Elections 2010 Dissapointed with wanajamvi, "Please Help I Cant do This Alone"


JF-Expert Member
Nov 4, 2010
i recently posted this message jamvini https://www.jamiiforums.com/uchaguz...decrease-wabunges-salaries-a-must-read-2.html
I also asked for some sort of a form/database where even guests can fill the form, but :sad: the response has been dissapointing so please any suggestions how i can go about this if i could i would have done it alone thats how strongly i feel, as you know even dr slaa tried this but he failed but am sure with wananchi help he could have made it
You have to do it alone!
The Wananchi /Wanajamvi are not with you. Try harder to convince them on its feasibility.
.........hii JF hii....mmmhh!!
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