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JF-Expert Member
Oct 4, 2014
Bara letu tukufu la la Afrika limekuwa likidharauliwa kila kuchao.Tumebakia nyuma kimaendeleo licha ya kuwa na raslimali sii haba. Lakini kadri ya uwezo wetu, bado twaendelea kujizatiti angalau kujinasua kwenye taswira hii mbaya ya wale wasiojiweza. Ni wajibu wetu kama raia na uongozi wa nchi mbalimbali husika kuwa na bidii ya mchwa ili kuafikia malengo yetu. Bila shaka kuna baadhi ya nchi ambazo ni za kupewa kongole kwa kazi nzuri ya kutwalia bara hili sifa kochokocho.
Aghalabu kwa upande mwingine ukweli unasalia kuwa ule ule ya kwamba, baadhi ya nchi imekuwa tuu ni majanga na aibu. Mfano ni kama: Somalia na Sudan ya kusini na zinginezo ambazo sijataja, kwa vita na uongozi mbaya hawajambo. Kwa mataifa mengine, mbali na kuwa na amani bado'wapo wapo' tuu, sio kimichezo, kiuchumi etc.

Kwa watani wetu wa kusini, kwa maelezo na ikiwezekana kwa mapicha vile nilivyofanya hapo Chini. Ni kitu gani unahisi nchi yako kama TZ imefanya kulisaidia bara hili kutambulika kwenye ramani ya ulimwengu? Nimejaribu kuwaza hali ingekuwa aje kama Nigeria ingetolewa Afrika ya magharibi, Afrika kusini ikatolewa kusini, misri itolewe kaskazini na vile vile Kenya ikatolewa Mashariki! Si bara lingebaki gofu? Nawasilisha!....

Kenya aims to become the next global center of Islamic finance
East Africa’s biggest economy is positioning itself to become a regional hub for Islamic finance products. Kenya’s treasury ministry recently unveiled a plan to mainstream Islamic financing as part of an effort to stimulate economic growth, and to help set the sector up as a source of development funding

Finance minister Henry Rotich said on March 30 that the government would propose amendments to the financial laws and issue new regulations to facilitate a Sharia-compliant retirement benefits scheme. It will also amend the public finance management act to provide for the issuance of sukuk, or Islamic bonds.

Islamic finance is based on profit-sharing, and prohibits the collection and payment of interest, or usury. The two-trillion dollar global Islamic finance industry has grown as a mechanism for financing development, including in non-Muslim countries.

Some 11% of Kenya’s 44 million people are counted as Muslim. But in the past, Kenyan regulators have noted that it was “hard” to convince lawmakers of the Islamic finance industry’s potential—especially while the government was battling the jihadist fundamentalist group al-Shabaab. Since invading Somalia in 2011, al-Shabaab has targeted Christians in buses, attacked churches, stormed an upscale shopping mall, and killed 147 people at a university.

Regulatory agencies say Kenya is now ready to allow Islamic finance and banking to thrive. Speaking at the second annual East Africa Islamic Economy Summit on April 11, Paul Muthaura, the chief executive officer of the Capital Markets Authority, said the country plans to make Kenya a hub for Islamic finance.

Kenya is already a regional leader in Islamic banking. The country has two fully-operating Islamic banks, with a third one being authorized. There’s also one takaful Islamic insurance company, a sharia-compliant mutual fund, and two cooperatives. In December, Kenya joined the Islamic Financial Services Board, a Malaysia-based body that regulates and promotes sound and transparent Islamic financial services globally.

Kenya’s banking industry has faced challenges in the recent past, with some banks folding or merging with others to survive. Legislation capping interest rates is also reportedly making it harder for banks to access loans or credit.
mwenye macho haambiwi tazama. hivi huoni waKenya walivyopiga hatua? tuwape heshima ndugu zetu waKenya kwa kuwa mfano mwema Afrika Mashariki na Afrika nzima kwa ujumla
Ndugu zenu wakenya!!
Endelea bwana
Halafu hapo hapo inabidi kuagiza chakula toka Israel, Mexico, Tanzania, South Africa.... Unauza kuku ndio ununue mayai.
Kenya aims to become the next global center of Islamic finance

East Africa’s biggest economy is positioning itself to become a regional hub for Islamic finance products. Kenya’s treasury ministry recently unveiled a plan to mainstream Islamic financing as part of an effort to stimulate economic growth, and to help set the sector up as a source of development funding

Finance minister Henry Rotich said on March 30 that the government would propose amendments to the financial laws and issue new regulations to facilitate a Sharia-compliant retirement benefits scheme. It will also amend the public finance management act to provide for the issuance of sukuk, or Islamic bonds.

Islamic finance is based on profit-sharing, and prohibits the collection and payment of interest, or usury. The two-trillion dollar global Islamic finance industry has grown as a mechanism for financing development, including in non-Muslim countries.

Some 11% of Kenya’s 44 million people are counted as Muslim. But in the past, Kenyan regulators have noted that it was “hard” to convince lawmakers of the Islamic finance industry’s potential—especially while the government was battling the jihadist fundamentalist group al-Shabaab. Since invading Somalia in 2011, al-Shabaab has targeted Christians in buses, attacked churches, stormed an upscale shopping mall, and killed 147 people at a university.

Regulatory agencies say Kenya is now ready to allow Islamic finance and banking to thrive. Speaking at the second annual East Africa Islamic Economy Summit on April 11, Paul Muthaura, the chief executive officer of the Capital Markets Authority, said the country plans to make Kenya a hub for Islamic finance.

Kenya is already a regional leader in Islamic banking. The country has two fully-operating Islamic banks, with a third one being authorized. There’s also one takaful Islamic insurance company, a sharia-compliant mutual fund, and two cooperatives. In December, Kenya joined the Islamic Financial Services Board, a Malaysia-based body that regulates and promotes sound and transparent Islamic financial services globally.

Kenya’s banking industry has faced challenges in the recent past, with some banks folding or merging with others to survive. Legislation capping interest rates is also reportedly making it harder for banks to access loans or credit.

Stop bragging.

In Tanzania we have entire banks run on Islamic Banking Sharia as purely Islamic Banks.

And recently, here in JF, we have witnessed individual efforts of one JF member and her husband raising awareness of Islamic Microfinance and suddenly initiating a unique SACCOS (for East Africa at least). A SACCOS solely run on Islamic Microfinance principles. Check it out: Vitendo SACCOS - kukopeshana bila riba

I'm so happy and glad to be among the founding members of this unique SACCOS.
Halafu hapo hapo inabidi kuagiza chakula toka Israel, Mexico, Tanzania, South Africa.... Unauza kuku ndio ununue mayai.

Ndio tunaagiza mahindi kwa sababu hizi
- Hela tunazo na uwezo tunao
- Nchi yetu asilimia 80% ni kame

Nyie pamoja na liinchi lenu lote hilo lenye rotuba kila mahali bila eneo kame hata moja mbona kuna wakati huwa mnaagiza mahindi kutoka Zambia, mumelaaniwa kwa uzembe na uvivu wa kufa mtu Tanzania Imports from Zambia of Corn (maize)
Ndio tunaagiza mahindi kwa sababu hizi
- Hela tunazo na uwezo tunao
- Nchi yetu asilimia 80% ni kame

Nyie pamoja na liinchi lenu lote hilo lenye rotuba kila mahali bila eneo kame hata moja mbona kuna wakati huwa mnaagiza mahindi kutoka Zambia, mumelaaniwa kwa uzembe na uvivu wa kufa mtu Tanzania Imports from Zambia of Corn (maize)
Hakuna ubishi...

Tanzania: We Have Food Surplus, Not Shortage - Minister

Tanzania: No New Guidelines for Food Exports - Minister

President Kikwete Calls For Food Surplus Storage Investment In Tanzania - TanzaniaInvest

Wakati huo hiyo hiyo Tanzania nchi kubwa yenye rotuba kila mahali yenye madini ya kila aina yenye raslimali zaidi ya nchi zote Afrika yenye amani bila kuwahi kuwa na ugomvi wa kindani yenye vivutio bora vya utalii zaidi ya nchi zote Afrika ndio hiyo hiyo yenye watu wake wanaoishi kwenye mji mkuu Dodoma wanakula viwavi kukabili njaa Wala viwavi jeshi kuikabili njaa
Wakati huo hiyo hiyo Tanzania nchi kubwa yenye rotuba kila mahali yenye madini ya kila aina yenye raslimali zaidi ya nchi zote Afrika yenye amani bila kuwahi kuwa na ugomvi wa kindani yenye vivutio bora vya utalii zaidi ya nchi zote Afrika ndio hiyo hiyo yenye watu wake wanaoishi kwenye mji mkuu Dodoma wanakula viwavi kukabili njaa Wala viwavi jeshi kuikabili njaa
Hivi umeisoma hiyo taarifa yote au umepitisha macho kwenye kichwa cha habari? Soma tena uelewe chakula kipo, maghala ya serikali yana chakula. Hakuna Mtanzania ata kufa kwa njaa. Tanzania sio Kenya.

Number of Kenyans going hungry doubles to three million

Halafu kinacho shangaza, mnalalamika hakuna mvua ndio maana na chakula hakitoshi, mbona mauwa chai na kahawa mnalima kwa nguvu zote na huku kuna ukame??
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