Introducing "Dead Beat Kenya"


JF-Expert Member
Jan 30, 2008
How a Facebook group in Kenya is shaming deadbeat parents


There are selfish, negligent parents all over the world. In Kenya, however, a new Facebook group has now taken private parental disputes public. "Dead Beat Kenya" – which was founded Sept. 6 and already has 170,000 members – aims at exposing those who have refused to care for their children.

Jackson Nieru, one of the group’s administrators and founders, explains that "Dead Beat Kenya" targets both fathers and mothers and is supposed to help those who could not afford to go through a costly judicial process to make their claims.

Users can post photos, phone numbers and names as well as short descriptions of the alleged offenders. The posts are not immediately published, but need to be approved by one of the group's administrators. Nieru claims that the information is checked and both sides contacted before the posts become visible in the group. Speaking to the BBC, he said that he had already been contacted by lawyers willing to work with mothers and fathers to reach settlements.

Lots of the group’s commenters seemed to support the idea. “This is the best thing ever for single mums,” a woman wrote. The question whether such public shaming will change things for the better is now being debated nationally in Kenyan newspapers and on television.

Due to the time and resource constraints in verifying the claims, the Facebook group has also drawn criticism. One man -- who was shamed by a mother -- said the accusations publicly made against him were wrong. "What she is saying is not true, and she is damaging my reputation... It is just a forum that is made to destroy relationships and put people on the line," he told the BBC.

Journalists, businessmen and officers appear to be among the men and women publicly shamed in the group -- men making up the vast majority of those accused. The group's founders themselves seem to expect to face legal action. On Wednesday, Nieru posted a statement saying there was a possibility that lawyers were preparing suits against the administrators as well as Facebook commenters. "The people who send the information to us take full responsibility for it," Nieru wrote.

Nevertheless, the administrators might violate Facebook's guidelines, which broadly state that users should not "post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else's rights." Facebook also prohibits the upload of identification documents or sensitive financial information, but some of the documents that had been posted by Wednesday appeared to show copies of hospital or school bills.

How a Facebook group in Kenya is shaming deadbeat parents - The Washington Post
‘Dead Beat Kenya' rattles uncaring spouses


A screen shot of Dead Beat Kenya, a Facebook page through which many women have vented their fury against their partners


[h=3]In Summary[/h]
  • Started on September 6 by businessman Jackson Njeru, the page has gone viral after naming politicians, musicians and businessmen who allegedly do not take care of their children.
  • According to Mr Elisha Ongoya, a lawyer, if it turns out that the information published on the page is in fact incorrect, the individual mentioned adversely can sue for libel.

A Facebook page that claims to name and shame irresponsible fathers and mothers who do not take care of their children has sparked a storm on and off social media.

With over 155,000 online followers, the page, known as "Dead Beat Kenya", allows users to post photographs, phone numbers and other personal information about the men and women they accuse of neglecting their children.

Started on September 6 by businessman Jackson Njeru, the page has gone viral after naming politicians, musicians and businessmen who allegedly do not take care of their children.

They have allegedly failed to pay for their offspring's upkeep even after being ordered to do so by the courts.

Mr Njeru said he started the page after he encountered many women who had been left with children but had no means of fending for them.

"I helped two or three women with money and they told their friends. My inbox was soon full of messages of women asking me to intervene between them and their irresponsible partners… I knew the page would open a can of worms, but I did not expect it to go viral," he told the Nation.

Those who have been abandoned by their partners first approach Mr Njeru, who then contacts those accused to work out a plan to cater for the children.

"I call the irresponsible fathers and (a) majority of them will deny the child and the mother. A few will communicate with the mother of the child and work out a plan to take care of the children. But those that find themselves on the page are the stubborn ones who don't return my calls and messages," he said.

Those mentioned on the page are exposed to hundreds of acerbic comments and criticism from group members.

One has to sign up to be a member because it is a closed user group and the information is not available to those who have not registered.


Family lawyer Judy Thongori said it was unfortunate that there were so many irresponsible parents.

"I appreciate the level of frustration of such mothers. That said, every parent has a responsibility because having a child is a consensual agreement. However, part of that responsibility requires that you do not unduly expose the child," Ms Thongori said.

According to her, exposing the fathers and their particulars on social media leads to identification and ridiculing of the child, and such kind of public shaming has the potential of alienating the child from the parent.

Exposing the identity of the child is prohibited in Section 76 of the Children's Act.

What is her advice to parents who want their children's fathers or mothers to play their rightful role?

"The Constitution has made it impossible to discriminate against a child born out of wedlock," she said. "The place to go is the Children's Court. Seek legal help that can be sustained. I know justice is not always accessible and that is why people choose to go to Facebook, but people must know that you can go to court and represent yourself," said Ms Thongori.


Exposing deadbeat parents without a clear-cut authentication process and verification of facts opens the page and the users to various legal challenges, such as the risk of being sued for libel and defamation.

According to Mr Elisha Ongoya, a lawyer, if it turns out that the information published on the page is in fact incorrect, the individual mentioned adversely can sue for libel.

"This is because the mode of communication adopted (writing) is permanently sustainable and can last for a lifetime," he said.

A person defamed on the Facebook page can sue the one who provided the misleading information as well as the host of the page for repeating the defamatory remarks.

"Every repetition of the defamatory matter gives you a fresh reason to complain. Even the company that hosts Facebook can be sued," he said.

He was also of the view that embarrassing and shaming irresponsible fathers will not always give the desired effect.

"It causes more harm especially to children who go to school with other tech-savvy children. The psychological effects are more than the benefits you get from blackmailing a man to take care of his children. It is too invasive," he said.



  • The Facebook group was started by businessman Jackson Njeru on September 6. Njeru is also the founder and administrator of another Facebook page dubbed "Buyers Beware" that exposes conmen.
  • The page membership hit 155,000 in less than a week.
  • It was started after Njeru encountered many single mothers left helpless by irresponsible partners. He says the term "refers to parents of either gender who have freely chosen not to be supportive."

"Deadbeat dad" and "deadbeat mom" are commonly used by child-support agencies to refer to fathers and mothers who are unwilling to pay child support ordered by a court or statutory agency.



The Maendeleo ya Wanaume Association has threatened to sue the administrator of the Dead Beat Kenya Facebook group.

The association's chairman, Mr Nderitu Njoka, on Monday said the page is operating contrary to the law.

Mr Njoka said 17 men had forwarded their complaints to the association seeking redress over alleged adverse mention on the social media platform.

The association has already filed a complaint at Nairobi's Central Police Station, where the aggrieved men also recorded their statements.

He said men accused of forsaking their children could be guilty but the channel used was wrong and in contravention of the Constitution.

Mr Njoka argues that there were many government offices dealing with the plight of children, including the Children's Court, that are the right platform for aggrieved women to seek justice for their children.

He asked other men who have been named by the group to contact his association for legal assistance.

Additional reporting by Evalyne Githinji.

‘Dead Beat Kenya’ rattles uncaring spouses - News -
Examples of faces on DBK...

Teren teren!!!!!!!! Ata huyu kwani nini!!!!!!! One Peter Ndegwa Wachira Phone number 0721862930!!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!! Empty promises of educating your very own and later....READ MORE HERE===> Dead beat alert by patricia mathu!! - Bubblews



Mulika this one please MCA Mikindani ward mombasa County.0712712200.father of my 5yrs old son.never supported him since birth.has 4 kids different mothers and....READ MORE HERE==> Dead beat alert by esther essy!! - Bubblews



His name is Alex Masika was married to him for 6years n had two gals wth him ...N am so tired of "nagging" him for upkeep cz am not employed ati i give him....READ MORE HERE===> Dead beat 411 by Binti Ally - Bubblews



I have a daughter turning two years this month.joseph chege njihia is her missing father whom the last time i set my eyes on was when i was five months pregnant.he works with....READ MORE HERE===>



his man,Murad Sherally 0721522766 is the father of my 8year old son.He has never provided any child support,He only came to...READ MORE HERE==>

His full names are Godfrey Maina Mwangi (Jeff) 0723754778/0738754778. Has an office at Embassy House opposite Sheria Hse and...READ MORE HERE==> dead beat alert by rose anita.. - Bubblews



hi, please post this! This one here, his name is ASHFORD KARUGA MUGWIRIA is another dead beat dad!!!!! he works @CITI BANK Nairobi. he sired two beautiful kids, a handsome boy (6yrs) and a beautiful baby gal (2 years) now. He has been approached for child support severally but has turned a deaf ear. Interestingly he has...READ MORE HERE===> Dead beat alert by christine - Bubblews



This is another deadbeat by the name ELVIS MUREITHI from MWIMBI-MERU COUNTY,used to live in Eldoret county....he used to be..READ MORE HERE==> Dead beat alert by mimi kasupu - Bubblews



irresponsible man Daniel Wanyoike from Thika-Witethie phone number
0718801566.I dumped hm whn I wz 3weeks pg on gettin him havin sex wit...READ MORE HERE==>



Dead beat alert by martha kim

ROBINSON MURAGE NDUMO ....NO 0710507229 lives at NYERI ,GICHIRA is another irresponsible man father of a 2 year old girl, since he impregnated me he left saying he...READ MORE HERE==> Dead beat dad by martha kim - Bubblews

This guy by the name japheth wanga but commonly uses WANGA EV'D MAWE on facebook dated one of my close friends for three months and impregnated her.he only contributed 50000sh once and...READ MORE HERE===> Dead beat alert by angel!! - Bubblews



Gerald Kakuthu! another DEAD BEAT SPERM DONOR! he got my pal Annmarie nkatha paged in April last year and even ''engaged'' her and then....READ MORE HERE===> dEAD BEAT ALERT by chantelle - Bubblews

Dead beat by Bz Manuella

Id like to expose one ALLAN KUNGU WAWERU 071-440-2117 when i got pg he asked me to haVe an abortion n when i said no that is how i was kicked to the curb. he said he didnt want any responsibilities yeye anataka....READ MORE HERE==> Dead beat by Bz Manuella - Bubblews

Dead beat 411 By Arne Justine

This guy by the name Edgar Kenneth Richo. Tel no 0722520724/ 0733824685. Works at FAST TARGET INSURANCE AGENCY,at Unipen apartments Hurligham & lives in Yaya. He impregnated me after I cleared high school & neglected his son who is now...READ MORE HERE===> Dead beat 411 By Arne Justine - Bubblews



BY Sarange Dolphine Omwega,
This is JOSHUA WAINAINA KAMAU host of the show "young rich" on K24 we dated all through campus Makerere university Kampala and the moment i got pregnant he bolted! i have never received a dime from him. He has never visited his now almost 6yr old daughter! SHAME ON YOU JOSH! dare you come claim your daughter when she becomes YOUNG RICH! ghasia.

Njemba imeenda mahakamani!

Dead Beat Kenya owner blocked by Kiambu MCA from defaming him on popular Facebook page


Ngewa MCA Karungo wa Thangwa who has sued Dead Beat Kenya for defamation

Kiambu MCA Karungo Wa Thangw'a has obtained orders stopping a blogger behind the controversial 'Dead Beat Kenya' Facebook page from publishing defamatory articles against him. Chief magistrate Charles Obulutsa restrained Jackson Njeru, Dead Beat Kenya and Dead Beat Kenya Updates, from further writing, printing and publishing statements that are viewed as defamatory to Thangw'a.

The magistrate said Njeru, through his Facebook pages and a woman who claims to have sired a child with the Ngewa Ward MCA should not publish any articles that amount to libel, expose or taint the politician's character pending the hearing of the case. The orders by Obulutsa will remain in force until September 24 when the case will come up for further direction.

The contentious Dead Beat Kenya Facebook pages were created with the intention of exposing parents who do not pay child support. Through the law firm of Ndegwa and Ndegwa advocates, Thang'wa, a former radio news broadcaster at a local FM station said the blogger and Jacqueline Mwende have devised a scheme to defame and assassinate his character.

He says Dead Beat Kenya published libelous allegations with the intentions of subjecting him to ridicule and exciting adverse opinions and feelings against him.

"The publication of the said words was intended to damage the plaintiff's reputation and character and lower the plaintiff in the eyes of the reasonable right thinking members of the public," he argues.

Further, he argues that the articles posted on September 4 were malicious and portrayed a highly incorrect description of who he is. As a result, Thang'wa says his reputation has been seriously damaged and he has suffered considerable distress and anxiety. He says despite demands, notice of intention to sue and a request of apology to be published on the site, the defamatory article has not been retracted and neither has the respondent apologised to him. He wants the court to issue a permanent order restraining the blogger and the woman from further posting, printing or publishing defamatory and libelous articles against him. He also wants the court to order Njeru to permanently delete the articles. Also sought is a complete and unequivocal withdrawal and retraction and an apology from the blogger in the same manner the articles were published.

Dead Beat Kenya owner blocked by Kiambu MCA from defaming him on popular Facebook page | The Star
Uwiiiiiiii this is sooo sweet! Guys like those above, should be given a special place in hell!!! Shame on them, this thing should also come to TZ!!!!
I wish ianzishwe hapa,nna hasira na mtu

Hehehe...ati hasira? Kwani ulikosewa? Watu wawili wanapokula vitamu vyao, kwani huwa wamelazimishwa? :cool2: Yafaa wanadada waache kuwaekea wanaume mizigo isiyofaa. Ikiwa unataka kukaa na mtoto wako, basi usimwitishe mwanamume fedha. Kamtunze huyo mtot pekee yako. wewe ni mzazi 100%.
Sielewi nini hufanya jamaa wanawatelekeza watoto wao hadi mtu afikishwe kwenye kurasa kama hizi za DBK. Kuna watu tuna uchungu na damu zetu, mtoto wangu lazima nihusike kwa lolote lile.
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