CISA Review Class Starts on 25/07/2016

Tarime natokea

JF-Expert Member
Jan 7, 2015
True Ink Associates would like to announce that CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) Review Classes is scheduled to commence on Monday 25/07/2016, Dar Es Salaam City Center, Raha Tower Building 4th Floor at the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Conference Room. For those who are interested to sit for September or December 2016 CISA/CISM Exams are warmly welcomed.

The course Duration is 5 weeks, 3 hrs a day, from Monday to Friday, starting from 17:00-20:00 HRS in the evening. Additional one week will be provided for intensive review on sample questions and in depth discussion on various areas as we have almost 1,200 questions covering the entire 5 modules.

The course Fee is TZS 700,000/= which includes course materials like questions, answers and explanations, Course Manual and other supplementary materials.

We have limited seats, Please register to reserve your seat.

For more information please Contact us through +255 713451713

5 Top-Paying Certifications for 2016

To gain refined skills and expertise and to increase pay, many IT professionals choose to pursue a certification.
Based on the findings of the 2015 IT Skills and Salary Survey conducted by Global Knowledge andWindows IT Proin the fall of 2014, I've compiled a list of the 5 top-paying certifications for 2015. Certifications in IT security, networking, and systems management are at the top of the certification pay scale. What may surprise you are the business-related certifications holding their own on this year's list.

With each certification, you'll find the average (mean) salary and a brief description.

1. Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) $119,227

The CRISC certification is designed for IT professionals, project managers, and others whose job it is to identify and manage risks through appropriate Information Systems (IS) controls, covering the entire lifecycle, from design to implementation to ongoing maintenance. It measures two primary areas: risk and IS controls.

2. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) $118,348

ISACA also created CISM certification. It's aimed at management more than the IT professional and focuses on security strategy and assessing the systems and policies in place more than it focuses on the person who actually implements those policies using a particular vendor's platform

3. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) 110,603

Offered by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2, CISSP is designed to provide vendor-neutral security expertise, similar to the certifications ISACA offers. Launched in 1994, CISSP consists of an exam based around ten different areas in computer security, including risk analysis, cloud computing, security when developing applications, mobile, cryptography, physical security, business continuity and disaster recovery planning, and legal and compliance issues.

4. Project Management Professional (PMP®) $109,405

The fourth highest paying and the first that is not security related, the PMP certification was created and is administered by the Project Management Institute (PMI®). It is the most recognized project management certification available. There are more than 630,000 PMPs worldwide.
The PMP certification exam tests five areas relating to the lifecycle of a project: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. PMP certification is for running any kind of project, and it is not specialized into sub types, such as manufacturing, construction, or IT

5. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) $106,181

The fifth highest-paying certification is also from ISACA, and this one is for IS auditors. CISA certification is ISACA's oldest, dating back to 1978, with more than 106,000 people certified since its inception. CISA certification requires at least five years of experience in IS auditing, control, or security in addition to passing an exam that is only offered three times per year.

For more information please email us through or or Mob. 0713451713 and 0764978313. Contact Person Sam Mujinja. Karibuni sana...
SIX (6) reasons why every Accountant should be CISA Certified

  1. Adds broader perspective to business management: accountants no doubt are business professionals that fluently speak the language of business but, studying for and writing CISA exam would make you develop a unique business perspective. This certification also presents you with further knowledge in the area of auditing in computerized environment.
  2. Keeps you updated on latest technological development and trends: accountants will add more value to businesses if they realize that technologies are now the single most important business enabler. Technology management is an invaluable skill that will do you tremendous good. As an accountant, you will be at the top of your business if you are well informed on the new developments of technological advancement.
  3. Gives you access to well researched working tools: your life would be a lot easier if you work with well researched tools such as COBIT5. One of my clients was wowed when I in addition to delivering a superb due diligence report on one of its target business also helped in the implementation of COBIT5. This is an example of the kind of things that make you stand out from the crowd as finance professional.
  4. Provides extra assurance to your employer or client: your employer will place more confidence in you if a globally respected body like ISACA vouches for your competencies. Your employer will trust everything you say and do just by the simple fact that you are certified in a field outside your primary field- especially when it is IT related.
  5. Opens door to forensic engagement: in as much as an accountant with the right experience can get involved inforensic accounting, gaining additional certifications like CISA or CFE will give you clearer insight as to what forensic accounting and investigative tools that you can use in order to be more efficient.
  6. Gaining both local and international network: one of the benefits of becoming a professional is the potential networking opportunity that you can get from the professional body. Imagine what you benefit would if in addition to the professional network you have built within your accounting you get further connection with IT industry leaders.
For more information please email us through or or Mob. 0713451713 Contact Person Sam Mujinja. Karibuni sana...
The CISA designation is a globally recognized certification for IS audit control, assurance and security professionals. Being CISA-certified showcases your audit experience, skills and knowledge, and demonstrates you are capable to assess vulnerabilities, report on compliance and institute controls within the enterprise.

Enterprises demand IS audit professionals that possess the knowledge and expertise to help them identify critical issues and customize practices to support trust in and value from information systems.The skills and practices that CISA promotes and evaluates are the building blocks of success in the field. Possessing the CISA demonstrates proficiency and is the basis for measurement in the profession.

CISA Certification
  • Confirms your knowledge and experience
  • Quantifies and markets your expertise
  • Demonstrates that you have gained and maintained the level of knowledge required to meet the dynamic challenges of a modern enterprise
  • Is globally recognized as the mark of excellence for the IS audit professional
  • Combines the achievement of passing a comprehensive exam with recognition of work and educational experience, providing you with credibility in the marketplace.
  • Increases your value to your organization
  • Gives you a competitive advantage over peers when seeking job growth
  • Helps you achieve a high professional standard through ISACA's requirements for continuing education and ethical conduct

For more information please call us on 0713 451713
Nafurahi kuwamjulisha kuwa kati ya wanafunzi wangu 12 waliofanya mtihani wa CISA June 2016 wamefaulu wanafunzi 3 waliofanya CISM, 2 wamefaulu..Najisikia furaha kama trainer..Hongereni wote karibuni wengine kwa darasa linaluoanza tarehe 25/7/2016..kwa mawasiliano nipigie 0713 451713
Kilimanjaro hatuna branch. ingawa hii kozi mwezi wa 8 inaanza Arusha pale chuo cha biashara Njiro..
kwa taarifa zaidi tuzidi kuwasiliana
Jaman naomba mwenye uelewa juu ya hii course (CISA) anifafanulie sielewi chochote kuhusiana na hii kitu wadau.
Ndugu Kikwambi..
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is a globally recognized certification in the field of audit, control and security of information systems. CISA gained worldwide acceptance having uniform certification criteria, the certification has a high degree of visibility and recognition in the fields of IT security, IT audit, IT risk management and governance. Vacancies in the areas of IT security management, IT audit or IT risk management often ask for a CISA certification. CISA is awarded by ISACA..Kwa hiyo tunakufundisha na kukupa minimum skills on how mto conduct IT Audit.
How to Become CISA Certified
1. Successful completion of the CISA examination

2. Submit an Application for CISA Certification

3. Adherence to the Code of Professional Ethics

4. Adherence to the Continuing Professional Education Program

5. Compliance with the Information Systems Auditing Standards.

Tunafundisha hii kozi kwa week tano..jumatatu hadimijumaa saa 11 jioni hadi saa 2 usiku pale raha darasa linaanza tarehe 25/07/2016.
kwa maelezo yoyote tupigie kupitia 0713 451713
Ndugu Freema.
Mtu yoyote ambaye anaanzia diploma yoyote ile anaweza kusoma hii wala haihitaji background ya IT..mtu mwenye uelewa na ufahamu wa kutosha anaweza kufundishwa na akapata skills and knowledge on how to conduct IT Audit.
kwa maelezo zaidi waweza tupigia 0713 451713..
karibuni sana
Review ya CISA itaanza tena Jumatatu tarehe 25/07/2016. kwa wale ambao hawajafanya registration wanaombwa kufanya hivo kwa kuwasiliana nasi kwa number 0713 451713

karibuni sana
Review ya CISA itaanza tena Jumatatu tarehe 25/07/2016. kwa wale ambao hawajafanya registration wanaombwa kufanya hivo kwa kuwasiliana nasi kwa number 0713 451713

karibuni sana
Leo ni siku ya mwisho kwa ajili ya kufnya registration ya Review Class ya darasa la CISA litakaloanza trh 25/07/2016.
tunazidi kuwakaribisha wote
kwa maelezo tupigie 0713 451713.

Tumeanza darasa la cisa jana tarehe 25/07/2016...tunaendelea kupokea wote wanaohitaji kusoma..kwa mawasiliano tupigie 0713 451713
Leo ni siku ya tatu toka tumeanza darasa la CISA. tunaendelea na darasa liko very interactive

Karibuni wote
0713 451713
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