Mwanasheria mmoja Mkenya aishtaki Serikali ya Israeli kwa kifo cha Yesu


JF-Expert Member
Jan 30, 2012
City man moves to Hague court to seek justice for Jesus

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has constituted a panel to hear a case filed by a Nairobian challenging the unfair trial, sentencing, punishment and death of Jesus Christ.

Dola Indidis, a lawyer and former spokesman of the Kenyan Judiciary, first filed the unprecedented case in the High Court in Nairobi on behalf of the Friends of Jesus in August 2007 (Republic of Kenya Constitutional Petition No. 965 of 2007). The court said it had no jurisdiction, prompting Indidis to seek international justice at the Netherlands-based court in 2011.

The court has communicated to me. I am now waiting for the date of hearing, Indidis told The Nairobian.

There has been no trial or execution in history that has had such a huge impact, especially in Christianity, as that of Jesus of Narazeth in Roman occupied Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago.

I filed the case because its my duty to uphold the dignity of Jesus and I have gone to the ICJ to seek justice for the man from Nazareth, said Indidis, who is also a former police spokesperson. His selective and malicious prosecution violated his human rights through judicial misconduct, abuse of office bias and prejudice.

Indidis moved to the ICJ in The Hague to have the conviction and sentencing of Jesus Christ quashed arguing that he was Convinced that Pontius Pilate erred in law by convicting and sentencing Jesus Christ while acknowledging his own lack of jurisdiction and the accuseds innocence.

The case was first filed under sections 65 and 67 of the constitution of Kenya (now repealed). The petitioner was Friends of Jesus through Dola Indidis suing Tiberius (Emperor of Rome 42 BC-37AD), Pontius Pilate (Governor of Judea), Annas, Jewish Chief Priest, Jewish elders, Jewish teachers of the law, King Herod, The Republic of Italy and The State of Israel.

The Kenya Civil Liberties Union was listed as an Amicus Curie while Humprey Odanga Achala was an interested party.

The petitioners named the states of Italy and Israel in the suit because upon the attainment of independence, the states incorporated the laws of the Roman Empire and those in force at the time of the Crucifixion.

Jewish Chief Priest Caiaphas is accused of arresting Jesus, trying him in a kangaroo court and convicting him on a religious charge that carried the death penalty because he did not want Jesus to challenge his authority, especially not at Passover time.

Pilate, the Governor of Judea, found Jesus not guilty, but had him executed in order to keep the peace.

It was wrong for Pilate to witness the accused being beaten, Indidis says. A judge must stand above all people and all forms of irregularities.

The petitioner challenged the mode of questioning used during the trial, prosecution, hearing and sentencing of Jesus Christ; the form of punishment meted out on Him while undergoing judicial proceedings and the substance of the information used to convict him.

Indidis wants to establish what crime Jesus was charged with and prays that the court declares that the proceedings before the Roman courts were a nullity in law for they did not conform to the rule of law at the material time and any time thereafter.

He says: Some of those present spat in his face, struck him with their fists, slapped him, taunted him, and pronounced him worthy of death.

Asked if this is a frivolous case pursued by a zealot, Indidis told The Nairobian: This case is not about fanaticism. Its a case of law and its the duty of counsel to help in the development of law.

The lawyer says the petitioners are relying on the precedence of the case of Joan of Ark, the peasant girl who proclaimed herself the virgin warrior sent by God to deliver France from her enemies the English, whose trial was later on reversed.

This is the same case with Jesus, Indidis explains. The judge who sentenced him said that he had no jurisdiction to attend to the matter but he went ahead to convict and pass a capital sentence under duress.

He adds that the judgement meted was not even right because under the Galilean law the sentence of blasphemy was stoning to death, but Jesus was crucified a punishment that was under the Roman law.

Blasphemy against the God of Jews was not even a crime under Roman law. The judge passed the wrong sentence, he says.

Who was responsible? Was it an execution or a judicial murder?

The lawyer, who delved into politics in the last General Election, says that he researched for over 10 years before filing the case in court.

My research was not misguided or emotional. It was purely academic, he says. I know that I have a strong case and I hope to see justice done while I am alive.

Source: City man moves to Hague court to seek justice for Jesus
Swali, je Bw. Indindis akishinda nani ataadhibiwa? Ifahamike Pilato na utawala wake haupo hai.
Labda hii ni imani kali. Yesu Kristo alikuja kuukomboa ulimwengu, na mauti ya msalaba ilikuwa njia ya kufikia lengo.
Baada ya miaka takribani 2,000 wale waliokombolewa wameibuka na kusema Mkombozi wao alifanyiwa ndivyo sivyo katika harakati za kuwakomboa. Leo hii binadamu anamtetea Mungu.
Swali, je Bw. Indindis akishinda nani ataadhibiwa? Ifahamike Pilato na utawala wake haupo hai.
Labda hii ni imani kali. Yesu Kristo alikuja kuukomboa ulimwengu, na mauti ya msalaba ilikuwa njia ya kufikia lengo.
Baada ya miaka takribani 2,000 wale waliokombolewa wameibuka na kusema Mkombozi wao alifanyiwa ndivyo sivyo katika harakati za kuwakomboa. Leo hii binadamu anamtetea Mungu.

hawezi kushinda, neccessary parties hazipo, izi IQ zikizidi ni majanga tu.
He has a good case.If the ICJ will be invited and declare that Jesus was unlawfully sentenced,it will be a victory to international community specifically to christians.The ruling will set a precedent and set a recognition of Jesus to the highest court of the world.
Maajabu mengi sana hugundulika duniani kila siku , lakini kuna kila uwezekano kuwa ajabu lililoko kwenye story hii likawa ajabu la kipekee . Mwanasheria mmoja ambaye ni raia wa Kenya ameibuka na kuzishitaki serikali za Israel na Italia kwa kosa la kuhusika kwenye kifo cha Yesu Kristo.

Mwanasheria huyo Dola Indidis amefungua kesi hiyo kwenye mahakama ya dunia The Hague kule kule ambako rais wa taifa Lake (Kenya) Mh Uhuru Kenyatta na Makamau wake William Ruto nao wana kesi ya kujibu.

Mwanasheria huyo amesema kuwa lazima serikali za mataifa hayo ziwajibike kwa kitendo cha unyama alichofanyiwa mwanzilishi wa dini ya madhehebu ya Kikristo ambaye ni Yesu aliyesulubiwa msalabani pasipo kuwa na hatia yoyote ya kustahili adhabu hiyo.

Dola Indidis amefungua shitaka hilo dhidi ya Mfalme wa uliokuwa Ufalme wa Roma Tiberio pamoja na watawala waliokuwa chini yake wakati huo wakiwemo Pontio Pilato na Mfalme Herode pamoja na viongozi wa kiyahudi wakiwemo mafarisayo na masadukayo ambayo kwa pamoja walikula njama ya kumuua Bwana Yesu .

Indidis anasema kuwa ushahidi uko kwenye kitabu kitakatifu Cha Biblia ambayo kila mmoja anafahamu kuwa haisemi uongo . Kwa kuwa wafalme na watawala waliohusika na kitendo hicho hawako hai serikali ambazo mipaka yake ndio ile ile ya iliyokuwa falme ya Roma iliyokuwa madarakani kipindi hicho zitawajibika kwa niaba.

Dola Indidis anasema kuwa vitendo alivyofanyiwa Yesu ni vitendo vya kinyama na ni ukiukwaji mkubwa wa haki za binadamu na yeye kama mwanadamu anahisi kuwa ni jukumu lake kulinda na kutetea heshima ya Yesu Kristo.

Hata hivyo msemaji wa mahakama ya Dunia ambaye hakutajwa utambulisho wake amesema kuwa hakuna kipengele cha kisheria ambacho kinaweza kuruhusu kusikilizwa kwa kesi hiyo kwani ICJ (International Court Of Justice) husikiliza kesi zinazohusu nchi dhidi ya nchi nyingine hivyo kesi hiyo haiwezi hata kufikiriwa . Indidis kwa upande wake bado ana imani kuwa ana kesi ya kuhoji na anaamini kuwa atashinda kesi hiyo.

Source: MillardAyo
...muda si mrefu utasikia wanaharakati wa Tanzania kupitia kwa Mkurugenzi wao Mtendaji wa Kituo cha Sheria na Haki za Binadamu- LHRC. Tanzania Human Rights Dkt. Hellen Kijo-Bisimba, 'kuwa wanaungamkono' na wanaitaka serikali kuchukua hatua kali dhidi ya wayahudi waliosema "Yesu apigwe, auwawe kwa sababu anajifanya mfalme"!
[h=1]Kenyan Lawyer Moves To Hague To Seek Justice For Jesus[/h]

Jesus Christ on the crosss Photo: Courtesy
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has constituted a panel to hear a case filed by a Nairobian challenging the unfair trial, sentencing, punishment and death of Jesus Christ.

Dola Indidis, a lawyer and former spokesman of the Kenyan Judiciary, first filed the unprecedented case in the High Court in Nairobi on behalf of the ‘Friends of Jesus' in August 2007 (Republic of Kenya Constitutional Petition No. 965 of 2007). The court said it had no jurisdiction, prompting Indidis to seek international justice at the Netherlands-based court in 2011.

"The court has communicated to me. I am now waiting for the date of hearing," Indidis told The Nairobian. There has been no trial or execution in history that has had such a huge impact, especially in Christianity, as that of Jesus of Narazeth in Roman occupied Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago.

"I filed the case because it's my duty to uphold the dignity of Jesus and I have gone to the ICJ to seek justice for the man from Nazareth," said Indidis, who is also a former police spokesperson. "His selective and malicious prosecution violated his human rights through judicial misconduct, abuse of office bias and prejudice."

Indidis moved to the ICJ in The Hague to have the conviction and sentencing of Jesus Christ quashed arguing that he was "Convinced that Pontius Pilate erred in law by convicting and sentencing Jesus Christ while acknowledging his own lack of jurisdiction and the accused's innocence."

The case was first filed under sections 65 and 67 of the constitution of Kenya (now repealed). The petitioner was Friends of Jesus through Dola Indidis suing Tiberius (Emperor of Rome 42 BC-37AD), Pontius Pilate (Governor of Judea), Annas, Jewish Chief Priest, Jewish elders, Jewish teachers of the law, King Herod, The Republic of Italy and The State of Israel.

The Kenya Civil Liberties Union was listed as an Amicus Curie while Humprey Odanga Achala was an interested party.

The petitioners named the states of Italy and Israel in the suit because upon the attainment of independence, the states incorporated the laws of the Roman Empire and those in force at the time of the Crucifixion.

Jewish Chief Priest Caiaphas is accused of arresting Jesus, trying him in a kangaroo court and convicting him on a religious charge that carried the death penalty because he did not want Jesus to challenge his authority, especially not at Passover time.

Pilate, the Governor of Judea, found Jesus not guilty, but had him executed in order to keep the peace.
"It was wrong for Pilate to witness the accused being beaten," Indidis says. "A judge must stand above all people and all forms of irregularities."

The petitioner challenged the mode of questioning used during the trial, prosecution, hearing and sentencing of Jesus Christ; the form of punishment meted out on Him while undergoing judicial proceedings and the substance of the information used to convict him.

Indidis wants to establish what crime Jesus was charged with and prays that the court declares "that the proceedings before the Roman courts were a nullity in law for they did not conform to the rule of law at the material time and any time thereafter."

He says: "Some of those present spat in his face, struck him with their fists, slapped him, taunted him, and pronounced him worthy of death."
ha ha ha, jamaa wakati yesu anateswa hata kizazi chao choote nadhan ndo kwanza kilikuwa ninaanza, naamini mababu na mababu wengi tuu wametangulia mbele za hako, yeye leo anaibuka na kusema yesu alionea, daah nadhan hajaisoma biblia vizuri, YESU alijitoa kwa ajili ya kuwakomboa wanadamu ikiwa ni pamoja na yeye, KWELI HIKI NI KITUKO CHA DUNIA. akapimwe akili kwanza kabla ya kujibizana na huyo ambaye nadhiriki kusema amekuwa chizi, chizi sio lazima aokote makopo na kuvua nguo utembee mtaani uchi, maneno na vitendo tuu vinatosha kuhalalisha uitwe CHIZI
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