why many graduates cmplain being jobless?


Feb 19, 2016
I have been asking myself this question several times, is it really necessary for a graduate to complain of being jobless? Let us think together what really education means..is it learning about the facts or rather training of mind to think!!.. Most graduates fear to run small business thinking that they don't pay much, if you ask them to run big business they will say no enough capital, if you ask them to try something new they will say no experience, if you ask them to run a shop they will say no freedom..!!! They mostly waste their time asking google, think bigger than university professors and do less than a blind man!!.. I have employed myself three years now since graduated( UDSM) started with the capital of 500,000 tsh. My business is running well and I don't even think of being employed. Go do it don't complain.
In their childhood they were told that "go to school, get good grades to get good job in a reputable company". No one even their teachers who told them to thrive to have their own business. Most graduates think small things/business is for uneducated. This is what killing Tanzanian Youth. Thats why it is very simple to find some one graduated three years ago still knocking offices looking for job and without dare to engage in activities such as livestock, farming etc.

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