MASHADA forum suspended..

Phillemon Mikael

Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2006
...for those fellow buddy who likes to get some live updates on our brothers and sisters in kenya , will notice that the moderators of mashada have decided to throw towel in ...after untoleratable posts ..which instead of pushing for peace ..seems to illicit more masacre..

poleni majirani...we love you guys !!!
Wakenya ni jirani zetu ila naona kama ustaarabu sasa wameweka kando!

Je wale wenzetu wa zamani hivi- Wakenya tangu zamani walikuwa hivi? Mimi Wakenya wachache naofahamiana nao ni watu wastaarabu -what is going wrong?
Waje hapa tuwafundishe ustaraabu wa kulumbana bila kuvuana nguo. Jamaa wana jazba utafikiri ndio kwanza wanajifunza kuongea! These guys really a leson on good manners especially kwenye mambo ya debating and public speaking in general, wapo weak sana, maana haiwezekani katika hali ya kawaida watu wakawa wanapayuka vile.
ndiyo maana wengine tunampa credit Mwalimu for how we turned out to be as a nation...wengine hawataki!@
mwalimu tena!!??.....huo ni mjadala mwingine kwa siku nyingine, hapa jamaaz wanaombeleza yalichokifika Mashada!!

haya waje hapa JF, waendelee kupigana machete......kwani hiyo nayo ni demokrasia kenyan style.
....NIMETOKA kuangalia news nation tv wanasema kuwa kufungwa mashada ni moja ya directive za waziri wa habari..ambaye amepiga marufuku [nafikiri pia amewaomba owners] malumbano kwenye internet..hali imekuwa mbaya watu wanapiga vijembe hadi kwenye SMS na amewaomba watu wa simu za mkononi nao waingilie kati watu wanaoeneza chuki kwa sms...hii yote inatokea baada ya serikali ya kenya kupinga LIVE BROADCAST!!!
....NIMETOKA kuangalia news nation tv wanasema kuwa kufungwa mashada ni moja ya directive za waziri wa habari..ambaye amepiga marufuku [nafikiri pia amewaomba owners] malumbano kwenye internet..hali imekuwa mbaya watu wanapiga vijembe hadi kwenye SMS na amewaomba watu wa simu za mkononi nao waingilie kati watu wanaoeneza chuki kwa sms...hii yote inatokea baada ya serikali ya kenya kupinga LIVE BROADCAST!!!

..makampuni ya simu yalikataa kubana huduma za sms,sijui kama yamelegeza uamuzi.
Jamani kwani jumbe za kwenye simu si zinaenda kwa wahusika na mtu anaweza kuweka evidence incase anything happens. Mimi sioni haja ya kuzuia hii huduma kwa sasa

Ila kama hii hali ikiendelea Kenya itakuwa kiuchumi sawa na Tanzania na utegemezi utaongezeka kutoka 5% to 50% kama vurugu zikidumu kwa miezi 3 zaidi
Haya Wabongo acheni niwape nyeti kuhusu hio site.
Ukiwa unaifuatilia kwa sana, hii site imegeuzwa kuwa ukumbi wa chalenchi baina ya wanaODM na wanaPNU.Kwa m'da jamaa za PNU walikua wanapata nafasi ya kuwatukana wanaODM ambao walikua wachache.Kadri m'da ulivyozidi nao wanaODM wakaanza kuongezeka na hapo nd'o songombinde ikaanza.PNU wengi wao ni wakikuyu na ODM nio yale makabila mengine yaliobaki.Ilikua mambo ya siasa kama kawaida hadi Kibaki alipoiiba kura na mambo yakabadilika. Wakikuyu wakawa wanawatambia yale makabila mengine na kuwatusi mambo kibao.Kuna tetesi pia kua serikali ilikua inatuma watu mle ndani kusupport sera za PNU lakini wapi.Kilichoonekana wazi ni kua ODM ina mashabiki wengi wakutoka kila matabaka na kabila. Mara jamaa mwenye site akaifunga na kuwaambia watu wajisajili tena.Hii ilikua mbinu ya kuchuja mashabiki wa ODM.Kwa vile akili ni mali,wajanja wakabadili majini na kurudi ukumbini vilevile. Mambo yakaendelea vilevile na mauaji yalipoanza basi ikawa kama fahari kwa wengine mle ndani.Tovuti ikaanza kushehena matusi na vitishio visivyoeleweka.Nadhani mwenyewe kaona kwa mara nyengine tena aifunge hadi mtakapotangaziwa tena.
BTW mwenye mashada ni mkikuyu jamaa la kabila la Kibaki.Kwa hivyo nadhani mnaelewa serikali inaingilia vipi katika hii sehemu. Shida ya wakenya ni kubwa mno na kwa wale wanosali jamani waombeeni.
Thanks a lot to u Tanzanians in rejoicing on Kenya's supposedly assumed demise.Well it's not over yet.I got nothing to do with Mashada but i believe it will be back.I also believe that Kenya will be back.Don't just assume the Kenyan resilience.In all these troubles,the Kenyan is forging one great nation.Kenya is forever!!!Imara Daima!!Otherwise to the hateful Tanzanians,i got one question....Mtafanya nini???Bure kabisa.
Thanks a lot to u Tanzanians in rejoicing on Kenya's supposedly assumed demise.Well it's not over yet.I got nothing to do with Mashada but i believe it will be back.I also believe that Kenya will be back.Don't just assume the Kenyan resilience.In all these troubles,the Kenyan is forging one great nation.Kenya is forever!!!Imara Daima!!Otherwise to the hateful Tanzanians,i got one question....Mtafanya nini???Bure kabisa.


Poleni Kenya- tunawaombea hali iwe nzuri na amani iwepo! Ila punguza hasira- JF huwa tunajadiliana kwa hoja!

No one is rejoicing- punguza jazba read between lines!

Tunaombea mema kila siku!

Poleni Kenya- tunawaombea hali iwe nzuri na amani iwepo! Ila punguza hasira- JF huwa tunajadiliana kwa hoja!

No one is rejoicing- punguza jazba read between lines!

Tunaombea mema kila siku!

Mzalendo eeh!
huyo bwana hapo juu nd'o washamba wa Kenya.Si unaona anavyoleta jazba?nani kamwambia tunasherekea?Lazima ni Mkikuyu unajua tena walanguzi!!
Thanks a lot to u Tanzanians in rejoicing on Kenya's supposedly assumed demise.Well it's not over yet.I got nothing to do with Mashada but i believe it will be back.I also believe that Kenya will be back.Don't just assume the Kenyan resilience.In all these troubles,the Kenyan is forging one great nation.Kenya is forever!!!Imara Daima!!Otherwise to the hateful Tanzanians,i got one question....Mtafanya nini???Bure kabisa.

No wonder you are the way you are. It is not in the spirit of Tanzanians to celebrate the suffering of others. It is simply not in us, it is not the way we're made. Pole sana it seems you don't even understand your own history and that of your neighbours. There is nothing that Tanzania can gain from your suffering. The only thing Kenyans have done so far is to demonstrate to the whole world how far Africa has to travel to reach the wold level of civilisation. Yaani nyie mmetuvua nguo sisi sote. Ila mtu kilaza kama wewe sio rahisi kuelewa hili because to you Kikuyu is more important than Africa leave alone Kenya.

You hit the nail in the head and I couldn't agree with you more. Matatizo looking for a scapegoat in order to console yourself won't change anything. Tanzanians are not rejoicing instead we are shocked and can't fathom the premise behind those killings. Kenyans are part and parcel of our lives and we have a lot of things that we do share in common. Our two economies are interrelated, Tanzania imports a lot of products from Kenya so we too are going to suffer from the consquences. I think this will be a wake up call to our beloved neighbors to change their acts by first stop embracing Ukabila and secondly start looking on the big picture, which is " Kenya"
No wonder you are the way you are. It is not in the spirit of Tanzanians to celebrate the suffering of others. It is simply not in us, it is not the way we're made. Pole sana it seems you don't even understand your own history and that of your neighbours. There is nothing that Tanzania can gain from your suffering. The only thing Kenyans have done so far is to demonstrate to the whole world how far Africa has to travel to reach the wold level of civilisation. Yaani nyie mmetuvua nguo sisi sote. Ila mtu kilaza kama wewe sio rahisi kuelewa hili because to you Kikuyu is more important than Africa leave alone Kenya.

check this out.It took a Kikuyu 5 yrs to reverse 24 yrs of mismanagement by Kalenjins.Luos claim to be smart but one has to wonder that in 40 yrs of throwing stones why can't they use their
self-imposed genius to design some space age stone thrower??

Why do you argue on the basis of Ukabila? In whose benefit? Sisi Watz we are not used to argue that way!

Naona Kenya had a proplem of nation building from Kenyatta era- and concentrated so much on uchumi -Nyerere did much in 1st 20 years in nation building through JKT, use of Swahili, Azimio la Arusha etc.

Angalia hata Ivory Coast used to be Economic Hub of West Afrika- leo they are in crisis- nation building problems!

I think nation building blocks are foundation things to a prosperous Kenya!
Matatizo ,

To claim that Kikuyu's are the one who turn the economy around is below the belt. That statement exposed your myopia!
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