SoC01 Understanding the Power of Information a Key to Prosperous Life

Stories of Change - 2021 Competition

The Puncher

Mar 5, 2019
Understanding the Power of Information a Key to Prosperous Life


Photo source: Internet
“The best serves the purpose”

IN this fast-moving world our absolute need isn’t money —as most people might be thinking— but information that bridges the knowledge gap being able to tap into rarely seen opportunities and subdue the world in our favour.

We are in the Information Age, whoever misses information or misinformed is short-sighted and lost in a dark jungle. Right and timely information offers a long-sighted ability to foresee the future and get prepared to confront it.

Do you know why Tanzania chose Giraffe as a national animal of identity and pride? The answer is the animal has a long-sighted ability supported by its tallest legs and neck. The long sight helps the animal notice preying enemies afar and run to safer pastures to save life.

In this regard, Tanzanians are urged to cultivate a far-reaching foresight so they can anticipate the future and make right decisions that last forever for the best interest of their country. How do they get far-reaching sight? Information that brings knowledge is all what they need.

As matter of fact, as the era stands by its name — Information Age — misinformation is also there aplenty. Find the best information to leverage your understanding, and avoid falling prey to misinformation. The best serves the purpose.

For instance, saving money in a bank is good but not the best idea because money in a bank is just a currency, facing devaluation and inflation is most likely and it serves no purpose.

The best thing is investing to keep the cash flowing. If you save today 5000USD after five years you will withdraw less than that both in terms of figure and value.

What kind of information do you seek everyday, how positively has it enriched your knowledge and impacted your life — Dr. Myles Munroe in his Kingdom Principles writes “Information doesn’t guarantee knowledge but understanding does”. Seek information to understand the world, knowledge will come on its way.

Lack of knowledge or education, which is not necessarily a bookwise only, is what referred to as ignorance. The best-selling author, Robert Kiyosaki, in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad says “The main cause of poverty or financial struggle is fear and ignorance, not the economy or the government or the rich. It’s self-inflicted fear and ignorance that keep people trapped”.

Information packed with reshaping a way of thinking and problem-solving knowledge is aplenty anytime, anywhere and everywhere, provided you are interested in. Books are a primary source that can enrich and impact your knowledge and life respectively. Cultivate a reading culture now.

You might have graduated with an outstanding merit yet by the time you enter job market you must need more information that will help perfect your profession to be able to break barriers and maximise possibilities.

A lot of people out there pursued the same profession, they are yet landing their dream job though. This maybe they are either conservative in adding value to their know-how to meet the market needs or their luck is yet to come. But, remember luck often favours those who are prepared.

Getting career life started through your profession is tough especially for fresh graduates unless you take time to learn your job market demands. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence mounts a fear of exacerbating unemployment crisis globally.

Those who have positioned themselves to new and right information, are the ones that can weather adversities because for them the adversities are predictable in virtue of prior information that gets them prepared to turn challenges into opportunities.

Dr Reginald Mengi in his book I Can, I Must, I Will says “What’s vital, though, is that knowledge gained through information and economic vision helps to clarify and identify available opportunities”

Dr Mengi concedes the fact that information had played a key role to his prosperous businesses. Through information he gained the needed knowledge to venture into his startups backed by realistically achievable goals and purpose.

Too often, however, most people blindly pursue long term undertakings thinking that are instantaneous because they were misinformed somewhere.

It’s those people who reject handsomely paying long-term investment –like savings, stocks, mutual funds, bonds and the like — for they sound ridiculous awhile considering their age. But, do you know how long will you live?

What you’re doing at the moment is it profitably predictable in 10-15 years to come? What purpose will your retirement benefit serve?

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in their coauthored book Why We Want You To Be Rich say “People who do not invest at all expect their family, the company they work for or their government to take care of them once their working days are over”.

Most of those people after retirement experience miserable life, finding themselves into panic investment for survival.

If you are to prosper in your investment start it now. The authors further say “Mind your own business while working for your employer”. This doesn’t mean you have a to be negligent to your job. It’s unfair and unforgivable conduct. Do both a just.

“Besides young men and women lacking capital to venture into such kind of investment the truth is we the youth don’t like long-term businesses. We alternatively rush to fast penny-making businesses to enjoy our youthful life,” a resident of Goba, a suburb of Dar es Salam City, identified as Freddy Isack was quoted as saying.

Esther Michael, a young lady, engages in retail business when asked about this she was of the view as follows: “We do engage in what we are familiar with and financially capable in order to make ends meet. The challenge I see is that most of petty traders are not familiar with long-term investments and we lack financial literacy to engage in it profitably.”

It’s unfortunate that many people shun investment that takes so long due to lack of financial and investment education, some who have it they face information constraints to play the game not only safely but profitably.

On the other hand, information imparts someone with knowledge to figure out the best deal from bad one. With information one can be able to negotiate and win the best deal on time.

Negotiations are time-based, therefore as a negotiator you need to be as quick and smart as possible to win the best deals come your way. If you don’t have enough information about the deal under the table of negotiations you’re lost, the deal has gone.

My humble plea to young men and women is whatever you want to engage in, be it business or investment, you have to learn everything, get enough information about it.

The youth are the primary victims of this because besides having enough energy, time and little capital, they often rush to pursue their startups without learning and gathering enough information to support their endeavours.

Moreover, learn from wisely resourceful people who do business or invest where you want to be in not ones calling themselves financial and/or investment experts who can’t dare doing it.

Most of these ‘investment experts’ just programmed themselves to become the best at narration — easy say than done, never get things done. Get well informed lest you fall a victim of their trappings.

Is your future predictable?

Are you pessimistic or optimistic?

The choice is yours, use your leverage, turn things upside down, maximise predictabilities and possibilities in your favour. The leverage God has given you is bigger and enough to get to your ambitious destination more than you can think of.

Think – Desire – Act

Stop reading a book to know how to ride a bike. STOP IT forthwith, get a bike get on and learn riding it, instead. You can’t learn riding a bicycle by reading a book. No matter how long you spend yet you will never master riding it. Remember time is quantified by productive process and results.

However, it’s a burning desire that keeps us trying, trying and trying in pursuit of what we aspire for. If you don’t try, you’re doing nothing, yes, nothing at all. Life needs us to try more and more, unceasingly.

What do you aspire for, how often have you tried pushing for it to manifest? It’s still in your capacity give it another try. Have faith, commit and abandon yourself to it.

It’s a boldness not smartness that makes things manifest. Any attempt counts no matter the results. Remember even a gold is mined from rocks full of debris.

Good luck, you’re the winner because you were purposefully ‘created and formed’ not to lose and fail but to win and prosper. Prosperity activation keys are configuring for your life, now.​
Information carries everything — money and gold just to mention but a few.

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