African Satellite World and Sat Gear

Guys who's watching gm movies or hala movies I'm not getting them where us I'm getting rt n akina ad sports at 57 and 61% respectively
Either ujue ki arabu ama like you said mute na uweke radio jambo hahaha
Actually I like d arabic it's like there describing a war movie.

Remember our very own go go go go go goaaaaal aah nje when listening to our radio for a local match.
It looks like Jeshi is leaving IS906 soon to another location.Meaning extra port and lnb is required.
Probably headed for 66 or 68e
Jeshis are lovers of high power TPs as they are meant for small dish home entertainment consumers.

With the only stable tps at 57e already occupied by MTN and BFBS I doubt Americans being Americans will settle for the remnant TPS.

Plus they are meant to serve the Asian geographical region so they're likely to move further east rather than west.
But we'll see.

My humble set up currently :
On 8ft pf ~ ISo 20 primary ,Apstar and Ting package

On the 6ft pf ~ Ss5


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