Kibaki: Re-election Saga & White Settlers in Kenya

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Game Theory

JF-Expert Member
Sep 5, 2006
wa KENYA nilikuwa nawaiuliza :

How many White British settlers are there in Kenya?

How do ordinary black Kenyans feel about White British settlers?

What are the chances of getting back that land?

If the British put too much pressure on Kibaki Do you think Okuyus might turn on those Wazungus?

In the wake of one of the biggest land owner Lord Thomas Cholmondeley killings what are the ordinary reaction of ordinary Kenyans?

Lets say the British decide to to back Odinga dont you think people like MURUNGARI (not sure about the spelling) might restart their Land question again?

Why is it many Kenyans avoid talking about the white settlers owning big chunks of their fertile land?
It's not that White settlers own big chunks of fertile land, White settlers know how to maintain a fertile land. There is a plenty of fertile land in Kenya and throughout Africa, the problem is Africans can't utilize it. If you redistribute the land owned by White settlers to African farmers, in few years the land will deteriorate, farms and estates will die, just like in Zimbabwe. Plus operating large modern farm requires huge investment of capital that most Africans are too poor to afford save for few government fat cats and their cronies.
how come wakenya hawapendi kuongelea suala la ardhi iliyochukuliwa na wazungu?
Hata sisi hapa Tanzania Ardhi yetu nyingi nzuri inarudi kwa walowezi wapya na wa zamani.
Bonde la mpunga la Madibila Mzee Mungai, Mbunge wa Mufindi Magharibi alisimama kidete kukataa kinunda lisiuzwe kwa wanaMadila waliotaka kueneleza kilimo cha mpunga na kuhakikisha kwa kiburi cha Ibilisi wanauziwa Wahindi ili walime nyonyo Kaburi za bio Diesel, na yeye kuweka kitita cha Rushwa kibindoni!

NAdhani kabla ya kuelekeza Anntena yako Kenya anagalia signal ambazo antenna yako inazipata locally.

Ardhi ni Rasilimali namba 1 Duniani kote, lakini kwetu Tanzania Fedha ni namba 1 namba 2 CCM na 3 ni Ardhi.
Wakenya waoga sana kwa UK na US haswa over settlers! Saa zote wanawasifu heshima Kenya ni kuweza kuonge Kiingereza sii Kiswahili safi!

Ila utasikia wanataka EA Fed. haraka ili waweze kutuonea sisi kwa kuchukua ardhi yetu!

Sema Tz tumeshawashtukia!
Its because alot of the land is not in the hands of the whites but in the hands of the black political elite. The kenyatas, mois, kibakis etc. At independence alot of land was bought back but the right people never got it back. Thats why the violence last year was black on black not black on white. RACE IS NOT AN ISSUE IN KENYA. It funy how most of africans think it is.
Would you rather we become another Zimbabwe? if or when the gvt reposseses the said land, will it redistribute it to the landless Kenyans? Will it be economical to reclaim some of these already in use lands?
According to me the only lands that need to be taken by the gvt are the ones ilegally aquired by the political elite and their croonies.
It's not that White settlers own big chunks of fertile land, White settlers know how to maintain a fertile land. There is a plenty of fertile land in Kenya and throughout Africa, the problem is Africans can't utilize it. If you redistribute the land owned by White settlers to African farmers, in few years the land will deteriorate, farms and estates will die, just like in Zimbabwe. Plus operating large modern farm requires huge investment of capital that most Africans are too poor to afford save for few government fat cats and their cronies.

Don't talk about what you do not know about.

There are very many kenyan middle class who own land and are farming the land and making a very decent living.
Kenya is not like Zimbabwe...Puhleeaasse!!

Every argument you have in here is to discredit African people. You need to rail in your prejudiced ideas and opinions. "theri ben..."
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Assuming you are Kenyan, can you answer my above questions then?

huyo hapo si Mkenya...anadhani that by talking down to and disrespecting Africans will make he/she better...Not by a long shot!!! aende aka try to solve the problems kwao huko uhindini
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Very good. Then leave white settlers and their farms alone.

You are not making any sense at all. Have you ever heard of Kenyans trying to acquire the land owned by the settlers??

Africans should stop worshiping land, we've killed each other enough over the years for this resource, our land is soaked in blood, most of Africans are peasant farmers, which if you ask me is not income generating, the only beneficiaries of their hard work are brokers. Land is the only factor that is slowing the EAC, lets build industries and employ our people instead of concentrating too much on something that only slows our development down.
You are not making any sense at all. Have you ever heard of Kenyans trying to acquire the land owned by the settlers??

No, but after reading this thread, I'm lead to a conclusion that there are people who are salivating over land owned by White settlers.

Africans should stop worshiping land, we've killed each other enough over the years for this resource, our land is soaked in blood, most of Africans are peasant farmers, which if you ask me is not income generating, the only beneficiaries of their hard work are brokers. Land is the only factor that is slowing the EAC, lets build industries and employ our people instead of concentrating too much on something that only slows our development down.

The average IQ in East African countries is around 70. What kind of industries do you expect to build with that level of intelligence? You have unrealistic expectations.
You are right a good number of Kenyans have no access to productive land. Nenda Naivasha ujionee. Hata lake Naivasha inakaribia kukaushwa na wazungu.
No, but after reading this thread, I'm lead to a conclusion that there are people who are salivating over land owned by White settlers.

The average IQ in East African countries is around 70. What kind of industries do you expect to build with that level of intelligence? You have unrealistic expectations.

WHAT? Are you sick or something, have you read what you have just posted? Is this person an African, or he/she has come here to insult our intelligence?
If you are worth your salt, give us a link that proves our IQ is 70, seems to me you are not the sharpest pencil in the box if you think that we can not build our own industries and employ your likes.

FYI, Kenyans live in harmony with the whites living in the country, except for a few isolated cases where people rub each others shoulder the wrong way, (Which is normal if you ask me).

Stop guessing things and posting them, it portrays you in bad light and it illuminates your not so intelligent way of thinking.
You are right a good number of Kenyans have no access to productive land. Nenda Naivasha ujionee. Hata lake Naivasha inakaribia kukaushwa na wazungu.

Joste, Karibu JF.
If you really want to challenge us intellectually, give us reliable stats, like lets say, 45% of Kenyans have no access to productive land, with that I can come up with answers, its a challenge I can respond to.. Its like me saying that only a handful of Tanzanians have gone to school, to some extent this is true, but not entirely, coz there is a good number (you not included of course) who have actually seen the inside of a class.

About Naivasha, mhhhm....was there over the weekend (Nyama choma, booze, and fwine Kenyan ladies, kawaida stuff), and those flower farms are really using up lots of water, but do you know that most of them are owned by Kenyans, and that it is now illegal to divert water to the farms, guess you didnt, can see the shock on your face, Lakini usijali, when all our land has been taken, and the lakes and rivers have dried up, we will simply use the EAC to buy land in your village, and do some commercial farming, and maybe dry up your rivers too. Its all business lad.

Great day son.
[/COLOR][/I] WHAT? Are you sick or something, have you read what you have just posted? Is this person an African, or he/she has come here to insult our intelligence?
If you are worth your salt, give us a link that proves our IQ is 70,


The list of books and publications on this topic are listed below:

seems to me you are not the sharpest pencil in the box if you think that we can not build our own industries and employ your likes.

FYI, Kenyans live in harmony with the whites living in the country, except for a few isolated cases where people rub each others shoulder the wrong way, (Which is normal if you ask me).

Stop guessing things and posting them, it portrays you in bad light and it illuminates your not so intelligent way of thinking.

If you could build industries you would have done so by now. You have the raw materials, you have the market, there is a demand so what's stopping you?
Joste, Karibu JF.
If you really want to challenge us intellectually, give us reliable stats, like lets say, 45% of Kenyans have no access to productive land, with that I can come up with answers, its a challenge I can respond to.. Its like me saying that only a handful of Tanzanians have gone to school, to some extent this is true, but not entirely, coz there is a good number (you not included of course) who have actually seen the inside of a class.

About Naivasha, mhhhm....was there over the weekend (Nyama choma, booze, and fwine Kenyan ladies, kawaida stuff), and those flower farms are really using up lots of water, but do you know that most of them are owned by Kenyans, and that it is now illegal to divert water to the farms, guess you didnt, can see the shock on your face, Lakini usijali, when all our land has been taken, and the lakes and rivers have dried up, we will simply use the EAC to buy land in your village, and do some commercial farming, and maybe dry up your rivers too. Its all business lad.

Great day son.
Wote sie wakenya na na wa TZ ni waswahili, kwa nini hamtumii kiswahili kujadili mambo yenu? Au ndo lugha ya kisomi? Ama kweli sie tumeathirika na kupenda vya watu. Na maana kua wote sie lugha yetu ni kiswahili kwa nini tusiitumie? Tunajifanya kupenda aridhi kuliko Lugha zetu, ndo maana kila kitu ni wa ongo. Tubadilikeni. Manake itakua kama vile tunaonyeshana nani anajua kiengereza.
No, but after reading this thread, I'm lead to a conclusion that there are people who are salivating over land owned by White settlers.

The average IQ in East African countries is around 70. What kind of industries do you expect to build with that level of intelligence? You have unrealistic expectations.

why are you here debating with the very same people you say have an IQ of 70?
It takes an idiot to know another idiot. You too have an IQ of 70.
Ha hahahaha!!!!!
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