Kendrick Lamar katika ubora wake


JF-Expert Member
Mar 23, 2011
Its without a doubt K. Dot a kid from Compton Cali is a hot rapper and hence has managed kurudisha ushindani katika hiphop game.

Da kid is lyrical, conscious na unaambiwa wakati yuko high school kendrick was a straight-A student.

Japo kauli yake ya kusema he is the king of new York ilileta controversy kubwa katika verse yake ya control kwenye ngoma aliyoshirikishwa yeye na black hippie mwenzake Jay electronica na blazamen big Sean.

Few hours after release ya control, twitter iliwaka moto, a lot of rappers kama pappoose, joel ortiz , big K.R.I.T walireact wakidai nani amemcrown kua king of new York..

Nevertheless, kendrick ni noma jamaa, hebu take time kumsikiliza verse yake hii kwenye control, then sikiliza rigamortis,hiii power na black lip bastard:

I think this kid is overrated....js bcoz westcoast currently haina msanii anae wakilisha vizuri..thts why wana mcrown huyu in msanii wakawaida...u cant compare him with jcole.lyrically ata kwa flow.....sema its all gud..wacha wote wa shine
Kendrick kwenye tungo huwezi mfananisha na J Cole tuache masikhara sema mziki wa kendrick ni wa kusikiliza kwa makini mpaka umuelewe kitu ambacho wasikilizaji wengi hawapendi kujisumbua kusikiliza
But huyu si West sider

Yes Kendrick ni West Sider. "King of New York" pun, ilikuwa ni homage kwa moja ya lines za Kurupt. Na Kurupt yeye alimaanisha "King of New York" kama kwenye movie aliyocheza Christopher Walken.

Issue ilikuwa blown outta proportion, kwa sababu Kendrick is really running the game, na New Yorkers(or rather NY rappers) wengi wana u-daslam(sensitive over trick stuff). According to Kurupt, he likes Cali and would never wish to switch, doesn't even like New York like that.

New York game imechuja to the point, kuna talks za wao kwa wao kulaumiana kuwa wanachukua sound na styles za Southerners.
I think this kid is overrated....js bcoz westcoast currently haina msanii anae wakilisha vizuri..thts why wana mcrown huyu in msanii wakawaida...u cant compare him with jcole.lyrically ata kwa flow.....sema its all gud..wacha wote wa shine
He is coool but j cole is the real deal...but thats how it is but kendrick is cool
What kendrick good he did is he came with his own style and flow....but he isnt the best to ever do it jay z gotta good flow and eminem is the wordsmith he got good wordplay but in overal kendrick is better that many cats that are overated like wayne and drake!!maaaan wayne am doper than his ass.....and kuna guys kama King los and Logic they are good
I think this kid is overrated....js bcoz westcoast currently haina msanii anae wakilisha vizuri..thts why wana mcrown huyu in msanii wakawaida...u cant compare him with jcole.lyrically ata kwa flow.....sema its all gud..wacha wote wa shine

First and foremost, it ain't the West only that crowned Kendrick. Every critic in the game, salutes the "kid". Top New York rappers like Jay-Z, Nas, Talib Kweli,..have nothing but awe and praises for Kendrick.

And while you at your "thinking", take this with you: Cole had planned to have Kendrick in one his albums. Made a track with his verse(s) on it, and gave it to Kendrick to put his. What Kendrick did to that track, made Cole to kill that idea competely. In short, Cole warned to never ever give Kendrick a track with your verse(s) on it, cuz the mudhaphucker would kill you in your own song for sure. Cole gave that story to an interview he did with the breakfast club.
I think this kid is overrated....js bcoz westcoast currently haina msanii anae wakilisha vizuri..thts why wana mcrown huyu in msanii wakawaida...u cant compare him with jcole.lyrically ata kwa flow.....sema its all gud..wacha wote wa shine
Kaka acha utani, Jermaine Cole unamlinganisha na Hivi kati ya album ya born sinner na good kid m.a.a.d city ipi Kali?
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