Msaada wa Database na MySQL pliiiz nimekwama mwenzenu


JF-Expert Member
Aug 7, 2006
Habari zenu wanateknolojia,
Ni hivi nimehangaika mpaka nimefiakia hapa lakini baada kuziupload file zangu ziweze kutambuana na database,niliitumia index.php hii hapo chini ambayo nimepewa na hawa wanaohost website yangu na uki click inaonesha hivi Zymic Database Uploader 1.1 sitaki iwe hivi,nataka ioneshe index.php yangu niliyoidesign mimi mwenyewe.
wanataka ni upload dump file.
je? dump file ndio nini,na linatakiwa liwe na viunganishi vya sql
Pia nikiangalia ktk SQL Buddy langu table zote 4. active_guest/user banned_user na user ambazo zipo katika dbtables.sql zinaonekana,jamani nifanyeje naomba msaada wenu

// Only CEdit Below This Line
// Database configuration

$db_server   = 'localhost';
$db_name     = 'jamiiforums_zxq_jamiiforums';
$db_username = '476901_jamiiforums';
$db_password = 'jamii4tanzania';

// Do Not Change Anything Below This Line
// Other settings (optional)

$filename           = '';     // Specify the dump filename to suppress the file selection dialog
$csv_insert_table   = '';     // Destination table for CSV files
$csv_preempty_table = false;  // true: delete all entries from table specified in $csv_insert_table before processing
$ajax               = true;   // AJAX mode: import will be done without refreshing the website
$linespersession    = 3000000;   // Lines to be executed per one import session
$delaypersession    = 0;      // You can specify a sleep time in milliseconds after each session
                              // Works only if JavaScript is activated. Use to reduce server overrun

// Allowed comment delimiters: lines starting with these strings will be dropped by BigDump

$comment[]='#';                       // Standard comment lines are dropped by default
$comment[]='-- ';
// $comment[]='---';                  // Uncomment this line if using proprietary dump created by outdated mysqldump
// $comment[]='CREATE DATABASE';      // Uncomment this line if your dump contains create database queries in order to ignore them
$comment[]='/*!';                  // Or add your own string to leave out other proprietary things

// Connection character set should be the same as the dump file character set (utf8, latin1, cp1251, koi8r etc.)
// See for the full list

$db_connection_charset = '';

// *******************************************************************************************
// If not familiar with PHP please don't change anything below this line
// *******************************************************************************************

if ($ajax)

define ('VERSION','1.1');
define ('DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH',16384);  // How many chars are read per time
define ('MAX_QUERY_LINES',3000000);      // How many lines may be considered to be one query (except text lines)
define ('TESTMODE',false);           // Set to true to process the file without actually accessing the database

header("Expires: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 01:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");

@ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);

if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set") && function_exists("date_default_timezone_get"))

// Clean and strip anything we don't want from user's input [0.27b]

foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) 
  $val = preg_replace("/[^_A-Za-z0-9-\.&= ]/i",'', $val);
  $_REQUEST[$key] = $val;

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>Zymic Database Uploader <?php echo (VERSION); ?></title>
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-LANGUAGE" content="EN"/>

<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache/"/>
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"/>
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"/>

<style type="text/css">

{ background-color:#FFFFF0;

{ font-size:20px;

{ font-size:14px;


{ font-size:10px;

{ color:#FF0000;

{ color:#00DD00;

{ color:#00DD00;

{ background-color:#F8F8F8;

{ background-color:#FFFFF0;

{ font-weight:bold;

{ text-align:right;

{ margin-top:5px;


{ background-color:#EEEE99;

{ background-color:#EEAA55;

{ background-color:#EEEEAA;





<table width="780" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td class="transparent">

<!-- <h1>Zymic Database Uploader<?php echo (VERSION); ?></h1> -->


function skin_open() {
echo ('<div class="skin1">');

function skin_close() {
echo ('</div>');

echo ('<h1>Zymic Database Uploader v'.VERSION.'</h1>');

$error = false;
$file  = false;

// Check PHP version

if (!$error && !function_exists('version_compare'))
{ echo ("<p class=\"error\">PHP version 4.1.0 is required for BigDump to proceed. You have PHP ".phpversion()." installed. Sorry!</p>\n");

// Check if mysql extension is available

if (!$error && !function_exists('mysql_connect'))
{ echo ("<p class=\"error\">There is no mySQL extension available in your PHP installation. Sorry!</p>\n");

// Calculate PHP max upload size (handle settings like 10M or 100K)

if (!$error)
{ $upload_max_filesize=ini_get("upload_max_filesize");
  if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)K/i",$upload_max_filesize,$tempregs)) $upload_max_filesize=$tempregs[1]*1024;
  if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)M/i",$upload_max_filesize,$tempregs)) $upload_max_filesize=$tempregs[1]*1024*1024;
  if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)G/i",$upload_max_filesize,$tempregs)) $upload_max_filesize=$tempregs[1]*1024*1024*1024;

// Get the current directory

if (isset($_SERVER["CGIA"]))
else if (isset($_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED"]))
else if (isset($_SERVER["ORIG_SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))
else if (isset($_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]))

// Handle file upload

if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["uploadbutton"]))
{ if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["dumpfile"]["tmp_name"]) && ($_FILES["dumpfile"]["error"])==0)
    $uploaded_filename=str_replace(" ","_",$_FILES["dumpfile"]["name"]);

    if (file_exists($uploaded_filename))
    { echo ("<p class=\"error\">File $uploaded_filename already exist! Delete and upload again!</p>\n");
    else if (!preg_match("/(\.(sql|gz|csv))$/i",$uploaded_filename))
    { echo ("<p class=\"error\">You may only upload .sql .gz or .csv files.</p>\n");
    else if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES["dumpfile"]["tmp_name"],$uploaded_filepath))
    { echo ("<p class=\"error\">Error moving uploaded file ".$_FILES["dumpfile"]["tmp_name"]." to the $uploaded_filepath</p>\n");
      echo ("<p>Check the directory permissions for $upload_dir (must be 777)!</p>\n");
    { echo ("<p class=\"success\">Uploaded file saved as $uploaded_filename</p>\n");
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">Error uploading file ".$_FILES["dumpfile"]["name"]."</p>\n");

// Handle file deletion (delete only in the current directory for security reasons)

if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["delete"]) && $_REQUEST["delete"]!=basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))
{ if (preg_match("/(\.(sql|gz|csv))$/i",$_REQUEST["delete"]) && @unlink(basename($_REQUEST["delete"])))
    echo ("<p class=\"success\">".$_REQUEST["delete"]." was removed successfully</p>\n");
    echo ("<p class=\"error\">Can't remove ".$_REQUEST["delete"]."</p>\n");

// Connect to the database

if (!$error && !TESTMODE)
{ $dbconnection = @mysql_connect($db_server,$db_username,$db_password);
  if ($dbconnection) 
    $db = mysql_select_db($db_name);
  if (!$dbconnection || !$db) 
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">Database connection failed due to ".mysql_error()."</p>\n");
    echo ("<p>Edit the database settings in ".$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]." or contact your database provider.</p>\n");
  if (!$error && $db_connection_charset!=='')
    @mysql_query("SET NAMES $db_connection_charset", $dbconnection);
{ $dbconnection = false;

// echo("<h1>Checkpoint!</h1>");

// List uploaded files in multifile mode

if (!$error && !isset($_REQUEST["fn"]) && $filename=="")
{ if ($dirhandle = opendir($upload_dir)) 
  { $dirhead=false;
    while (false !== ($dirfile = readdir($dirhandle)))
    { if ($dirfile != "." && $dirfile != ".." && $dirfile!=basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))
      { if (!$dirhead)
        { echo ("<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n");
          echo ("<tr><th>Filename</th><th>Size</th><th>Date&amp;Time</th><th>Type</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;</th>\n");
        echo ("<tr><td>$dirfile</td><td class=\"right\">".filesize($dirfile)."</td><td>".date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($dirfile))."</td>");

        if (preg_match("/\.sql$/i",$dirfile))
          echo ("<td>SQL</td>");
        elseif (preg_match("/\.gz$/i",$dirfile))
          echo ("<td>GZip</td>");
        elseif (preg_match("/\.csv$/i",$dirfile))
          echo ("<td>CSV</td>");
          echo ("<td>Misc</td>");

        if ((preg_match("/\.gz$/i",$dirfile) && function_exists("gzopen")) || preg_match("/\.sql$/i",$dirfile) || preg_match("/\.csv$/i",$dirfile))
          echo ("<td><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=1&amp;fn=".urlencode($dirfile)."&amp;foffset=0&amp;totalqueries=0\">Start Import</a> into $db_name at $db_server</td>\n <td><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?delete=".urlencode($dirfile)."\">Delete file</a></td></tr>\n");
          echo ("<td>&nbsp;</td>\n <td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n");

    if ($dirhead) echo ("</table>\n");
    else echo ("<p>No uploaded files found in the working directory</p>\n");
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">Error listing directory $upload_dir</p>\n");

// Single file mode

if (!$error && !isset ($_REQUEST["fn"]) && $filename!="")
{ echo ("<p><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=1&amp;fn=".urlencode($filename)."&amp;foffset=0&amp;totalqueries=0\">Start Import</a> from $filename into $db_name at $db_server</p>\n");

// File Upload Form

if (!$error && !isset($_REQUEST["fn"]) && $filename=="")

// Test permissions on working directory

  do { $tempfilename=time().".tmp"; } while (file_exists($tempfilename));
  if (!($tempfile=@fopen($tempfilename,"w")))
  { echo ("<p>Upload form disabled. Permissions for the working directory <i>$upload_dir</i> <b>must be set to 777</b> in order ");
    echo ("to upload files from here.</p>\n");
  { fclose($tempfile);
    unlink ($tempfilename);
    echo ("<p>You can now upload your dump file up to $upload_max_filesize bytes (".round ($upload_max_filesize/1024/1024)." Mbytes)  ");
    echo ("directly from your browser to the server.</p>\n");
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="$upload_max_filesize">
<p>Dump file: <input type="file" name="dumpfile" accept="*/*" size=60"></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="uploadbutton" value="Upload"></p>

// Print the current mySQL connection charset

if (!$error && !TESTMODE && !isset($_REQUEST["fn"]))
  $result = mysql_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection';");
  $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  if ($row) 
  { $charset = $row['Value'];
    echo ("<p>Note: The current mySQL connection charset is <i>$charset</i>. Your dump file must be encoded in <i>$charset</i> in order to avoid problems with non-latin characters. You can change the connection charset using the \$db_connection_charset variable in index.php</p>\n");

// Open the file

if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["start"]))

// Set current filename ($filename overrides $_REQUEST["fn"] if set)

  if ($filename!="")
  else if (isset($_REQUEST["fn"]))

// Recognize GZip filename

  if (preg_match("/\.gz$/i",$curfilename)) 

  if ((!$gzipmode && !$file=@fopen($curfilename,"r")) || ($gzipmode && !$file=@gzopen($curfilename,"r")))
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">Can't open ".$curfilename." for import</p>\n");
    echo ("<p>Please, check that your dump file name contains only alphanumerical characters, and rename it accordingly, for example: $curfilename.".
           "<br>Or, specify \$filename in index.php with the full filename. ".
           "<br>Or, you have to upload the $curfilename to the server first.</p>\n");

// Get the file size (can't do it fast on gzipped files, no idea how)

  else if ((!$gzipmode && @fseek($file, 0, SEEK_END)==0) || ($gzipmode && @gzseek($file, 0)==0))
  { if (!$gzipmode) $filesize = ftell($file);
    else $filesize = gztell($file);                   // Always zero, ignore
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">I can't seek into $curfilename</p>\n");

// *******************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************

if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["start"]) && isset($_REQUEST["foffset"]) && preg_match("/(\.(sql|gz|csv))$/i",$curfilename))

// Check start and foffset are numeric values

  if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST["start"]) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST["foffset"]))
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">UNEXPECTED: Non-numeric values for start and foffset</p>\n");

// Empty CSV table if requested

  if (!$error && $_REQUEST["start"]==1 && $csv_insert_table != "" && $csv_preempty_table)
    $query = "DELETE FROM $csv_insert_table";
    if (!TESTMODE && !mysql_query(trim($query), $dbconnection))
    { echo ("<p class=\"error\">Error when deleting entries from $csv_insert_table.</p>\n");
      echo ("<p>Query: ".trim(nl2br(htmlentities($query)))."</p>\n");
      echo ("<p>MySQL: ".mysql_error()."</p>\n");

// Print start message

  if (!$error)
  { $_REQUEST["start"]   = floor($_REQUEST["start"]);
    $_REQUEST["foffset"] = floor($_REQUEST["foffset"]);
    if (TESTMODE) 
      echo ("<p class=\"centr\">TEST MODE ENABLED</p>\n");
    echo ("<p class=\"centr\">Processing file: <b>".$curfilename."</b></p>\n");
    echo ("<p class=\"smlcentr\">Starting from line: ".$_REQUEST["start"]."</p>\n");    

// Check $_REQUEST["foffset"] upon $filesize (can't do it on gzipped files)

  if (!$error && !$gzipmode && $_REQUEST["foffset"]>$filesize)
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">UNEXPECTED: Can't set file pointer behind the end of file</p>\n");

// Set file pointer to $_REQUEST["foffset"]

  if (!$error && ((!$gzipmode && fseek($file, $_REQUEST["foffset"])!=0) || ($gzipmode && gzseek($file, $_REQUEST["foffset"])!=0)))
  { echo ("<p class=\"error\">UNEXPECTED: Can't set file pointer to offset: ".$_REQUEST["foffset"]."</p>\n");

// Start processing queries from $file

  if (!$error)
  { $query="";

// Stay processing as long as the $linespersession is not reached or the query is still incomplete

    while ($linenumber<$_REQUEST["start"]+$linespersession || $query!="")

// Read the whole next line

      $dumpline = "";
      while (!feof($file) && substr ($dumpline, -1) != "\n" && substr ($dumpline, -1) != "\r")
      { if (!$gzipmode)
          $dumpline .= fgets($file, DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH);
          $dumpline .= gzgets($file, DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH);
      if ($dumpline==="") break;

// Stop if csv file is used, but $csv_insert_table is not set
      if (($csv_insert_table == "") && (preg_match("/(\.csv)$/i",$curfilename)))
        echo ("<p class=\"error\">Stopped at the line $linenumber. </p>");
        echo ('<p>At this place the current query is from csv file, but $csv_insert_table was not set.');
        echo ("You have to tell where you want to send your data.</p>\n");
// Create an SQL query from CSV line

      if (($csv_insert_table != "") && (preg_match("/(\.csv)$/i",$curfilename)))
        $dumpline = 'INSERT INTO '.$csv_insert_table.' VALUES ('.$dumpline.');';

// Handle DOS and Mac encoded linebreaks (I don't know if it will work on Win32 or Mac Servers)

      $dumpline=str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $dumpline);
      $dumpline=str_replace("\r", "\n", $dumpline);
// echo ("<p>Line $linenumber: $dumpline</p>\n");

// Skip comments and blank lines only if NOT in parents

      if (!$inparents)
      { $skipline=false;
        foreach ($comment as $comment_value)
        { if (!$inparents && (trim($dumpline)=="" || strpos ($dumpline, $comment_value) === 0))
          { $skipline=true;
        if ($skipline)
        { $linenumber++;

// Remove double back-slashes from the dumpline prior to count the quotes ('\\' can only be within strings)
      $dumpline_deslashed = str_replace ("\\\\","",$dumpline);

// Count ' and \' in the dumpline to avoid query break within a text field ending by ;
// Please don't use double quotes ('"')to surround strings, it wont work

      $parents=substr_count ($dumpline_deslashed, "'")-substr_count ($dumpline_deslashed, "\\'");
      if ($parents % 2 != 0)

// Add the line to query

      $query .= $dumpline;

// Don't count the line if in parents (text fields may include unlimited linebreaks)
      if (!$inparents)
// Stop if query contains more lines as defined by MAX_QUERY_LINES

      if ($querylines>MAX_QUERY_LINES)
        echo ("<p class=\"error\">Stopped at the line $linenumber. </p>");
        echo ("<p>At this place the current query includes more than ".MAX_QUERY_LINES." dump lines. That can happen if your dump file was ");
        echo ("created by some tool which doesn't place a semicolon followed by a linebreak at the end of each query, or if your dump contains ");
        echo ("extended inserts. Please read the BigDump FAQs for more infos.</p>\n");

// Execute query if end of query detected (; as last character) AND NOT in parents

      if (preg_match("/;$/",trim($dumpline)) && !$inparents)
      { if (!TESTMODE && !mysql_query(trim($query), $dbconnection))
        { echo ("<p class=\"error\">Error at the line $linenumber: ". trim($dumpline)."</p>\n");
          echo ("<p>Query: ".trim(nl2br(htmlentities($query)))."</p>\n");
          echo ("<p>MySQL: ".mysql_error()."</p>\n");

// Get the current file position

  if (!$error)
  { if (!$gzipmode) 
      $foffset = ftell($file);
      $foffset = gztell($file);
    if (!$foffset)
    { echo ("<p class=\"error\">UNEXPECTED: Can't read the file pointer offset</p>\n");

// Print statistics


// echo ("<p class=\"centr\"><b>Statistics</b></p>\n");

  if (!$error)
    $lines_this   = $linenumber-$_REQUEST["start"];
    $lines_done   = $linenumber-1;
    $lines_togo   = ' ? ';
    $lines_tota   = ' ? ';
    $queries_this = $queries;
    $queries_done = $totalqueries;
    $queries_togo = ' ? ';
    $queries_tota = ' ? ';

    $bytes_this   = $foffset-$_REQUEST["foffset"];
    $bytes_done   = $foffset;
    $kbytes_this  = round($bytes_this/1024,2);
    $kbytes_done  = round($bytes_done/1024,2);
    $mbytes_this  = round($kbytes_this/1024,2);
    $mbytes_done  = round($kbytes_done/1024,2);
    if (!$gzipmode)
      $bytes_togo  = $filesize-$foffset;
      $bytes_tota  = $filesize;
      $kbytes_togo = round($bytes_togo/1024,2);
      $kbytes_tota = round($bytes_tota/1024,2);
      $mbytes_togo = round($kbytes_togo/1024,2);
      $mbytes_tota = round($kbytes_tota/1024,2);
      $pct_this   = ceil($bytes_this/$filesize*100);
      $pct_done   = ceil($foffset/$filesize*100);
      $pct_togo   = 100 - $pct_done;
      $pct_tota   = 100;

      if ($bytes_togo==0) 
      { $lines_togo   = '0'; 
        $lines_tota   = $linenumber-1; 
        $queries_togo = '0'; 
        $queries_tota = $totalqueries; 

      $pct_bar    = "<div style=\"height:15px;width:$pct_done%;background-color:#000080;margin:0px;\"></div>";
      $bytes_togo  = ' ? ';
      $bytes_tota  = ' ? ';
      $kbytes_togo = ' ? ';
      $kbytes_tota = ' ? ';
      $mbytes_togo = ' ? ';
      $mbytes_tota = ' ? ';
      $pct_this    = ' ? ';
      $pct_done    = ' ? ';
      $pct_togo    = ' ? ';
      $pct_tota    = 100;
      $pct_bar     = str_replace(' ','&nbsp;','<tt>[         Not available for gzipped files          ]</tt>');
    echo ("
    <table width=\"520\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\">
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\"> </th><th class=\"bg4\">Session</th><th class=\"bg4\">Done</th><th class=\"bg4\">To go</th><th class=\"bg4\">Total</th></tr>
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\">Lines</th><td class=\"bg3\">$lines_this</td><td class=\"bg3\">$lines_done</td><td class=\"bg3\">$lines_togo</td><td class=\"bg3\">$lines_tota</td></tr>
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\">Queries</th><td class=\"bg3\">$queries_this</td><td class=\"bg3\">$queries_done</td><td class=\"bg3\">$queries_togo</td><td class=\"bg3\">$queries_tota</td></tr>
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\">Bytes</th><td class=\"bg3\">$bytes_this</td><td class=\"bg3\">$bytes_done</td><td class=\"bg3\">$bytes_togo</td><td class=\"bg3\">$bytes_tota</td></tr>
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\">KB</th><td class=\"bg3\">$kbytes_this</td><td class=\"bg3\">$kbytes_done</td><td class=\"bg3\">$kbytes_togo</td><td class=\"bg3\">$kbytes_tota</td></tr>
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\">MB</th><td class=\"bg3\">$mbytes_this</td><td class=\"bg3\">$mbytes_done</td><td class=\"bg3\">$mbytes_togo</td><td class=\"bg3\">$mbytes_tota</td></tr>
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\">%</th><td class=\"bg3\">$pct_this</td><td class=\"bg3\">$pct_done</td><td class=\"bg3\">$pct_togo</td><td class=\"bg3\">$pct_tota</td></tr>
    <tr><th class=\"bg4\">% bar</th><td class=\"bgpctbar\" colspan=\"4\">$pct_bar</td></tr>

// Finish message and restart the script

    if ($linenumber<$_REQUEST["start"]+$linespersession)
    { echo ("<p class=\"successcentr\">Congratulations: End of file reached, assuming OK</p>\n");

    { if ($delaypersession!=0)
        echo ("<p class=\"centr\">Now I'm <b>waiting $delaypersession milliseconds</b> before starting next session...</p>\n");
        if (!$ajax) 
          echo ("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">window.setTimeout('location.href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=$linenumber&fn=".urlencode($curfilename)."&foffset=$foffset&totalqueries=$totalqueries\";',500+$delaypersession);</script>\n");
        echo ("<noscript>\n");
        echo ("<p class=\"centr\"><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=$linenumber&amp;fn=".urlencode($curfilename)."&amp;foffset=$foffset&amp;totalqueries=$totalqueries\">Continue from the line $linenumber</a> (Enable JavaScript to do it automatically)</p>\n");
        echo ("</noscript>\n");
      echo ("<p class=\"centr\">Press <b><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\">STOP</a></b> to abort the import <b>OR WAIT!</b></p>\n");
    echo ("<p class=\"error\">Stopped on error</p>\n");



if ($error)
  echo ("<p class=\"centr\"><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\">Start from the beginning</a> (DROP the old tables before restarting)</p>\n");

if ($dbconnection) mysql_close($dbconnection);
if ($file && !$gzipmode) fclose($file);
else if ($file && $gzipmode) gzclose($file);


<p class="centr">© 2010 Zymic, Code from Big Dump</a></p>





// *******************************************************************************************
//                 AJAX functionality starts here
// *******************************************************************************************

// Handle special situations (errors, and finish)

if ($error) 
  $out1 = ob_get_contents();
  echo $out1;

// Creates responses  (XML only or web page)

if (($ajax) && isset($_REQUEST['start']))
  if (isset($_REQUEST['ajaxrequest'])) 
  {    ob_end_clean();

// *******************************************************************************************
//                 AJAX utilities
// *******************************************************************************************

function create_xml_response() 
  global $linenumber, $foffset, $totalqueries, $curfilename,
                 $lines_this, $lines_done,
Habari zenu wanateknolojia,
sitaki iwe hivi,nataka ioneshe index.php yangu niliyoidesign mimi mwenyewe.
wanataka ni upload dump file.

Delete au Rename index Php iliyokuwepo kabla hujatengenza yako.. Yanni rename index Php uliykuta to another name na index php yako ndio iwe index.php

Alafu naona configuration ya database yako inaweza kukusumbua baadae
Note The current mySQL connection charset is latin1

Kwa nini charset umechagua latin? But hii sio sababu ya tatizo unalopta juu ila uinaweza kukusumbua mbeleni
hapo ndungu yangu watanzania kukusaidia itakuwa ngumu,likisha kuwa suala la kutumia knowledge utaangaika sana bt i wish ningekuwa expert
wa database na code ningekusaidia
pole sana my advise you better have knowledge from other sources not here!!!
hapo ndungu yangu watanzania kukusaidia itakuwa ngumu,likisha kuwa suala la kutumia knowledge utaangaika sana bt i wish ningekuwa expert
wa database na code ningekusaidia
pole sana my advise you better have knowledge from other sources not here!!!

Mmoja wa watanzania ni wewe na umeprove wewe binafsi huna msaada na kuwa ni ngumu kwako kumsaidia.

Je Wewe ni expert wa nini?

itapendeza watu kama nyie wenye moyo wa kusaida kujua utaalam wenu ili tukipata tatizo tusihangaike hapa . teh teh teh teh.
hapo ndungu yangu watanzania kukusaidia itakuwa ngumu,likisha kuwa suala la kutumia knowledge utaangaika sana bt i wish ningekuwa expert
wa database na code ningekusaidia
pole sana my advise you better have knowledge from other sources not here!!!

Kua na heshima basi.. sawa?!
Cheki kama file kuna file la index.html? au kama kuna index nyengine ambayo inaexist.
Hapana liko hilo hilo ila nimeli rename na kuliweka langu lkn cha ajabu ktk sign up unapoikiclick inasema kuna makosa ya mysql sijajua tatizo liko wapi?
Delete au Rename index Php iliyokuwepo kabla hujatengenza yako.. Yanni rename index Php uliykuta to another name na index php yako ndio iwe index.php

Alafu naona configuration ya database yako inaweza kukusumbua baadae

Kwa nini charset umechagua latin? But hii sio sababu ya tatizo unalopta juu ila uinaweza kukusumbua mbeleni
Mkuu kuna ubaya gani kutumia Latin na ungependelea nitumie nini ili nisisumbuliwe huko niendako? Nime rename lkn inaonesha kuna makosa uki click kwenye sign up mysql inakataa lkn database naliona bila tatizo kwenye msql
hapo ndungu yangu watanzania kukusaidia itakuwa ngumu,likisha kuwa suala la kutumia knowledge utaangaika sana bt i wish ningekuwa expert
wa database na code ningekusaidia
pole sana my advise you better have knowledge from other sources not here!!!
Ndg yangu mcheza kwao hutuzwa.hata hapa wataalamu wapo mkuu na ukitoa ujuzi wako M/mungu anakuongeza zaidi,maendeleo yatapatikana iwapo kutakuwepo na mjinga anayetaka kujua na mwenye ufahamu atakapokuwa teyari kumfundisha mjinga
Sijaelewa tatizo, nikienda hiyo link yako naona site kama kawaida.


Hiyo PHP uliyoweka ni ya Big Dump program ya ku-upload SQL DUMPS (Backups kwenye website).
Jiunge na codeproject(google codeproject)ni forum nzuri sana ya developers .Wasilisha problem na bila shaka utapata jibu/msaada.
Jiunge na codeproject(google codeproject)ni forum nzuri sana ya developers .Wasilisha problem bila shaka utapata jibu/msaada.
Sijaelewa tatizo, nikienda hiyo link yako naona site kama kawaida.


Hiyo PHP uliyoweka ni ya Big Dump program ya ku-upload SQL DUMPS (Backups kwenye website).

Mkuu je naweza nikaiweka hii script katika index.php yangu ili itambuliwe na msql
// Only CEdit Below This Line
// Database configuration

$db_server = 'localhost'
$db_name = 'jamiiforums_zxq_jamiiforums'
$db_username = '476901_jamiiforums'
$db_password = 'jamii4tanzania'

Mkuu hiyo ni baada ya kupewa ushauri na Mtazamaji ya kuwa nili delete au nili rename na mimi nikaamua kuli rename file lao na kuliweka langu ni kama unavyoliona hapo,ila uki click sign up utaona ya kwamba kuna tatizo lakini mimi nikilogin ktk mysql naziona tables zangu zote

Mkuu hiyo ni baada ya kupewa ushauri na Mtazamaji ya kuwa nili delete au nili rename na mimi nikaamua kuli rename file lao na kuliweka langu ni kama unavyoliona hapo,ila uki click sign up utaona ya kwamba kuna tatizo lakini mimi nikilogin ktk mysql naziona tables zangu zote

Mkuu tatizo lako linajileza
......../include/mailer.php on line 48
So Nenda kwenye folder ya inlude na file na mailer .php angalia kama line 48 ipo sawa ( smetime inaweza kuwa ni line above 48 or below 48 ndo yenye tatizo. May be syantax error or undeclared variable or function)

kama hiyo malier .ph sio ndefu sana iweke yote hapa au kama ina line nyingi weka may be from line 30 to 50.


Ukisoma error message zinazotea mara yingi zinakuambia ni file na line gani lina tatizo. So hiyo information ni very helpful kwenye troubleshoting
Mkuu tatizo lako linajileza
So Nenda kwenye folder ya inlude na file na mailer .php angalia kama line 48 ipo sawa ( smetime inaweza kuwa ni line above 48 or below 48 ndo yenye tatizo. May be syantax error or undeclared variable or function)

kama hiyo malier .ph sio ndefu sana iweke yote hapa au kama ina line nyingi weka may be from line 30 to 50.


Ukisoma error message zinazotea mara yingi zinakuambia ni file na line gani lina tatizo. So hiyo information ni very helpful kwenye troubleshoting
Sawa mkuu kesho nitaibandika mailer.php yote hapa
Mkuu tatizo lako linajileza
So Nenda kwenye folder ya inlude na file na mailer .php angalia kama line 48 ipo sawa ( smetime inaweza kuwa ni line above 48 or below 48 ndo yenye tatizo. May be syantax error or undeclared variable or function)

kama hiyo malier .ph sio ndefu sana iweke yote hapa au kama ina line nyingi weka may be from line 30 to 50.


Ukisoma error message zinazotea mara yingi zinakuambia ni file na line gani lina tatizo. So hiyo information ni very helpful kwenye troubleshoting

Mkuu mailer.php hiyo hapo chini,naomba muongozo wako

 * Mailer.php
 * The Mailer class is meant to simplify the task of sending
 * emails to users. Note: this email system will not work
 * if your server is not setup to send mail.
 * If you are running Windows and want a mail server, check
 * out this website to see a list of freeware programs:
 * <>
 * Written by: Jpmaster77 a.k.a. The Grandmaster of C++ (GMC)
 * Last Updated: August 19, 2004
class Mailer
    * sendWelcome - Sends a welcome message to the newly
    * registered user, also supplying the username and
    * password.
   function sendWelcome($user, $email, $pass){
      $from = "From: ".EMAIL_FROM_NAME." <".EMAIL_FROM_ADDR.">";
      $subject = "Jpmaster77's Site - Welcome!";
      $body = $user.",\n\n"
             ."Welcome! You've just registered at Mafia island "
             ."with the following information:\n\n"
             ."Username: ".$user."\n"
             ."Password: ".$pass."\n\n"
             ."If you ever lose or forget your password, a new "
             ."password will be generated for you and sent to this "
             ."email address, if you would like to change your "
             ."email address you can do so by going to the "
             ."My Account page after signing in.\n\n"
             ."- Mafia Island Site";

      return mail($email,$subject,$body,$from);
    * sendNewPass - Sends the newly generated password
    * to the user's email address that was specified at
    * sign-up.
   function sendNewPass($user, $email, $pass){
      $from = "From: ".Mafia" <"">";
      $subject = "Mafia Island Site - Your new password";
      $body = $user.",\n\n"
             ."We've generated a new password for you at your "
             ."request, you can use this new password with your "
             ."username to log in to Mafia island.\n\n"
             ."Username: ".$user."\n"
             ."New Password: ".$pass."\n\n"
             ."It is recommended that you change your password "
             ."to something that is easier to remember, which "
             ."can be done by going to the My Account page "
             ."after signing in.\n\n"
             ."- Mafia Island";
      return mail($email,$subject,$body,$from);

/* Initialize mailer object */
$mailer = new Mailer;
wakati unamsubiri huyo mtaalam Line 48 ni hii hapa
$from = "From: ".Mafia" <"">";
Sina uhakika kama tatizo hili ndilo linasababsha hiyo eero ila jaribu kufanya hivi?

Rekbisha email adress yako naona ina makosa iwe hivi
$from = "From: "Mafia" <"">";
Nimeonadoa nukta baada ya dot com. Nimeondoa Nukta pia kabla ya "Mafia" ingawa hii hata ingebai haitakiwi kulete shida.

Ikigoma hiyo jaribu kwanza ku comment hiyo line 48 iwe hivi?

/*$from = "From: ".Mafia" <"">";*/
------Hii siyo solution ni njia ya kutroubleshoot zaidi.

ku Comment line zenye matatizo zinasaidia sometime kujua ukubwaa wa tatizo kam liko sehemu moja au au kuna sehemu nyingine zaidi.
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