Obama ni Msomali?


JF-Expert Member
Nov 27, 2007
Obma ni Msomali?

Obama ni msomali?


Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., right, is dressed as a Somali Elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan, left, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya, near the borders with Somalia and Ethiopia in this file photo from Aug. 27, 2006. The garb was presented to Obama by elders in Wajir. Obama's estranged late father was Kenyan and Obama visited the country in 2006, attracting thousands of well-wishers.
(AP Photo)
Obma ni Msomali?

Obama ni msomali?


Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., right, is dressed as a Somali Elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan, left, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya, near the borders with Somalia and Ethiopia in this file photo from Aug. 27, 2006. The garb was presented to Obama by elders in Wajir. Obama's estranged late father was Kenyan and Obama visited the country in 2006, attracting thousands of well-wishers.
(AP Photo)

huku ndio kuchafuana kisiasa, yanatukumbusha 2005 ccm mambo yalivyokuwa

Picha hii imezua mgogoro; mchezo wa kuchafuana politically mbaya I see! Hebu soma chini hapa pia:-

A PICTURE of Barack Obama dressed in Somali garb has sparked a war of words between the Democratic presidential front-runner and Hillary Clinton.

The photograph shows the Illinois senator outfitted as a Somali elder during his 2006 visit to northeastern Kenya, part of a five-country tour of Africa.

It appeared at the top of Monday's Drudge Report, and was said to have been provided by Clinton staffers over the weekend.

Now both campaigns are suggesting that the other should feel some sort of shame over the flap. According to Obama aides, the Clinton campaign is sinking to shameful fear-mongering.

Clinton's campaign chief retorted that she can't figure out why Obama would be ashamed of having the photo out in the public.

While the source of the photo is unverified, Drudge claims it was sent to the site by a Clinton aide, who argued that had it been a costumed Clinton, it would have made the front pages.

"Wouldn't we be seeing this on the cover of every magazine if it were Clinton?" wrote the unnamed Clinton campaign staffer, according to the Drudge Report.

Expressing outrage, Obama's campaign suggested the purpose of the photo release was to invoke reminders of persistent rumors that Obama is secretly Muslim, and by extension, anti-American.

"On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we've seen from either party in this election," Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said.

"This is part of a disturbing pattern that led her county chairs to resign in Iowa, her campaign chairman to resign in New Hampshire, and it's exactly the kind of divisive politics that turns away Americans of all parties and diminishes respect for America in the world," Plouffe continued.

A longtime member of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama, who as a child lived for four years in Indonesia, has repeatedly denied that he is Muslim.

Previous attacks have been decried by both candidates, and one Clinton campaign volunteer was asked to step down after forwarding an e-mail spreading the Muslim rumor.

But seeing an opportunity to refute the Obama camps outrage, Clinton campaign manager Maggie Williams turned the perceived prejudice on its head.

"If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed.

"Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely," she said in a statement.

"This is nothing more than an obvious and transparent attempt to distract from the serious issues confronting our country today and to attempt to create the very divisions they claim to decry. We will not be distracted."

Indeed, the New York senator, her husband, Bill Clinton, and other past presidents have all been photographed in traditional costume while visiting nations abroad.

Speaking on a conference call, Obama advisers rejected the suggestion that the candidate is shamed by the photo, but likened the incident to receipt of an unwanted Christmas present.

And now, Hillary reacts to SNL Sketches! click to watch
Kumbe hata USA kuna kampeni hizi?

Ili mtu uwe msomali sio lazima kuvaa vile. May all Obama needs to do is expain the purpose of the outfits.
Ndugu Idimi,

Hayo ni makabila mawili tofauti. Hii mipaka ya nchi zetu Afrika, tuliwekewa na Wakoloni bila ya ridhaa yetu. Wao waliipiga piga mistari Afrika huku wakiwagawa watu wa kabila moja katika nchi tofauti.

Kuna Wasomali Somalia/Somaliland na wapo Wasomali wa Kenya. Kuna Wajaluo wa Tanzania ba wapo Wajaluo wa Kenya. Kuna Wamasai wa Kenya na wapo Wamasai wa Tanzania n.k.

Huyu kijana machachari Obama ni Mjaluo wa Kenya ambako ndiko alikotokea Baba yake mzazi.

Obama alipoitembelea Kenya, alikuwa ni mgeni rasmi wa nchi ya Kenya. Ni Senator kutoka USA. Mbali na kwenda kwao Ujaluoni, alitembezwa katika kipande cha nchi ya Kenya chenye Wasomali. Kwa heshima yake akavikwa mavazi hayo ya Kisomali wakati Wasomali wa Kenya walipompokea mgeni wao.

Ni sawa na vile Mwalimu Nyerere alipovikwa mgolole alipowatembelea wazee wa Kihehe kule Iringa wakati fulani katika enzi zake nchini Tanzania au alipovikwa mgolole wa Ki-Ghana alipokwenda kule Ghana.
Ndugu Idimi,

Hayo ni makabila mawili tofauti. Hii mipaka ya nchi zetu Afrika, tuliwekewa na Wakoloni bila ya ridhaa yetu. Wao waliipiga piga mistari Afrika huku wakiwagawa watu wa kabila moja katika nchi tofauti.

Kuna Wasomali Somalia/Somaliland na wapo Wasomali wa Kenya. Kuna Wajaluo wa Tanzania ba wapo Wajaluo wa Kenya. Kuna Wamasai wa Kenya na wapo Wamasai wa Tanzania n.k.

Huyu kijana machachari Obama ni Mjaluo wa Kenya ambako ndiko alikotokea Baba yake mzazi.

Obama alipoitembelea Kenya, alikuwa ni mgeni rasmi wa nchi ya Kenya. Ni Senator kutoka USA. Mbali na kwenda kwao Ujaluoni, alitembezwa katika kipande cha nchi ya Kenya chenye Wasomali. Kwa heshima yake akavikwa mavazi hayo ya Kisomali wakati Wasomali wa Kenya walipompokea mgeni wao.

Ni sawa na vile Mwalimu Nyerere alipovikwa mgolole alipowatembelea wazee wa Kihehe kule Iringa wakati fulani katika enzi zake nchini Tanzania au alipovikwa mgolole wa Ki-Ghana alipokwenda kule Ghana.

Mgosi, sina uhakika kama umenielewa vizuri!
Lengo langu ilikuwa ni kueleweshwa kama "Waluo" na "Wajaluo" ni makabila tofauti ama la, kama alivyokuwa ameandika Kamundu hao juu!
Otherwise maelezo yako ya ziada yametulia!
Waluo na wajaluo ni watu walewale ni kama kusema sambaa na wasambaa au massai na wamasai.
Kwani Msomali sii Mtu??

Msomali ni mtu kama wengine tu, na Tanzania tunao wa kutosha sana.
Lengo la hao watu wanaomhusisha Obama na Usomali ni kutaka kuunganisha Usomali dhidi ya Uislamu na Ugaidi. Yaani kero kweli kweli.
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