The Foreign Echange Act, 1992) ambayo inaruhusu umiliki wa kiasi chochote cha fedha za kigeni au dhahabu ghafi, kuuza fedha za kigeni kwa duka la

kubadilishia fedha (bureau de change) au wakala aliyeruhusiwa kufanya kazi na BoT.

Pia, sheria hiyo inaruhusu kuwa na akaunti ya fedha za kigeni katika benki iliyoruhusiwa na BoT kwa ajili hiyo.
Mawaziri wanazo nyumba ambazo wanapangisha kwa dola. Nadhani wataendelea kufanya hivyo hata baada ya tamshi hili.

The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.
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Jambo hili huwa linatia aibu kweli. Unashangaa Tanzania biashara inafanywa kwa kutumia dola ya kimarekani kama vile hatuna pesa yetu wenyewe. Haiyumkini BoT nao hawaonekani kufanya kazi zao kwa vile wamegubikwa na rushwa. Mojawapo ya kazi za BoT ni kuthibiti sarafu yetu, sasa kama haitumiwi katika biashara wao wataithibiti vipi?

Nyumba nyingi sana za kupandisha pale Dar zinalipiwa katika dola za kimarekani. Magari ya kukodi kwa ajili ya safari za porini pia hulipiwa katika dola za kimarekani. Ngoja tuone kama kweli jambo hilo litakwisha.

Zamani kulikuwa na sheria iliyokuwa inathibiti hilo kwa kuzuia watu kuwa na pesa za kigeni, lakini baadaye sheria hiyo ikalegezwa baada ya agents wa mama Mwinyi kukutwa na hela nyingi sana za kigeni.

Kosa ni kuwa baada ya kuruhusu kila mtu kuwa na dola za kigeni kiasi chochote wakawa kama wameruhusu hata biashara kutumia pesa za kigeni; na hili ndilo linalotakiwa kuthibitiwa.
Ajabu kubwa limeshtukiwa leo hii hali tumelizungumzia toka Bcstimes na hapa JF kwa muda mrefu.
Kuna wakati niliwahi hata kuuliza soko la Tanzania shilingi linakwenda vipi ikiwa kila kitu nchini kinapimwa kwa dollar.
Kila tunaposhusha thamani ya fedha yetu, gharama ya vitu hubaki ktk dollar kiasi kwamba inatugharimu sisi zaidi na hakuna unafuu wowote kwa bidhaa zetu nje ambazo zinapangwa bei zake kwa dollar!
Mimi nadhani ipo kila haja kupiga marufuku utumiaji wa dollar nchini pamoja na kwamba haiwezi kusaidia kitu sasa hivi.
nakumbuka miaka ya 83 nilitembelea Gabarone, Botswana na viji dollar vyangu kufanya shopping wakanambia niende benki kwanza kubadilisha niwaletee Pula! Sikuelewa kwa nini lakini kutokana na zoezi linaloendelea Bongo naiona picha vizuri!
Nakumbuka miaka ya nyuma wakati simu za mkononi zimeanza Tanzania walikuwa wanauza kadi zao za kurecharge kwa dola na kama sikosei benki kuu/gavana/waziri alitoa tamka la watu kuacha kutumia dollar hadi kwenye vitu vidogo.

Yangu macho na masikio
Dollarisation now a chronic problem

2008-12-13 11:51:44
By Joyce Kisaka

The Governor of the Bank of Tanzania (BoT), Professor Benno Ndulu, has admitted that dollarisation of the domestic economy is a growing problem which requires serious institutional reforms for it to be redressed.

In an exclusive interview in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday, the BoT boss said existing financial laws were not competent enough in dealing with the problem effectively, much as focused inter-institutional cooperation was equally lacking to arrest the currency mess.

Presently, he said, financial laws of the land did not specifically restrict the use of the US dollar as a medium of exchange in conducting domestic transactions.

However, Ndulu was categorical that ``BoT will never encourage use of foreign currency, especially the US dollar, in carrying out home-based transactions``.

``We are so much concerned about the matter. We therefore plead with the public to leak to us any information that will lead to unveiling networks oiling and fueling the dirty game,`` he said.

What is happening in Tanzania, according to analysts, is a process of unofficial or partial dollarisation, whereby individuals substitute domestic money with foreign cash in order to conduct transactions and protect their purchasing power.

While dollarisation is an observable process, it can only be measured accurately if financial transactions using foreign currency are permitted, which is not the case in Tanzania for the time being.

Our survey shows that landlords in Dar es Salaam's high-ended Mbezi Beach, notoriously charge rentals in US dollars.

Even rentals for office and school spaces in some parts of Tegeta, Mikocheni and Masaki in the city are charged in hard currencies.

Ndulu confirmed to have heard about rumours related to such rental transactions in US dollars, yet he insisted that tenants should refrain from settling their bills in foreign currencies.

``We will stage serious investigations across suspected areas, as well as raising more public awareness about the economic maladies of dollarisation``, he said.

At a later stage, he hinted, the issuance of national identity cards would make it easier to trace agents running this disgraceful underground financial system.

As for Bureax de Change, he said there were elaborate rules and regulations guiding their businesses, including requirement that every transaction must be furnished with receipt.

Likewise, all tourist hotels are supposed to have an in house bureau de change outfit to facilitate foreign exchange transactions for incoming and outgoing visitors.

``Tanzanians seeking accommodation in tourist hotels are not supposed to pay their bills in US dollars``, he said.

When reached for comments, Finance and Economy Minister Mustapha Mkulo said dollarisation was truly an embarrassing issue, taking into account the endless complaints made by various individuals, including MPs, business people and individuals.

However, he disclosed that plans were underway for a joint meeting with the BoT with the aim of investigating the relevance of the existing financial laws that govern currency, in the upshot, proposing permanent solutions.

``Rampant dollarisation of the economy is dangerous for the wellbeing of the nation.

We will come up with a statement after having discussions with BoT over the matter``, he said.

Michael James, a Mbezi Beach resident, complained to this reporter about the kind of hassles he undergoes when it comes to paying rent in US dollars.

``I am obliged to travel all the way downtown to change local currency in bureau de change for the US dollar, otherwise my landlord will not accept local currency``, he said.

SOURCE: Guardian
Hili agizo la serikali kuhusu Watanzania kutakiwa kulipa kwa dola liliishia wapi?

Hili agizo la serikali kuhusu Watanzania kutakiwa kulipa kwa dola liliishia wapi?

Bubu, umesema kitu cha maana sana. Leo Ndullu anakemea dollarisation lakini kiiiila siku ukisoma hata gazeti la serikali, hata Bungeni wana quote bei za vitu in terms of dollars. Huwa naona halafu nasema hawa si wamesema hawataki hii kitu mbona sasa wanaongea in dollars tena? They do this all the damn time. Ngoja, kuanzia leo wakiwa wanafanya hivi nitakuwa nakulengesha.
Serikali yetu ni kama kundi la walevi, kila mtu anafanya na kuongea la kwake; wakati Gavana analalamika haya kuna Agency za Serikali zinazolipa wafanyakazi wake MISHAHARA KWA DOLA..!! Pia, kuna taasisi RASMI za kigeni kama IOM ambazo ukienda kulipia kupima TB lazima uwe na noti za dola.

Wananchi wangetegemea Serikali iwe ya kwanza kuonyesha mifano kwa hizi taasisi zilizo rasmi, zinaojulikana na serikali yenyewe kabla ya kuniambia mimi mwananchi nikatae kulipa rent kwa dola wakati naishi kwenye nyumba ya watu.
BoT chief tells dollar-obsessed local businesses:The shilling is still king

-And the argument that ’dollarization’ is growing is more historical than current...’

Dar es Salaam

THE Bank of Tanzania has warned local companies that reject the shilling and instead force clients to pay for goods and services in US dollars, that they are risking legal action being taken against them.

According to BoT Governor Prof. Benno Ndulu, such business entities that apparently refuse to accept the local currency are for all intents and purposes breaking the law.

This latest statement by the central bank boss comes on the back of a THISDAY survey last year that revealed a growing ’dollarization’ trend in the national economy, with more and more local companies tending to charge in the greenback for various goods and services covering anything from consultancy fees and financial/legal services to office/residential rent and sales of items like cars and computers.

Prof. Ndulu told THISDAY in an interview that following stabilization of the shilling, the level of foreign currency deposits in local commercial banks has been declining steadily, in contrast to the early 1990s when the concept of economic liberalization was first ushered into the country.

From that time, the ’dollarization’ trend is believed to have gained ground and led to a subsequent rapid increase in foreign currency deposits, propelled by depreciation of the shilling, from 309.6bn/- in 2000 to 1.73trn/- in 2007.

Said Prof. Ndulu: ’’Our analysis showed that the growing ’dollarization’ was being driven by the weakening shilling, which was moving in only one direction - depreciating. This movement encouraged savers to prefer putting their savings in the US dollar, to hedge against the weakening shilling.’’

But he noted that in the wake of the shilling’s apparent stabilization, foreign currency deposits experienced a drop from 31.1 per cent in June 2006 to 25.6 per cent in September last year.

’’It is clear therefore that the argument that 'dollarization' is growing is more historical rather than current,’’ the BoT supremo asserted.

He said in a bid to further discourage ’dollarization’, the central bank intends to take policy measures including improvements in liquidity forecasting by the central bank; broadening the range of monetary policy instruments; deepening financial markets; and tracking developments in real exchange rates.

He also warned that nobody who is owed within the country, can legally refuse settlement of the debt in Tanzanian shillings.

Making specific reference to businesses that charge for accommodation, office rent and other local services in US dollars, Prof. Ndulu was unequivocal: ’’It is against the law to refuse settlement in Tanzanian shilling, whichever way the debt was incurred.’’

Financial analysts note that the main motivation for quoting or demanding payment in US dollar is to hedge against losses that may occur due to volatility in the shilling exchange rate. The need to hedge became more pronounced when the shilling depreciated persistently.

Under the Bank of Tanzania Act (2006), section 26, the central bank has the sole right to issue banknotes and coins as the only legal tender in the country.

But according to Prof. Ndulu, this does not mean that no payments can be made in other currencies.

’’It just means that anybody in Tanzania, who is owed, cannot legally refuse settlement of the debt in Tanzanian shillings,’’ the governor emphasized, noting that the current law does not declare the charging, quoting or making of payments in a currency other than the shilling to be an offence per se.

Clarifying, he explained: ’’As long as the buyers or consumers of services are willing to pay in dollars or any other currency, they are not violating the law. Similarly, therefore, it is not a crime to display prices in dollars. However, if an individual or a business entity refuses settlement/payments in Tanzanian shillings, then definitely it is against the law.’’

According to governor Ndulu, though it is not riding high on the foreign exchange market, the shilling continues to ’’exhibit considerable stability that continues to rekindle public confidence.’’

He said this would go a long way towards addressing the problem of ’dollarization.’

’’The Bank of Tanzania remains committed to the implementation of prudent monetary policy, which is the key towards maintaining a stable exchange rate and hence discouraging dollarization,’’ he said.

He sought to allay public fears that the shilling is sliding against major foreign currencies, particularly in the aftermath of the global credit crisis which has caused instability in many currencies around the world.

Admitting that the shilling had slightly weakened against the US dollar since October last year, the BoT chief said this is due to increased demand for foreign exchange influenced by activities that are ’’short-term in nature.’’
Inabidi kuwe na sheria kali dhidi ya wote wanaotaka malipo kwa dollar badala ya shilingi, lakini kwa kutegemea kwamba 'dollarization' will go away by the stability of our shilling is simply running away from this problem.
Dolllarization haiwezi kuisha kwa vile viongozi wengi wanafaidi kwa kupangisha majumba, biashara mbalimbali walizonazo kuendelea kutumia dollar badala ya shillingi. fikiria Superdol wanziba pancha ya tairi kwa $5 za marekani.

kwani viongozi hwajui ahari zake, waote wanajua lakini wao ndio decision maker na wao ndio namba moja kunufaika hivyo " they will never act' ila watasema kudanganya wananchi tu in public
Dolllarization haiwezi kuisha kwa vile viongozi wengi wanafaidi kwa kupangisha majumba, biashara mbalimbali walizonazo kuendelea kutumia dollar badala ya shillingi. fikiria Superdol wanziba pancha ya tairi kwa $5 za marekani.

kwani viongozi hwajui ahari zake, waote wanajua lakini wao ndio decision maker na wao ndio namba moja kunufaika hivyo " they will never act' ila watasema kudanganya wananchi tu in public

Naam hili ni kweli kabisa na ndiyo maana huyu Ndullu hataki kuhakikisha sheria za nchi zinafuatwa kwa wavunjaji wa sheria, si ajabu hata yeye mwenyewe anavunja shria hii. Akiamua kufanya hivyo atawagusa wanene na kitumbua chake kinaweza kuingia mchanga Lakini sheria za nchi inabidi ziwaathiri wote bila upendeleo wowote ule, vinginevyo hakuna ambaye atakayeziheshimu.
Central bank now tightens grip on forex transactions

By Damas Kanyabwoya

The Bank of Tanzania has tightened its grip on foreign exchange transactions by limiting the ownership of bureaux de change to locals only.

In its Foreign Exchange (Bureaux de Change) Regulations of 2008 governing operations of bureaux de change in the country, the central bank has restricted ownership and management of bureaux de change to Tanzanian citizens or legal entity locally incorporated. All owners and mangers need to be Tanzanian citizens.
The regulations, already in use after being gazetted by the Attorney General, also require that licensed bureaux de change to be organized and operate in the form of a company. The new regulations replace the Foreign Exchange (Bureaux de Change) Regulations of 1999.

In a public notice published recently the central bank said it has also limited the maximum sale of foreign currency for any purpose to $10,000. Tanzanians traveling outside the country will also be limited into buying US dollars not exceeding $10,000 at any given time and for each trip.

"Regulation 22(2) requires bureaux de change to obtain and retain copies of confirmed travel ticket and documentary proof of residence for every sale of foreign currency for travel allowance purposes exceeding an amount equivalent to $2000," read part of the notice.

BoT has issued a total of 22 regulations, which also provide guidelines on the manner of conducting business for the bureaux de change, where regulations 14 and 16 restrict bureaux de change business to over the counter purchases and sale of foreign currency.

Regulation 15 requires bureaux de change to display a notice informing customers that they are entitled to be issued with a receipt for any purchase or sale of foreign currency made by them.

Regulation 6(1) prescribes the minimum capital for establishing a bureau de change to be Sh40 million, while regulation 11 requires bureaux de change operations to be computereised and to be able to generate and issue electronic receipts with a time stamp for every foreign exchange purchase and sale.

A grace period of one year was given to existing bureaux to organise themselves into companies from the date the regulations became effective on July 1, 2008.

BoT did not give reasons for issuing the new regulations, but observers say the move is aimed at restricting arbitrary foreign exchange transactions and money laundering resulting in the local currency losing its value. Tanzanian has currently about 157 bureaux de change.
It`s time to end this shameful dollarisation

17th May 2009

The “mighty dollar” is called so because it represents the world’s leading economy, the United States of America, and all the political clout that goes along with that.

It is understandable that some Americans would take pride that their currency has become a universal currency of sorts.

They aren`t, and can’t be to blame, as nationals of any other country would feel the same if they had been in a similar position. But it is indefensible for poor countries to over-stretch the mightiness of the American dollar.

It makes sense that as an economic giant with tentacles worldwide, the United States’ currency would become the default choice for transactions, as well as for computing the value of commodities, services, infrastructure and so forth.

But through certain decisions, inaction and attitudes, some countries are - of their own volition and not in compliance with US pressure - glorifying the dollar unduly and undermining their respective national currencies.

Tanzania sticks out as one of the shameful cases on that score. The shilling deserves respect as a national symbol, in the league of others like the national flag, national anthem or Mount Kilimanjaro.

But sadly, we jokingly belittle the currency by defining it as “hela ya madafu” - implying that it is good enough only for buying coconuts.

But official transactions represent a more critical area. Some educational institutions charge fees in dollars, and the currency is invoked (as the shilling equivalent at current exchange rates) for paying rent for some residential houses and offices.

Under cover of globalization, some commercial outlets sell their goods, including books, only in dollars.

The dollar is also the operative facilitator in services like processing visa applications at some diplomatic missions, and through our own immigration department.

Those making payments are literally cheated in broad daylight because the value of the local currency is automatically linked to fluctuations of the dollar.

Even at the lowest level that touches the majority of Tanzanians - mobile phone use - the value of airtime vouchers was up until recently cited in dollar terms.

Therefore, even where Tanzanians don`t handle dollars directly, they are psyched into worshipping the American currency and to perceive their own as insignificant.

Officialdom is the biggest culprit. In 2007, Zakhia Meghji, the finance minister at the time, stressed that the Tanzanian shilling is legal tender and said it was illegal to press for application of the dollar in non-specified transactions.

Hers was a cry in the wilderness, for, incredibly, even cabinet ministers have spare dollars in their wallets and handbags, to avoid running into trouble when the need to make some transactions arises.

Worshipping a foreign currency and undermining one`s own is acutely embarrassing. It is tantamount to undermining our sovereignty and eroding our patriotism as well as nationalism.

The dollarisation craze must be reversed, and free tips may be drawn from Kenya and South Africa where, respectively, the shilling and rand are premier currencies and the rest are subordinate.

BAK, hii inazidi kuonyesha jinsi vipi serekali yetu ilivyo jaa mambumbumbu!! Kinachonikwaza zaidi, wengi wao hao viongozi eti wanadai ni wasomi.... kweli kama usomi ndio hivi bora basi shule nazo zifungwe tuu.

Kikubwa zaidi, utakuta vigogo wengi wanapenda watambulike ka Dr fulani, Prof fulani, Eng. fulani.... ni dharau kubwa sana kwa elimu.

Kwangu mimi binafsi, sihitaji elimu kubwa kutambua kwamba katika nchi yetu hii ya bongo, sarafu inayotakiwa kuwa inatumika ni shillingi ya Tanzania. Na hayo makampuni na watu binafsi wanao toza kwa dola basi msumeno wa sheria upite hapo kwao.

This is totaly nonsense, kelele zinapigwa miaka nenda miaka rudi. Kwa wakati mwengine, matatizo yotee nchi yetu inayoyapata kwa sasa ni tunajitakia wenyewe. Utamaduni huu waki Tanzania wakuheshimu hawa mafisadi unatakiwa kuisha.

Kwa lugha ya wenzetu, wanasema : "Respect is earned, never given"

Binafsi mimi siwaheshimu hawa viongozi wetu ambao matendo yao yanatuletea bugudha.... Hili tatizo lingekuwepo nchi za dunia ya kwanza, mbona haya makampuni na watu wangetupwa jela.
Mwezi mmoja uliopita nilikuwa na safari ya kikazi kupitia mikoa kama mitano hivi, sehemu zote tulizolala tulidaiwa bili zetu kwa dola halafu wanabadilisha kwa rate yao kuwa fedha za kitanzania.

Baada ya kurudi nikafanya utafiti usio rasimi kwa kuongea na watu wa kada tofauti yaani wafanyabiashara na wafanyakazi, Wote wanalalamikia hii hali ya kuidharau fedha yetu.

Mmoja alinishangaza pale aliponiambia hata ujenzi wa majengo pacha ya BOT ulilipwa kwa dola ya kimarekani (Sina hakika na taarifa hiyo). Mwingine akaniambia ana watoto watatu wanasoma hizi shule zinazoitwa FM accademia wote anawalipia kwa dola yaani ada inadaiwa kwa dola halafu kubadilisha na exchange rate wanayooamua hao wenye shule. (alinitajia majina). Huyu alikuwa analalamika kuwa ada haijapanda lakini ukibadilisha kiasi kilekile cha dola kila mwaka ada inakuwa juu sana kwenye fedha yetu ya shilingi. Hii inasikitisha sana.

Mwingine alinishangaza zaidi aliponiambia manunuzi mengine ya serikali quotation inafanyika kwa dola na mtu anapata tenda na kulipwavizuri tu.

Hoja zangu.
1. BOT wanafaya nini?

2. Je kuna watu wananufaika na hii hali ya kupanda na kushuka kwa thamani ya shilingi yetu kila siku? Kama sivyo iweje nchi inaendeshwa kwa curency mbili bila watu kuwajibishwa?

3. Je ni sahihi kweli kufanya soko huria kwenye fedha hata kwenye manunuzi ya ndani? ni haki mtanzania akifika pale hoteli ya kitalii mbugani achargiwe kwa dola kisha zibadilishe kwenda kwenye shilingi. Je ni haki mwajiriwa wa serikali ambaye analipwa kwa shiling adaiwe ada ya mtoto wake kwa dola.

4. Athari za hii hali ni nini kwenye uchumi wetu na hasa uchumi wa mtu mdogo. Je hii siyo sababu ya huu mfumko wa bei usioeleweka? Wahusika wako wapi.

Nilikuwa na matumani makubwa sana na Benno Ndulu, nikiamini atalimaliza hili tatizo la kutupotezea utaifa wetu. Ni katika kipindi chake mabureau de change yamekuwa mengi zaidi. Mengi ni ya kughamisha tu fedha za kigeni kwenda nje. Hii ni hatari sana kwa Taifa letu. Nakumbuka wakati wa Balali, Jaffary Sabodo aliwahi kutoa tangazo gazetini akilalamikia hili swala na hakuna hatua zozote zilizochukuliwa.

Wana Jf, nawasilisha hili kwenu najua uchambuzi wenu wa kitaalamu na uzoefu kwa waliosafiri nchi za watu utatusaidia sisi pamoja na wahusika kulishughulikia hili tatizo ambalo kwangu mimi nahisi ni kubwa sana kwenye uchumi wetu.
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