Eti ni kwanini?

successfull or not
marriedor not

one thing for sure, no woman will die virgin lol
Because for a woman to succeed she has at one point be ready to be used before getting their desire. Most husbands, on the other hand, would like to be married to wives who observe fidelity a characteristic not found in the so covetous women. It is unsurprising, therefore, to see that the most prosperous females of this world remains single through out their lives or get attached to men not of their standards.
Why is it that most successfull women are not married?.

Wengi wao huwa aidha na njemba wengi au huwa wanataka wageuke wanaume(kutawala nyumba) kwenye nyumba zao na hakuna mwanaume wa kweli anaweza kukubali kutawaliwa na mwanamke hata iweje katika nyumba.
Why is it that most successfull women are not married?.

Provide evidence Vivy............. As one said SUCCESS is so relative....... Rwakatare is successful in her paths and so doing great, hata ukimuuliza the socialite Wema Sepetu will tell the same.....
in marriage, if u want it to work u need to make a lot of sacrifices!, its those sacrifices successful women cant afford
Marriage! if u want it to work u have to make a lot of sacrifices.. successful women cant afford those sacrifices

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