Mwanamama tajiri Oprah alipata mimba akiwa na miaka 14


Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2011
When Oprah was nine she was raped by her nineteen year old cousin who was baby sitting her. This wouldn't be the only time she was sexually abused she would then be sexually abused by her cousin, a family friend,her mother's boyfriend, and her uncle during her stay in Milwaukee. Toward all these incidents, she never told a soul because the predators swore her to silence.

At the age of thirteen Oprah ran away from home, this was due to her years of abuse and at the age of fourteen she became pregnant with an ill son who died shortly after birth. Oprah took the death of her son as she was given a second chance in life. Oprah's mother sent her to live once again with her father in Nashville,Tennessee. Oprah's father was very strict and made education the number-one priority for Oprah.

Oprah attended Nashville East High School. Oprah during high-school wasn't precisely certain toward what she wanted to do, however she knew it was something with speaking or drama. Oprah was also elected school president and met with president Richard Nixon being apart of public speaking classes in her high-school.

Oprah during the last year of high-school was rehearsing with her drama class when a local radio station, WVOL spotted her and asked her if she would like to read on radio. Oprah was then given a job reading the news on the radio. Oprah soon entered into a public speaking contest where the grand prize was a scholarship to Tennessee State University. Oprah won the contest and received a scholarship to Tennessee State University where she majored in Speech Communications and Performing Arts.
Mnashangaza sana mnaodhani rais yupo juu ya wananchi
Suala sio rais suala ni ujenzi wa jamii yenye maadili, hivi leo hii Magufuli asimame aseme mimba ruksa mashuleni hivi jamii yetu ya wasichana wa kiafrika umeisahau?
Huko shuleni kutasomeka tena?
Acheni kulaumu kwa kila jambo kisa aliyeko madarakani hampendi awepo
kupata mimba haimaanishi kutoendelea shule bali atasoma shule binafsi sio za serikali.
Watu wanapigania mwanafunzi atakayepata mimba aruhusiwe kusoma shule za serikali.
Hivi kweli jamii zenu ninavyozijua alafu rais aseme mimba ruksa hivi itakuaje? Saivi mimba ni kosa lakini watoto wanapigwa mimba balaa sasa ikiruhusiwa itakuaje?
Magufuli kila afanyalo saivi watu wanasema kafanya vibaya

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