Sheria hizo hasa Public service Regulations 2003 na Public Service Standing Order 2009 zimepitwa na wakati. Zinapingana na kasi ya serikali ya sasa ya "hapa kazi tu" na ilani ya ccm ya uwajibikaji kwa utumishi wa uma. Sheria hizi hazina spirit ya uwajibikaji. Zipo kimazoea zaidi. Aidha, zina gaps/lacuna nyingi. Wasimamizi wamepewa discretion kubwa. Baadhi ya "leave" zimekuwa ni za muda mrefu sana ukilinganisha what is provided in th framework Law, Employment and Labour relations Act 2004. Human Resource officers(HRO) hawajatambuliwa na sheria hizi, hivyo enforcement yake ni ngumu. Hali hii imesababisha kuwe na "wafanyakazi hewa wengi".
Sheria hizi ziko biased sana kwa kulinda kupita kiasi masilahi ya wafanyakazi wa umma, kwasababu zilitungwa na wafanyakazi wa umma wenyewe; contrary to the rules against bias"Nemo judex in causa sua".
Hayo ni baadhi ya mapungufu yaliyomo kwenye sheria hizo ambazo ni chanzo cha utumishi wa umma kwenda kwa "kasi ya kobe"; that is poor performance,inefficiency, poor productivity,poor delivery of service to the wananchi as well. Kwa sheria hizi kama zilivyo sasa, hatutafika.
Wayforward: We should put "Tanzania first" by taking bold actions to amendment such bad laws aiming at fostering and ensuring efficiency, accountability, integrity, of the public service. The era of "empty talks has gone. We are in the of action,results". The bottom line is, the public service must be in line with the philosophy of the current government, Hapa kazi tu!
Simple analysis made by a PhD Law student specializing in Labour Law.
Sheria hizi ziko biased sana kwa kulinda kupita kiasi masilahi ya wafanyakazi wa umma, kwasababu zilitungwa na wafanyakazi wa umma wenyewe; contrary to the rules against bias"Nemo judex in causa sua".
Hayo ni baadhi ya mapungufu yaliyomo kwenye sheria hizo ambazo ni chanzo cha utumishi wa umma kwenda kwa "kasi ya kobe"; that is poor performance,inefficiency, poor productivity,poor delivery of service to the wananchi as well. Kwa sheria hizi kama zilivyo sasa, hatutafika.
Wayforward: We should put "Tanzania first" by taking bold actions to amendment such bad laws aiming at fostering and ensuring efficiency, accountability, integrity, of the public service. The era of "empty talks has gone. We are in the of action,results". The bottom line is, the public service must be in line with the philosophy of the current government, Hapa kazi tu!
Simple analysis made by a PhD Law student specializing in Labour Law.