Natural Attractions in Kenya and Tanzania

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Ethiopian Airlines Partners with Karibu TMT to boost show

By Adam Ihucha

International visitors to Karibu Travel Market Tanzania will enjoy discounted travel packages from Ethiopian Airlines, thanks to the new deal between the Fair organizers and carrier.

The 16-year-old Karibu TMT touted as the second largest travel show in Africa after Indaba in south Africa, and the East African premier travel and tourism exhibition, will be held at Magereza grounds near Arusha airport on May 27th – 29 this year.
Although the deal inked over the weekend in Arusha is silent on how much would be reduced, the Ethiopian Airlines traffic and sales Manager Kilimanjaro, Ms Fitsimt Dejene said her carrier would offer concession airfares.

“It is a rewarding experience for Ethiopian Airlines to contribute towards the upcoming Karibu TMT fair by providing concession air fares to attract more visitors from source markets,” said, Ms Dejene.

In recent years, Ethiopian Airline’s ever-growing network and Star Alliance membership has greatly contributed towards the international tourism marketing strategy of Tanzania Tourism Board (TTB) by providing air access to traditional primary and secondary tourist source markets and emerging markets like China, India and Brazil.

Tanzania Association of Tour operators CEO, Mr Sirili Akko said the partnership would be a major boost to the Karibu TMT, as Ethiopian Airlines would offer international participants a hustle free trip to Arusha.

“We are very much delighted and definitely our partnership with Ethiopian Airline will be a major boost in our nearly two decades effort to promote the tourism industry” said Mr Akko.

The first day of the Fair, Mr Akko said, was set aside for trading only, and continuing on Saturday and Sunday May 28th and 29th, which will be open for the public.

TATO leadership is currently engaging in key marketing platforms such as ITB Berlin and the World Travel Market (WTM) London to promote the Karibu TMT as a premier regional fair.
He urged TATO members and other tourism stakeholders to encourage their partners from within the EA region and overseas to take part in the show that would be graced by the natural resources and tourism minister, Prof Jumanne Maghembe.

Karibu TMT is an annual business-to-business exhibition for travel industry professionals, according to TATO CEO.

The event also hosts suppliers of travel and tourism products to showcase the latest developments in the travel industry.

“It brings together the largest global industry gathering of destinations, tour operators, hotels, airlines, technology and online travel services under one roof and covers a diverse range of sectors within the travel and tourism industry,” Mr Akko explained.

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Posted about 22 hours ago by Corporate Digest
Trekking and mountain climbing are one of the most exciting sport activities. Who does not like seeing the world from above where everything ...

Trekking and mountain climbing are one of the most exciting sport activities. Who does not like seeing the world from above where everything seems to be so small and innocent?

According to Jovago, Tanzania is not only about beautiful animals and luxury hotels; the country’s regions are surrounded by some of the largest volcanic mountains that are both active and extinct supported by a number of fauna and flora.

There are more than 20 Volcanic Mountains in Tanzania. Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountain stands at 2962 meters high. The local people, Masai, call it ‘Mountain of God’. It has been recorded with more than 10 eruptions since 1883, the latest one recorded in 2013. Several earthquakes and ashes from the mountain make them believe it is their God’s acts of aggression or happiness during the time.

Kilimanjaro Mountain is the highest in Africa and it rises approximately 19,341 ft above the sea level. The Mountain erupted between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago. The interesting thing is that it has three volcanic cones; Kibo - the highest peak which is dormant and the remaining two Mawenzi and Shira are extinct.

Mount Meru is located just 70 Kilometers west of Kilimanjaro Mountain. It is the fourth highest mountain in Africa and it had a minor eruption recorded back in 1910. The earliest activity of Volcano in Meru is estimated over 1.5 million years ago. The mountain is a topographic centerpiece of Arusha National Park in Northern Tanzania.

Mount Rungwe is another dormant volcanic mountain which is found under Rungwe forest reserve, where the Eastern and Western arms of a Rift Valley meet. It is found in Mbeya region, Southern Tanzania.

Gelai Volcano Mountain is found around the Crater highlands regions in the southern edge of the rift valley. The earliest activity of eruption can be dated back in less than one million years ago.
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