Kenya: Yazinduliwa siri ya Kura ya Maoni!


JF-Expert Member
Nov 7, 2006

Hii hapa ripoti ya kura ya maoni ya Steadman ya hivi karibuni zaidi. Inaonyesha bayana kwamba Raila anaelekea kuwa Rais wa awamu ya nne ya Kenya kwa margin kubwa mno. Ila kabla Steadman waitoe kwenye umma, waliikarabati ili iweze onyesha Raila (46) yuko mbele ya Kibaki kwa asilimia nne tuu yaan (42).

Kwa mujibu wa Standard ya leo, imebainika kwamba Roger Steadman wa Steadman Polls ni mndani wa rafiki wa karibu wa Kibaki wanaoendesha kampeini ya Rais huyo.

Ichambueni hii unedited copy ya the real research opinion poll findings za Steadman niliyoipata kutoka kwa wandani wa kampuni hiyo. Raila aongoza kwa zaidi ya 55% ya kura zikiwa zimesalia siku 16 tuu.

Raila juu!


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Kutoka katika kielelezo ulicho ambatanisha haitoshi kuonyesha kunakupikwa kwa matokeo ya kura za maoni. ukiacha jina la steadman linalotumika kwenye hiyo power point, mtu yeyote anaweza kuwa ametengeneza hii ripoti. maana hata mimi naweza kuitengeneza. bila kuwa na uthibitisho zaidi inabaki kuwa na siasa za kelele tu. Hakuna signature kokote pale kwenye hio document kunyesha ni ya kweli au la

What I admire kuhusu uchaguzi wa Kenya ni kule kujiamini kwa wagombea wao na jinsi wanavyoendesha kampeni zao kisasa. Mambo ya kutishana kule kwao yamepitwa na wakati. The wapiga kura are learned... wanahoji maslahi yao etc siyo blah blah. I am sure after these elections... Kenya will never be the same again

Yoyote anayetaka uongozi wa juu Kenya ni lazima awe amejiandaa kuleta mabadiliko.
Kutoka katika kielelezo ulicho ambatanisha haitoshi kuonyesha kunakupikwa kwa matokeo ya kura za maoni. ukiacha jina la steadman linalotumika kwenye hiyo power point, mtu yeyote anaweza kuwa ametengeneza hii ripoti. maana hata mimi naweza kuitengeneza. bila kuwa na uthibitisho zaidi inabaki kuwa na siasa za kelele tu. hakuna signature kokote pale kwenye hio document kunyesha ni ya kweli au la. Lakini swali la wazi tu UNATARAJIA RAILA ATALETA NINI KIPYA KWA MKENYA WA CHINI? UKIZINGATIA NA YEYE NI MVINYO WA ZAMANI TOKA KWENYE MZABIBU ULE ULE?

Ahsante Mkuu Mzeeba kwa majibu ya kwako. Hili document ni la huko litokako. WaKenya wengi tuu wameshaipokea na mimi niliona akheri ni igawie wanaJF pia wafaidike kuisoma. Basi lisemwalo lipo na la Kibaki linjiani laja. Already kuna fununu huku kwetu kwamba Jeshi linajiandaa kumpa salute ya mwisho kama Amri Kuu mwema ambayeametusaidia sana ila wengi waKenya, wao hao unaosema wa kawaida nikiwemo mimi tunahisi amwachie Raila aendelee kwa kasi mpya.

Kuhusu nini kipya au zaidi Raila ataleta. Nina majibu manne:
1. Soma hio manifesto ya ODM ambayo nimeipost hapa kwa thread ya awali. Pamoja na uwahi kutembelea website yake Unaweza pia kutembelea website ya Kibaki kisha ufanye comparison.

2. Sisi waKenya tunataka katiba mpya ile huku inajulikana kama THE BOMAS DRAFT iliyotengezwa na wasomi, watafiti na wataalamu waKenya na wakimataifa waliokaa chini ya Commission ya Profesa Ghai iloteuliwa na Moi kumaliza kazi yake ya kukusanya maoni ya waKenya. Kibaki alikataa hii draft na akaleta nyingine liitwalo KILIFI DRAFT ambalo waKenya waliikataa 81% katika Referendum au kura ya maoni 2005. Kizingiti ya campaign za Raila na ODM ambaye waKenya wengi wanamsifia sana ni ahadi yake kuifufua, kusahihisha na kutekeleza BOMAS DRAFT. Hili NDIO LIPYA ambalo waKenya waliowengi wanatarajia toka kwa Raila na upinzani yaan ODM. Amini usiamini, wanamuamini kuliko yeyote yule aliyebobea kwenye siasa za Kenya leo hii. Aliwaambia waikatae KILIFI Draft na wakafanya hivyo. Sasa anawaambia wakti wa katiba ya mwananchi BOMAS draft umewadia na wanamwamini pia. Mimi pia. All the development initiatives or lack of them, grow out of the laws of the land as enshrined in the constitution of that land. A faulty constitution in a wealthy nation is not useful. A new and popular constitution in a steadily growing economy like Kenya is a beacon of hope. This is the newness that Kenya's peasants who many agree, are ranked among the most highly politically aware Africans on the continent today.

3. Chini ya Bomas Draft, Kenya automatically becomes a Federal Republic. Kila mkoa au jimbo litakuwa na serikali ndogo, bunge ndogo zitakazojadili priorities na utimishi wa maliuma na natural resources za eneo hilo pamoja na serikali ya kati au Federal government itakayoweka makao yake Nairobi. Wataalamu na wasomi wengi tu huku wanakubaliana kwamba ile shida sugu ya ukabila au mtindo wa kabila moja kukandamiza zingine kutumia utumishi mbaya na waubaguzi wa rasilmali kupitia Unitary system of government iliyopo sasa, pengine utadidimia. Kwa ufupi, Kibaki ameletaa maendeleo kweli lakini waKenya wanajua Kenya inauwezekano wa kuendelea hata zaidi na kwa usawa mkubwa chini ya serikali za majimbo na siyo serikali yenye kabila na mkoa wa Rais mtawala ndio unanyonya maeneo mengine huku ikiwasukumia mabakshishi tu. The basis of Kenya's famous tribalism is economic disparities bred by our colonial and post-colonial history. One way, and I reapeat only one way, of confronting this issue squarely is to reorganize the political system so that ethnic competition can be redirected towards national development in the form of ethnic cooperation. The richest jimbo and the poorest jimbo all become children of one parent, the Federal Government in Nairobi with each child getting "pocket money" that is equal to her needs. Lazima kutatokea shida haa na pale lakini baada ya kutambaa hii system inawezekano yakujenga Kenya kwa msingi ya unity in diversity kuliko system tulonalo sasa. Maybe pia at one time Tanzania bara itaiga mtindo huu. Mikoa kama Singida, Mbea, Kigoma, Mara, etc zitaweza kudetermine their own priorities na sio CCM iliyo na makazi yake mbali hukoo Dar. Mimi nina imani kwamba system hii ikifanikisha mipango za kitaifa za Kenya, nyini ndugu zetu waTanzania, waGanda, waSomalia, WaCongo na hata waNyarwanda na Burundi wanaweza pia borrow the same na kuimodify ili ilifit kwenye muktadha wa historia na usasa wa nchi zao. Lets not fear the Federal system by citing examples like Nigeria where some chaos have been fuelled by semiautonomous power of the various states esp. in the North. We can look at economically maturing economies like Brazil, Mexico, India and even the brighter side of the Nigerian system. Today in Nigeria, all states have internationally credible stadiums, universities, school system, and governance frameworks. Maybe the inefficient manipulation of these systems via corruption and other ills contributes to the general negative image of Nigeria but realists will agree that looked at closely in terms of each state on its own, the Nigerian states have brought more positive change to the benefit of more Nigerians than their former Unitary system of governance. The problem is never quite with the is with the mkulima. I am pursuaded sometimes, like now, that it is not a system that is bad, it is the user of the system. The Unitary system of government in Kenya is not bad as such but its users have painted it in the wrong colors. Because these colors are difficult to wash away, we decide to have a new cloth altogether, the Federal system of government. The hope or gamble is that we will not also soil this new system.....because maybe then we would not have another option as we have now!

4. Siasa za Kenya leo zinachapwa katika nyanja ya ukabila kama zamani zetu. Ila kuna kipya kimechoibuka. Siasa hizi hivi sasa pia zinachezwa katika nyanja ya riika au generation ukipenda. Wananchi wanataka the Kibaki Generation ambaye imekuwa mamlakani toka enzi za Uhuru iwaachie nafasi Generation ya akina Raila, Uhuru Kenyatta na Gideon Moi. Kwa mfano, sidhani huko Bongo akina riika ya Nyerere bado wako katikati ya mamlaka na uongozi. Vile vile Uganda riika ya Obote haipo ndani. Ila Kenya wale walio katika kitovu cha Siasa na serikali ni wale wale waliokuwa tangu zama za Kenyatta! Kibaki, Awori, Michuki, Karume, Nyachae na wengineo. Kipi kipya cha pili basi ni hiki: generational change, whether for good or bad it doesnt matter. A change is as good as a rest.

Nadhani nimefanya ile inaitwa kwa Kimombo an oversimplification of the issues but at least hii information itakupa understanding wakati mtakuwa mna pokea news Bongo kwamba Raila ameshinda kwa asilimia zaidi ya 50%wiki mbili toka leo.

Tumpeni support Raila na tumpeni pongezi Kibaki.
What about the allegations that the Kenyan election is full of blatant tribalism and undisguised corruption?

And the people seem to like and accept that, such as the iconic symbolism of Raila and his gas guzzling Hummer?
What about the allegations that the Kenyan election is full of blatant tribalism and undisguised corruption?

And the people seem to like and accept that, such as the iconic symbolism of Raila and his gas guzzling Hummer?

Yes, these blatant tribalism and undisguised corruption exist. They form the core of our present politics. The popularity of the Opposition party called ODM on whose ticket Raila seeks Presidency lies in the fact that it is a conglomeration of over the majority members of Kenya's main ethnic communities except the Kikuyus, Merus, and Embus. These three have mainly rallied around Kibaki.

Kenyan politics is tribal. It is also tainted by corruption. However, lets note that these are ills all over. We hear of the Westerners 'eating' in UG, the Tigrinyas in Ethiopia, etc all over Africa. Its not a typically Kenyan thing. Corruption also pervades across the continent and the Bamwagi contracts attest to this, in part.

The good thing is: what you cite above Mheshimiwa are exactly the two reasons why Kenyans are loading their dreams on the shoulders of the transregional, multiethnic ODM party and its Bomas Draft-based manifesto

These two ingredients ie an ODM Government + Bomas Draft Katiba = a Possible Way forward for a less tribal and corrupt Kenya.

Raila is a son of Oginga Odinga, the father of Opposition politics in post-independence Kenya. He has a sterling record fighting for Kenyas political freedom just like his father bravely did before him. It took Raila's cunning to wriggle close into Moi's government and then break KANU from within. By merging his earlier party NDP with KANU he outwitted Moi into believing that he will support Moi's preferred successor Uhuru Kenyatta. Only for him to break away from KANU with senior ministers in Moi's government and unite with Kibaki's opposition party to defeat Moi and KANU in 2002. This genius and political boldness in Africa is a rare gem. It lies in the likes of Zitto of TZ and if well nurtured as we have done in the case of Raila may give a country a political alternative when it needs one.

Raila spent 10 years in detention without trial betwen 1982 and 1992 while Kibaki was the vice-president of that powerful KANU era. His father differed with Kenyatta and sided with Nyerere in the late 1960s when the elder Odinga saw Kenyatta driving Kenya towards tribalism and corruption. With a lot of education and political awareness, many Kenyans than ever before ow realize the contribution that the Odinga family has made to the political development of Kenya. Raila has actually fitted in his own father's shoes and also bought his own. He deserves our support. Thats why we are electing him as the fourth president of Kenya. In doing so we honour him for what Professor Ali Mazrui yesterday called "his great political genius" and we also honor his father who wished that Kenya had followed a more controlled capitalist path unlike that Kenyatta set for us.

The Hummer was donated to Raila for his campaign by a lobby group Kenyans in the Diaspora (US/Canada). This car isnt a luxury car byt nature of its model as many believe. The Hummer is actually a military model used mainly by armies and other rough terrain interests. Raila's red Hummer was presented to him in a transparent manner by his own supporters abroad for his campaign on the rough terrain that are Kenyan roads outside Nairobi and Kibaki's central province. It is expensive. I also think he should sell it and use it set up a scholarship fund for some needy students in his constituency. But this can wait until next year. Now we must focus on how we can make him the next inhabitant of State House, Nairobi.

In recent days, Choppers have proved more efficient for both the government and the opposition. Raila has hired his from funds raised from his party's nomination fees and friends abroad in the diaspora plus his family's well established business enterprises mainly in the oild industry. Now I tend to think that choppers are way way costly than a Hummer... especially when it is wananchi's tax paying for the military choppers ferrying the government officials to their campaigns.

Let us experiement with the Federal system of government. If it works out maybe our EAC kinsmen may also want kuiiga. After we form these working federal systems in our five respective member countries.....maybe then can we futuristically dream of a bigger federal unit that brings together these five federal systems into a megafederal state called the East African Federation. Au mnaonaje kwa hili wakubwa?
Thank you Kenyan-Tanzanian for keeping us posted. I really admire the way campaigns are being run in Kenya. You are showing us the way especially in basing your politics on issues and values. Yes, tribalism and corruption may have clouded your politics and these campaigns, but these should not be taken as being part of political parties' agenda; they are problems that are to be fought and I can see Raila's ODM well poised to lead the struggle. I wish you good in the final days of your campaigns and more importantly, pleasant triumph of our beloved Odinga.
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