Money printing maana yake nini?


JF-Expert Member
Sep 11, 2012
Imani yangu mko vema sana humu. Mimi Naenda moja Kwa moja kwenye mada naomba kuelezwa kwamba Kuna notion ya taifa kutumia fedha yake Kwa Kila kitu hata kununua bidhaa kutoka nje kw Hela yake. Lakini sisi hasa nchi zetu hizi Ili ununue bidhaa kutoka nje lazima utumie Dola ya marekani.

Africa forever trapped under current racist global financial system. Unless #newworldorder is born. The current unbalanced colonial globalist financial system was only meant to benefit a few and keep millions of global south under economic subjugation and domination by west thanks to corrupt #IMF and thieving #worldbankgroup

IMF forces countries to commit “economic sucide” through privatization and structural adjustment programs that demand countries end all subsidies (food,gas or medicine) in the name of getting loans to save their economies.

Gaddafi was right ; Africa needs its own central bank and print its own money backed by actual resources and end the debt trap diplomacy that has destroyed many African countries.

Wakati sisi tunahangaika kuitafuta Dola Kwa jasho kumbe marekani inaprint tu Hela alafu inalipa.

Msaada jamani nani mwenye uelewa wa hii kitu
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