Thing that happen in the movies/TV that don’t happen in real life


Oct 3, 2016
I was wondering have you spotted anything that happens in the movies or on TV that just does not happen in real life, such as:

1 When it lighting it always thunders at the exact same time.
2 If you fall in a river etc. you can dry out in minutes.
3 If a car hits an other it end up flying through the air (in real life they just crumple).
4 They catch fire instantly.
5 Ancient skeletons stay in one piece (in real life the cartilage between the bones would rot quick).
6 You can out run an explosion.
7 You can out run a machine gun.
8 If you jump at a window it will smash an allow you to pass through the opening.
9 The glass will not cut you.
10 A glass bottle will smash if you hit some one over the head with it.
11 Computers always display in big letters.
12 You can crack into an other secure system in minuets.
13 If someone is giving the hero a vital piece of information, that someone is killed rather than the hero.
14 As above but, I wont tell you over the phone I’ll met you at so and so ( to give the villain time to kill me).
15 Car can jump near impossible distances without damaging their suspension.
Would this also happen:
16 Aliens speak English?
17 They use the same computer programs as us (eg. Independence Day).
18 Other planets have populations of very small towns.
19 If you put a pair of glasses it will change you looks and voice so nobody will recognise you.
20 In space thing blow up in rings rather that in all directions.
21 You can hear the explosion in a vacuum.

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