lesson FOR TODAY


JF-Expert Member
Oct 5, 2009


Sometimes, we try too hard to get to the greener grass.

In the process, we end up in trouble.

And when you find yourself in trouble and you're stuck in a
situation that you can't get out of, there is one thing you should
always remember:

Not everyone who shows up...Is there to help you!!!!


That is the end of today’s lesson!​


Sometimes, we try too hard to get to the greener grass.

In the process, we end up in trouble.

And when you find yourself in trouble and you're stuck in a
situation that you can't get out of, there is one thing you should
always remember:

Not everyone who shows up...Is there to help you!!!!


That is the end of today's lesson!​

realy good lesson... cheers


Sometimes, we try too hard to get to the greener grass.

In the process, we end up in trouble.

And when you find yourself in trouble and you're stuck in a
situation that you can't get out of, there is one thing you should
always remember:

Not everyone who shows up...Is there to help you!!!!


That is the end of today's lesson!​

Fantastic Lesson!If we tend to employ the fact that we are on our own and this will definitely bring oneself to the so called Self esteem( ego) and self confident to make you a big time independent person and that is what you need really. Always put yourself first and the outside factors will be an option (believe in yourself)!, we have always been urged to stay strong when in difficult times! this reminds me of some of my favorite quotes!

Hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords.
- Samuel Johnson

Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.
- Samuel Smiles

Have a good day!:thumb:

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