The Different Habits Between Successful And Unsuccessful People

Money Stunna

JF-Expert Member
Aug 9, 2011
Unsuccessful people criticize: They will find something wrong with everything and will blast your failures and shadow your successes. They will be the negative voice that doesn’t believe in anything and is narrow-minded.

Successful people compliment: They understand when they should give constructive criticism or not. They will talk with positivity and see the future in something rather than just talking down about something. They don’t keep much negativity in their lives.

Unsuccessful people blame others for their failures:(Govt dis govt dat) These people love to point the finger on anything and anyone when something goes wrong in their lives. They constantly look for excuses and reasons as to why something didn’t happen, rather than looking into what they did wrong. This makes them feel better about failing; finger pointing is the easy way out.

Successful people take responsibility for their own actions: They learn from their mistakes because they look at what they did wrong, recognize it and figure out a way not to make the same mistake twice. They understand they are responsible for their own actions.

Unsuccessful people think they know it all. It’s funny because these pedestrians walk around with their heads high as if they have the answer to every question that life has. They are stubborn; they always think they are right and that they know it all, when instead they are ------.

Successful people are constantly learning: Successful people understand that everything in life is about experience and the day you stop learning is the day you are dead. They are always asking questions and are always looking to attain more and more information. They may play dumb, but that is just to get what they want out of you.

Unsuccessful people don’t know what they want to be: They love spitting out the line “I don’t know what I want to do with my life.” They never have any direction and instead of looking for some direction or some sort of target, they just sit and complain about it. They are crybabies that lack action.

Successful people have a target and goals: They understand there is one fundamental in life, you need to understand where you are aiming so that you can start shooting towards it. It’s having a target and the shot is your actions towards that target.

They know exactly what they want out of life, where they want to be and what their purpose is. They are constantly doing, and their actions speak louder than their words — and if they are chasing something, there is nothing that will stop them.

Unsuccessful people fear change: They think that what they are doing right now will never change and they are content with where they are in their lives. As long as they have the bare minimum of their basic needs, they are okay with it and don’t really change their lives much because they are afraid to lose that consistency.

Successful people love innovation and change: They are always thinking about what is next, not what is going on right now. They welcome risks into their lives and are okay with sacrifice and risking it all for the greater good of their goal. They understand change is what brought humanity to its current advanced state, so they are always looking for it.

Unsuccessful people procrastinate: They will look for any excuse to take a break from what they are doing. They get distracted easily and they love putting things off until tomorrow. They waste their time with nonsense TV, their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and are not focused on their lives and what they are doing right now. They are constantly letting unimportant things get in the way of what is important.

Successful people value their time: They will not let a minute go to waste for nonsense. If they are not doing something to benefit them in the long run and help them in some way, shape or form, they are not going to waste their time. They understand that time is the most valuable commodity that they have and they use it wisely

Unsuccessful people don’t understand hard work:(mon-sunday church ) They look for miracles, they look for free handouts and they look to get lucky. They want things to come easy to them, they get frustrated when they don’t have instant gratification and they most likely will give up when things get tough. They think that success is only granted to those who are lucky. They have no work ethic behind them and will do the bare minimum just to feel like they did something.

Successful people know things take time and hard work: They understand that nothing happens over night. They know that the hard work that you put in will become the output that eventually emerges. They understand that success takes time and that they have to perfect their craft and work their hardest to get there. Hard work is the old-fashioned way of attaining success and they know that.

Unsuccessful people are negative.(Tanzanian graduates) They are constantly pouting, calling themselves depressed and have severely negative outlooks on the way life treats them. They actually believe that everything will not go their way — and it eventually doesn't. It is their negative belief and the lack of confidence in themselves to ever amount to something.And its annoying when they say there is no money in Nigeria. mr and mrs graduate, are you sure?

Successful people are positive: They look at life differently, they are optimists and their beliefs are strong behind them. They believe that they have the ability to do anything they set their minds to and they eventually do so. Their will-power is what pushes them, they’re ambitious and they believe that they can conquer whatever they want.

Closing Thought:

What you have to realize is that we are all human, we are all born and we all die. It’s what we do with our time in between that makes us special. It’s the habits, actions and beliefs that separate us — not anything else.
Tunao muda sawa kwa masikin na matajir: yaan masaa 24 kwa siku sas ni kipi wao wanacho(matajiri) zaidi yetu. Pumzi, ucngzi akili maarifa macho na viungo vyengne vya mwili.

yani nashukuru sana mkuu kwa hii food for thought,imenifanya nianze kutafakari upya namna ninavoishi...shukrani sana
Hizo tabia za unsuccessful people ni tabia za mzee wangu kwa asilimia 90 ni mbishi hlf hashauriki anachoamini yeye ndyo hicho hicho yupo too much negativity yaan full time ni kulalamika tu...huu uzi ni fundisho kubwa sana kwangu
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