Ngozi na matunzo yake!


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2011
Tutunze ngozi zetu, hasa kuepuka jua la saa 4- saa 9 alasiri .
Nowadays, one of the main problems of most people is how to maintain a healthy skin. There are a lot of factors why skin damage, skin diseases, etc. are always present, regardless of the age and lifestyle, though lifestyle is a really big factor when it comes to the skin.

  • The sun’s UV rays are very harmful. One way of keeping the skin damage free is to stay away from too much sun light. Between 10-3:00 P.M., the sun can be really harmful to your skin layers so make sure to put on your favorite sun block or anything that could minimize the sun light resting on your skin.
  • Check your skin always. Who knows? You could have symptoms of skin diseases. The earlier you make a move, the better. If there are certain changes that you haven’t noticed before and that worry you, be sure to consult a doctor right away. Using bathing soap frequently can also be harmful at times. Make sure you use it less often and every time you do, make sure you scrub it gently yet thoroughly on your skin.
  • If ever you have a free time, or whenever you’re alone, check your body in front of a mirror. Examine it. Look for changes going on in your body. Check the front part, the back, and the right and left side with both arms raised. The back of the neck and your scalp should be examined, too. Try and reach the mirror out to your back and buttocks if possible. Bend your elbows and look carefully at your forearms, palms and upper underarms and check if there are certain changes. Also, look at the back of your feet, down to your soles, including the spaces between the toes, just to be a lot surer.
  • Apply sunscreen lotion before going out and traveling under the heat of the sun and reapply it if needed. Skin cancer is one of the worst cases one could ever have, physically and mentally. Always use products that have the SPF (sun protection factor: the degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sun) of 15 or higher.
  • If you have a humidifier at home, it is one of the best ways of relieving dry skin problems but if you don’t, just follow the previous tips.
  • Aside from dermatological means, eating healthy can also be one great way on maintaining a good looking, healthy skin. Fruits and vegetables are magical when it comes to avoiding skin damage and so is the water. Naturally, they can keep your skin a lot more radiant. If you don’t have that much cash to spend on a beauty-related escapade, just make sure to be really conscious about the certain activities you get yourself into. Remember, whatever you do, can always affect your skin.
Stay healthy inside and out. Read the tips given over and over again and have a successful maintenance of a beautiful skin.
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