the aprentice africa show


JF-Expert Member
Nov 24, 2006
Anyone watching the apprentice africa show? Its more or less like big brother africa but it recruits academic proffesionals who are given tasks where they have to apply their skills, education to tackle the issues.
The show is very educative and its a challenge kwa wasomi wetu wa hapa, can they deliver their education to face real life challenges?
I realy admire the contestants for their vigour, strength and leadership.More info visit

oops its shown on TVT on sunday around 9 pm (21hrs)
Kinyau, i agree with you its a great show na ni challenge mtu kujipima uwezo wako wa kutumia elimu yako in practical terms,a similar show by the same name is aired in US hosted by real estate billionaire Donald Trump.
Great show....
Ila I think wana edit sana kwa hiyo ni vigumu kujua uwezo halisi wa individuals.
All in all ni nzuri. Ila nashangaa kwa nini hakuna watanzania? Maybe Celtel can tell us kwa vile na wao ni sponsors!
Yes, It is a nice edutainment. Apart from great skills from the participants, I really admire that guy with "ndevu za mvi" especially when concluding the assignment and pointing to someone that 'you are fired".

A show that I have recommnded to my friends to watch.
Great show....
Ila I think wana edit sana kwa hiyo ni vigumu kujua uwezo halisi wa individuals.
All in all ni nzuri. Ila nashangaa kwa nini hakuna watanzania? Maybe Celtel can tell us kwa vile na wao ni sponsors!

Mama Lao, true wanaedit sana maybe hawana airtime ya kutosha. Its very hard kujua uwezo halisi wa mtu. Im also suprised as to why there are no TZs fellas. Labda kwa kuwa we are not risk takers, tu waoga mno. I hope next time watanzania watakuwepo.
That guy with ndevu zenye mvi hana mchezo wala haagalii makunyazi, akikwambia ur fired,its it. No further discussion. I simply love that show.
seems to be educative due to what members mlivyochangia......I HAVE TO WATCH THAT .....! THANKS ALL.......!
Jamani, mbona this show is just a clone of the American version? Pia the participants try too hard to act American!!
The other thing is I think the name of the show should be "The Apprentice West Africa" as there is no true representation of the regions of Africa other than West Africa.
This is not to say it's not any of the things guys before me have already said
i dont see the problem if it resembles that of america since we have to learn what we think will hekp us. The representatives are from Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria so its kind of a mix. Maybe pple were invited to participate from any african country but they hesitated? If you watch it closely u'll see many participants have either studied or stayed in western countries for a long time. I love the Zulu group, so confident, so determined but my favourite participant is Blessing.
Jamani, mbona this show is just a clone of the American version?
The Apprentice is a television franchise that originated in 2004 in the United States.
Nchi 24 sasa zina TV Program kama hii.

Mimi pia nilishangaa kuona hakuna Mtanzania hata mmoja. Nilipofuatilia niligundua walikuwepo Waganda 2 na Wakenya 3.
Next time pengine WaTZ watashiriki. Nenda kweye website aliyotoa Kinyau kuona namna ya kushiriki.

Great show!
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