Who Killed Col. John Garang?


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2009
A former switchboard technician at MTN's offices in Kampala went missing.
He was called Andrew Ndawula. Late one evening after work he disappeared mysteriously and has never been seen again.
He is said to have disappeared at night on July 30, 2005 on the same day that the helicopter carrying Colonel John Garang the Sudan vice president crashed.
Some rumours say that he managed to overhear a high level government plan concerning the murder of Garang.
Readers for sure know that the very night of Garang's death there was a lot of interference on the MTN network and it was hard to call, to send or get an SMS and things like that.
You may remember well that one of the reasons the Museveni government advanced as to why the plane crushed was due to poor phone network conditions.
It is said that on that night of the fateful chopper crash Andrew Ndawula overheard his colleagues talking about switching off the MTN network with the then minister of information Dr James Nsaba Buturo. It is alleged that when they realised that Ndawula had overheard them they decided to cause him disappear.
Ndawula's mother approached the police crying and asking them to help her find her son but the police totally ignored her and so did MTN. This is why we feel that this could be a politically ordered disappearance.
The missing MTN technician Ndawula and the Garang death
Last updated : 14 June 2007, Kampala
We have been getting concerned inquiries from readers asking us to help shed some light on the whereabouts of a former switchboard technician at MTN's offices in Kampala.
He was called Andrew Ndawula. Late one evening after work he disappeared mysteriously and has never been seen again.
He is said to have disappeared at night on July 30, 2005 on the same day that the helicopter carrying Colonel John Garang the Sudan vice president crashed.
Some rumours say that he managed to overhear a high level government plan concerning the murder of Garang.
Readers for sure know that the very night of Garang's death there was a lot of interference on the MTN network and it was hard to call, to send or get an SMS, and things like that.
You may remember well that one of the reasons the Museveni government advanced as to why the plane crushed was due to poor phone network conditions.
It is said that on that night of the fateful chopper crash Andrew Ndawula overheard his colleagues talking about switching off the MTN network with the then minister of information Dr James Nsaba Buturo. It is alleged that when they realised that Ndawula had overheard them they decided to cause him disappear.
Ndawula's mother approached the police crying and asking them to help her find her son but the police totally ignored her and so did MTN. This is why we feel that this could be a politically ordered disappearance.
Maisha yanakwenda kwa kasi sana na maisha lazima yaendelea, mimi katika nafsi yangu huwa nawaza na kuwazua yaani maisha ya mwanadamu ni kama maua ni ya kuchanua na kunyauka.Na kipindi cha kuchanua kila mtu atakufahamu na utajulikana sana.Ukishanyauka yaani ni ndani ya mwezi kila kitu chako na wewe unasahaulika kabisa kana kwamba hukuwai kuishi katika dunia ya leo. Mimi naomba mwenye ufafanuzi aje kunifafanulia ili nielewe vizuri.Hivi ni nani alimuua muasisi wa mapinduzi ya Sudan kusini ndugu John Garangi?

Last pictures of Garang. Now who are the other picture in the picture?
Bornagain ni ngumu sana kumesa lakini watu wengi wanadhani kuwa ni mzee mwenyewe master planner mheshimiwa M7 ndo alifanya kweli.

Soma hii article ndo ujue kama kuna ukweli ama ni watu tu wanaomchukia mzee huyu

A former switchboard technician at MTN's offices in Kampala went missing.
He was called Andrew Ndawula. Late one evening after work he disappeared mysteriously and has never been seen again. He is said to have disappeared at night on July 30, 2005 on the same day that the helicopter carrying Colonel John Garang the Sudan vice president crashed. Some rumours say that he managed to overhear a high level government plan concerning the murder of Garang. Readers for sure know that the very night of Garang's death there was a lot of interference on the MTN network and it was hard to call, to send or get an SMS and things like that.
You may remember well that one of the reasons the Museveni government advanced as to why the plane crushed was due to poor phone network conditions. It is said that on that night of the fateful chopper crash Andrew Ndawula overheard his colleagues talking about switching off the MTN network with the then minister of information Dr James Nsaba Buturo. It is alleged that when they realised that Ndawula had overheard them they decided to cause him disappear.

Ndawula's mother approached the police crying and asking them to help her find her son but the police totally ignored her and so did MTN. This is why we feel that this could be a politically ordered disappearance.
The missing MTN technician Ndawula and the Garang death
Last updated : 14 June 2007, Kampala
We have been getting concerned inquiries from readers asking us to help shed some light on the whereabouts of a former switchboard technician at MTN's offices in Kampala.He was called Andrew Ndawula. Late one evening after work he disappeared mysteriously and has never been seen again.
He is said to have disappeared at night on July 30, 2005 on the same day that the helicopter carrying Colonel John Garang the Sudan vice president crashed. Some rumours say that he managed to overhear a high level government plan concerning the murder of Garang. Readers for sure know that the very night of Garang's death there was a lot of interference on the MTN network and it was hard to call, to send or get an SMS, and things like that. You may remember well that one of the reasons the Museveni government advanced as to why the plane crushed was due to poor phone network conditions.
It is said that on that night of the fateful chopper crash Andrew Ndawula overheard his colleagues talking about switching off the MTN network with the then minister of information Dr James Nsaba Buturo. It is alleged that when they realized that Ndawula had overheard them they decided to cause him disappear.
Ndawula's mother approached the police crying and asking them to help her find her son but the police totally ignored her and so did MTN. This is why we feel that this could be a politically ordered disappearance.
JF ni jungu kuu, bila shaka mwanzisha mada utajuzwa unacho taka kufaamu. Na sisi wengine tufahamu pia
Ukweli ndio huo ndiyo maana hata kipindi kile cha mazishi M7 aliogopa kwenda kumzika Garang maana yangemkuta makubwa sana. Mseven ni masterplaner lazima ukubali, kama huamini fuatilia kwa makini utagundua kuwa pia ana mkono kwenye vifo vya Rais Habrarimana na yule wa Burundi Cyprian Ntadyamira waliotunguliwa kwenye ndege mwaka 1994 Rwanda, wanasema ile SAM 16 missile iliyotumika kutungua ndege ya Habyarimana wa Rwanda ilitokea kwenye jeshi la Uganda
Pia sioni kama kuna la kushangaza maana hata sasa DRC haikaliki kwa sababu ya Mseveni na mwenzake Kagame, na pia kuna story niliwahi kusoma kuwa Mseven pia alishiriki kumuua rais aliechaguliwa kidemokrasia na waRundi yule Melchior Ndadaye maana angeendelea kuwa madarakani kwa kuwa RPF walikuwa wamepanga kuvamia Rwanda mwaka 1994 so kama Burundi ingekuwa na Rais Mhutu maana yake angepeleka majeshi kuwasaidia wahutu wenzake wa Rwanda which means vita ingekuwa ngumu na wangedelay kuiteka Rwanda. Kwa hiyo kwanza waliifanya Burundi isitawalike then wao ndo wakapiga Rwanda, zote hizo ni plan za Mseven ambae anataka kuwa rais wa East Africa
Niwemugizi, Niwemugizi, upo vizuri kwenye michango ya habari zinazohusu maziwa makuu,hof yangu ni kwamba Koba akikukamata utajuta maana wewe unaonekana humpendi Mseven hata kidogo yaani kweli alivuka mpaka Burundi.Kama ni hivo basi yuko vizuri kuzichanga karata,lakini hata hivo mimi nina imani kabisa kuna mkono wa mataifa ye magharibi maana haiwezekani ifanye nchi za maziwa makuu kutotawalika na kukaa kwenye taharuki
nami nifurahi na kushukuru sana kama nikijua kilichomsibu huyu UDSM alumn
Niwemugizi, Niwemugizi, upo vizuri kwenye michango ya habari zinazohusu maziwa makuu,hof yangu ni kwamba Koba akikukamata utajuta maana wewe unaonekana humpendi Mseven hata kidogo yaani kweli alivuka mpaka Burundi.Kama ni hivo basi yuko vizuri kuzichanga karata,lakini hata hivo mimi nina imani kabisa kuna mkono wa mataifa ye magharibi maana haiwezekani ifanye nchi za maziwa makuu kutotawalika na kukaa kwenye taharuki

You better believe it brother, kwa muda wako soma hii link chini ya mwanajeshi alieshiriki kutungua ndege na atakuelezea mafunzo aliyatoa wapi na kama siyo Uganda kwa Mseven pia ndiyo utajua involvement ya Mseven to destabilize peace in the region of Great Lakes.Katika vitu vyote alivofanya alifanya lakini hakuna kitu kinachoniuma kama kutungua ndege na kuua marais wawili kwa mpigo then watu wanakaa kimya tu,inatakiwa na yeye aende The Hague Hungry for Truth, Peace and Justice: Testimony of Abdul Ruzibiza about how mistakes by both the Rwandan Government and the RPF led to the Rwandan genocide of 1994
Niwemugizi, hebu nisaidie kunielewesha katika jambo hili.

1. Watu wengine wanasema hili swala la Msevuni na Kagame kushirikia na kuwasaidia wahasi, tena wahasi ambao wamewahasisi wenyewe, ni kuhakikisha kabila la Kitutsi linashika hatamu ya utawala katika nchi ya Rwanda, DRC, na Uganda, kwa sababu inasadikika kuwa Mseveni ana asili ya Kitutsi, kwasababu kabila lake la Kinyankole kwa asili ni Watutsi. 2. Unafikiri M7 na Kagame watapona na ICC.
Niwemugizi, hebu nisaidie kunielewesha katika jambo hili.

1. Watu wengine wanasema hili swala la Msevuni na Kagame kushirikia na kuwasaidia wahasi, tena wahasi ambao wamewahasisi wenyewe, ni kuhakikisha kabila la Kitutsi linashika hatamu ya utawala katika nchi ya Rwanda, DRC, na Uganda, kwa sababu inasadikika kuwa Mseveni ana asili ya Kitutsi, kwasababu kabila lake la Kinyankole kwa asili ni Watutsi. 2. Unafikiri M7 na Kagame watapona na ICC.

Well said lakini nachokuambia Mseven na Kagame kwenda the Heague ni mpaka hapo mataifa ya magharibi yatakapowachoka
Well said lakini nachokuambia Mseven na Kagame kwenda the Heague ni mpaka hapo mataifa ya magharibi yatakapowachoka

Umesema vizuri bornagain, lakini naona Mseveni amekwishaana kushutukia game, maana kwa sasa anayashamulia sana kwa maneno mataifa ya magharibi.

Alafu sasa amekuja na mbinu mpya ya kuwashawishi marais wa Africa, wote waikatae Heague na inaonekana kwa sasa anataka achukue nafasi ya Gadafi kugharamia mikutano ya AU ili awapate kiurahisi.
Umesema vizuri bornagain, lakini naona Mseveni amekwishaana kushutukia game, maana kwa sasa anayashamulia sana kwa maneno mataifa ya magharibi.

Alafu sasa amekuja na mbinu mpya ya kuwashawishi marais wa Africa, wote waikatae Heague na inaonekana kwa sasa anataka achukue nafasi ya Gadafi kugharamia mikutano ya AU ili awapate kiurahisi.

Mimi nachowajua wazungu bwana wanakutumia kwenye interest zao na kipindi wakimaliza interest zao basi wanakubwaga,just imagine kama sio lingine what was the point for US kusaidia Kagame kuikamata Rwanda wakati Rwanda is just a country ambayo hata madini hamna, but their interest ilikuwa kumsaidia Kagame aikamate Rwanda then Kagame huyohuyo asaidie kuharibu amani DRC ili USA wapate wasaa wa kupiga madini kule,siku madini yakiisha ndiyo mwisho wa Kagame.Kwani si kama ilivotokea kwa Savimbi walimtumia weeee then wakaachana nae, ndugu yangu kifo cha Savimbi kilikuwa cha kusikitisha yaani mwili wake ulikutwa na matobo ya risasi 11 na ndiyo huo ukawa mwisho wake
Muite Dr. John Garang.... Southern Sudan waliamini huyo ndio angekua mkombozi wao katika usimamizi wa rasilimali zao!
Nashukuru mkuu bornagain kwa ufafanuzi mzuri, kitu cha kusikitisha Savimbi alizikwa na watu wachache sana.

Mkuu kuna kitu nimejiuliza kuhusu Rwanda chini ya uongozi wa Kagame, kuna kiongozi mmoja wa ngazi ya juu ameukataa mpango/pendekezo alilolitoa Rais wa Tanzania Jakaya Kikwete ya kuwa amani ya DRC itafutwe kwa njia ya mazunguzo na waasi wa M23, Uganda nao wafanye mazungunzo na waasi wa mstuni, pamona Rwanda nao wafanye mazungumzo na waasi wa Rwanda, lakini yule msemaji kasema huo ni upuuzi.
kikwete anaogopa,m23 ni kundinla wahuni tu. Haliko kutetea the congolese people.kitu kimoja kagane ajue ni muda utafika tuu.
You better believe it brother, kwa muda wako soma hii link chini ya mwanajeshi alieshiriki kutungua ndege na atakuelezea mafunzo aliyatoa wapi na kama siyo Uganda kwa Mseven pia ndiyo utajua involvement ya Mseven to destabilize peace in the region of Great Lakes.Katika vitu vyote alivofanya alifanya lakini hakuna kitu kinachoniuma kama kutungua ndege na kuua marais wawili kwa mpigo then watu wanakaa kimya tu,inatakiwa na yeye aende The Hague Hungry for Truth, Peace and Justice: Testimony of Abdul Ruzibiza about how mistakes by both the Rwandan Government and the RPF led to the Rwandan genocide of 1994

da hizi system za kiafrica hasa hasa hapa maziwa makuu zimeoza kabisa aisee
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