Respect yourself


JF-Expert Member
Dec 12, 2016
Respect yourself! Hold your head up high! It's not arrogance. It only means you know your worth.

You see, how others treat you is a reflection of how you treat yourself!

How do you carry yourself around? What environment do you create around you?

Does it attract good people and things into your life? It's really important

Treat yourself good. Hold yourself to higher standards and keep your word. It's time to rise above the level of mediocrity.

You see, eagles don't mingle with pigeons. If you have some goals that you are reaching for, you can't do that by being around negative people.

They will cause you to lose your nerve and your focus. But how do you avoid negative people when you yourself are negative?

So, start from yourself. You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU

Good morning & Have A

Great week ahead!
The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. Starve your distractions & feed your focus. Do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.

Remain focused; Put your future in safe hands-your own.

Smile For Change
If you do a job another’s way, he or she must take the responsibility. If you do it your way, you must take the responsibility.

The “loneliness at the top” that senior officials often feel comes from the certain knowledge that they alone are responsible for the failure or success of the organization. They may share their authority with associates, but not their responsibility.

When a sports franchise suffers a losing season, the general manager and the coaches are held accountable. They, not the individual players, are responsible for the failure of the team; the team merely followed orders. When you become the leader, when you set the course, you must accept responsibility for the outcome.
Food For Life This Week....

Walking Is The Best Exercise.
Walk Away,From Arguments
That Lead You To Nowhere
But Anger.

Walk Away,From People
Who Deliberately
Put You Down.
Walk Away,From Any Thought
That Reduces Your Worth.

Walk Away, From
Failures & Fears
That Stifle Your Dreams.
The More You Walk Away
From Things That
Poison Your Soul,
The Happier Your
Life Would Be.
Gift Yourself A Walk
Towards Happiness.

Have A Gr8 Week.
Be committed to fulfilling your life purpose, no one else will help you to do so.

Live your dream.
Walk the talk.
Live your life.
Love yourself, love your life.

You are unique,
you are wonderfully created, you are the masterpiece,
the enabler,
the innovator,
the inventor!

Create your future by working hard to make it happen to get to the level of greatness you've envisaged. Remove self limiting thoughts.

Step by step,
precept by precept,
you will get there. You shall achieve purpose, you shall fulfil destiny!

I am like a little pencil in God’s hands. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do with it. -Mother Teresa

1. What’s truly important, lies within you.

2. Never forget the hand that guides you.

3. Just like pencil, have a firm grip on life. Too much pressure can break it.

4. Like eraser, remove all your mistakes and rewrite your story.

5. Unless you go through painful sharpening, the best within you will never come out.

6. Unless what is within you comes out, you cannot make an impact. Our personality can impress, but being a genuine person can inspire.

7. The outside of pencil is beautiful, wooden casing and inside is a substance i.e lead. Similarly, we have outside, our looks, personality, our valuables and inside i.e. our morals, characters, values.
I cherish these Lines

"There is a force in you that is more powerful than the negative people, circumstances or environment you find yourself.

You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.

Make a conscious deliberate effort to keep your mind above all the toxic conversations,
attitudes and stressful atmosphere surrounding you."

Good morning & Have A
Great Friday!
Don't let your process of growth stagnate. Treat each day as an opportunity to become the better you!

ACTION is always better than STAGNANCY. When you find yourself in a rut, don't hesitate - MOVE!

It doesn't matter if your last endeavor ended in failure. THAT DOESN'T DETERMINE HOW THE NEXT STEP WILL END.

You will always have to keep trying, to keep moving, until you WIN!

It's those who keep themselves in the game that WIN!
"In trying to become like someone else, we are reducing our own marks. If we are not satisfied with our own self can not find satisfaction anywhere in the world. Nobody can make the whole world happy.

We should learn to keep our own self happy and remain happy under all circumstances in life. The key to being happy is a non-insisting mind, non-complaining mind, and a pure mind."

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