Msaada unahitajika kuhusu email hii


Jan 22, 2017
Habari zenu wakuu nilikuwa naomba msaada maana nimepokea E-mail kutoka UNITED NATION, Ila nikuwa naomba msaada wenu wakuu maana E-mail hii imenichanganya hivyo nilikuwa naomba mnichanganulie zaidi juu ya E-mail hii

E-mail yenyewe hii hapa


Attention; Beneficiary,

This is to official inform you that we have been having meetings for the past three (3)
weeks which ended two days ago with MR. JIM YONG KIM
the world bank president and other seven continent
presidents on the congress we treated on solution to scam victim problems.
Note: we have decided to contact youfollowing the reports we received from anti- fraud international monitoring group your name/email has been submitted to us therefore the united nations have agreed
to compensate you with the sum of (USD $1.5 Million) this compensation is also including
international business that failed you in past
due to government problems etc.
We have arranged your payment through our ATM MasterCard and deposited it in DHL
Office to deliver
it to you which is the latest instruction from
the World Bank president MR. JIM YONG KIM,
For your
information’s, the delivery charges already
paid by U.N treasury, the only money you will
send to
DHL office Cotonou Bein Republic office is
$165 dollars for security keeping fee, U.N
already paid for others charges fees for
delivery except the security keeping fee, the
director of
DHL refused to collect the security keeping
fee from U.N treasury, the Director of DHL office said
that they don’t know exactly time you will contact them to reconfirm your details to
avoid counting demurrage that is why they refused collecting the $165 dollars from U.N treasury
for security keeping fee.

Therefore be advice to contact DHL Office agent Coonou Benin Republic. Rev:Jin Modestus who is in position to deliver your ATM MasterCard to your location address, contact DHL Office
immediately with the bellow email & phone number as
listed below...................................
Unatakiwa kwenda kwenye office za DHL kuchukua mkwanja wako. UN, baada ya kuagizwa na WORLD BANK, imekulipa fidia ya biashara yako ya kimataifa iliyoporomoka(US $ 1.5 M)
UN wameshalipia gharama za usafirishaji. Unatakiwa kulipia gharama za kutunza fedha zako($165 dollars) Gharama hizi office ya DHL ilikataa kupokea kwa sababu haijulikani ungetumia muda gani kwenda kuzichukua
Wasiliana mapema na Rev:Jin Modestus kwenye office za DHL atakayekupatia ATM MasterCard kupitia.....

Nimejaribu tu mkuu. Kama nimepatia nikumbuke siku za ufalme wako. teh teh.
Ungeweka na contacts zake tuzichanganue. hahaha
Fraud mkuu naona umeibiwa Tayari, keep off from those people if you don't want to cry
Unatakiwa kwenda kwenye office za DHL kuchukua mkwanja wako. UN, baada ya kuagizwa na WORLD BANK, imekulipa fidia ya biashara yako ya kimataifa iliyoporomoka(US $ 1.5 M)
UN wameshalipia gharama za usafirishaji. Unatakiwa kulipia gharama za kutunza fedha zako($165 dollars) Gharama hizi office ya DHL ilikataa kupokea kwa sababu haijulikani ungetumia muda gani kwenda kuzichukua
Wasiliana mapema na Rev:Jin Modestus kwenye office za DHL atakayekupatia ATM MasterCard kupitia.....

Nimejaribu tu mkuu. Kama nimepatia nikumbuke siku za ufalme wako. teh teh.
Ungeweka na contacts zake tuzichanganue. hahaha

Asante Mkuu
Fraud mkuu naona umeibiwa Tayari, keep off from those people if you don't want to cry
Mbona mi naona kama anatakiwa kwenda kuchukua mpunga uliotumwa na UN kwenye DHL kumfidia hasara aliyopata kwenye biashara yake. Akifika ofisini atapewa maelekezo
Hebu kwanza eleza historia ya nyuma na hao jamaa yaani ulikuwa na mawasiliano nao kwa namna moja au nyingine? Au hiyo email imekuja tuu from nowhere!? Na ni kweli unamatatizo kama yaliyoelezwa hapo kwenye email?! Maana inaonekana kama bonge moja la scam
Hebu kwanza eleza historia ya nyuma na hao jamaa yaani ulikuwa na mawasiliano nao kwa namna moja au nyingine? Au hiyo email imekuja tuu from nowhere!? Na ni kweli unamatatizo kama yaliyoelezwa hapo kwenye email?! Maana inaonekana kama bonge moja la scam

Hiyo E-mail imekuja tu
Habari zenu wakuu nilikuwa naomba msaada maana nimepokea E-mail kutoka UNITED NATION, Ila nikuwa naomba msaada wenu wakuu maana E-mail hii imenichanganya hivyo nilikuwa naomba mnichanganulie zaidi juu ya E-mail hii

E-mail yenyewe hii hapa


Attention; Beneficiary,

This is to official inform you that we have been having meetings for the past three (3)
weeks which ended two days ago with MR. JIM YONG KIM
the world bank president and other seven continent
presidents on the congress we treated on solution to scam victim problems.
Note: we have decided to contact youfollowing the reports we received from anti- fraud international monitoring group your name/email has been submitted to us therefore the united nations have agreed
to compensate you with the sum of (USD $1.5 Million) this compensation is also including
international business that failed you in past
due to government problems etc.
We have arranged your payment through our ATM MasterCard and deposited it in DHL
Office to deliver
it to you which is the latest instruction from
the World Bank president MR. JIM YONG KIM,
For your
information’s, the delivery charges already
paid by U.N treasury, the only money you will
send to
DHL office Cotonou Bein Republic office is
$165 dollars for security keeping fee, U.N
already paid for others charges fees for
delivery except the security keeping fee, the
director of
DHL refused to collect the security keeping
fee from U.N treasury, the Director of DHL office said
that they don’t know exactly time you will contact them to reconfirm your details to
avoid counting demurrage that is why they refused collecting the $165 dollars from U.N treasury
for security keeping fee.

Therefore be advice to contact DHL Office agent Coonou Benin Republic. Rev:Jin Modestus who is in position to deliver your ATM MasterCard to your location address, contact DHL Office
immediately with the bellow email & phone number as
listed below...................................
unaibiwa dollar 165 tayari hapo,keep away from temptations
Achana nao, mimi nina emails zaidi ya tano kama hiyo.Usijibu wala kufanya chochote, zaidi sana delete.
Mkuu hahahahaha ngoja nicheke ila kwa upendo ninaokupatia ni huu Nenda andika QUANTUM CODES Uone wanavyoiba binadamu kwa akili tu
Futa hizo email. Unaenda kuliwa hela yako. Hao jamaa ni wezi na wanajua kuimbisha sana watu.
Nahisi wanaokushauri uachane na hii kitu unaona wanakupitezea fursa. Ukweli ni kwamba hao ni matapeli wa kimataifa (mostly Nigerians). Kama utadare kutuma hiyo hela hesabu maumivu.

Walitaka kuniliza 2010 nishashituka
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