What do you do when law enforcers fabricate evidence?


Apr 15, 2012
Please can you,suggest how to tackle this matter legally?The police officers in one of the notorious police stations in Dar es Salaam,took the original documents(SALES AGREEMENT) from the accused,and at the same time made their own original documents,then took their fabricated document to handwritting expert,to give his OPINION,who said the documents were forged,according to his report.Then the officers returned the documents to the old man,and told him to keep the documents for a while.Then they asked him to bring the original documents,which the accused did,then the police officers made a U-turn and told the accused that he had changed the documents,and they are going to use their fabricated certified copies as exhibit,against the old man(accussed) and they have threaten to take him to court next week to be accused with FORGERY.Give your advice in either Kiswahili or English.
My friend you need to be very specific on what kind of documents you are talking about so that lawyers can pick the appropriate laws to give you a piece of advice. Being too generalised may lead to misinterpretation of the appropriate law.
I believe each original document reflects the possession of the original property. So please just narrate the story of what,how,where and when happens for simplicity to opinion givers. Thank you
Hallow L'AMOUR

Thank you very much Brother,for your response.The document was sales agreement.
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