Kampuni Binafsi ya Upelelezi Ya kwanza kutokea Africa

The Certified

JF-Expert Member
Feb 10, 2016
The company possess various professionals, including, professional investigators who are retired police officers, experienced lawyers, medical doctors, forensic experts, engineers, architects, auditors, psychologists and counselors in case of all family and social issues.
The company objectives are:
1. To investigate on academic credentials and personal behaviors on individuals before and after employment (To conduct a background check on prospective employees and all matters that requires investigations to the existing employees)
2. Investigate on financial status of mortgagees, matrimonial issues and other securities.
3. Investigate on hire commercial and business malpractices from individuals and corporate bodies, both locally and internationally, as well as issues related to cybercrimes.
4. Investigate on abuse of human rights, terrorism and illegal immigrants.
5. Investigate the use of trademarks, patents rights and copyrights and give a report.
6. Investigate on investors both locally and internationally.
7. To conduct investigations in social, family and marital issues,
8. Investigate before buying land, as to whether the seller has a legal title in the land, and after buying the said land.
9. Investigate on whether the procedure to acquire birth certificate was properly followed.
10. To investigate on the abuse of employees.
Code of Conduct
Spotlight (Private investigation) Limited, is a Consultancy private company registered under The Companies Act, No. 12, 2002, with Certificate of Incorporation No. 125648. It is a limited company, limited by shares. The company is situated in Tanzania mainland, with its head office at the Onset House, Plot 53 Mbezi Beach, Dar-es salaam. However, clients from all over Tanzania may receive the services provided by this company in the same quality and precision.

The company possess various professionals, including, professional investigators who are retired police officers, experienced lawyers, medical doctors, forensic experts, engineers, architects, auditors, psychologists and counselors in case of all family and social issues.

  1. Abiding by ethical principles shows a sense of respect, honesty and integrity. These are essential values for a pleasant work environment.
  2. These values are a key part of our corporate culture and constitute a fundamental component in the life of our company.
  3. These values are part of our organizational culture and our daily activities; therefore it is necessary to establish a common framework that unifies the criteria and guides the actions of all the people who form our Company and to make it official.
  4. Spotlight (Private Investigation) Limited, works under the fundamental premise of abiding by all laws and regulations, whose observance and compliance is essential to exist and operate at its best within its social environment.
  5. This code is based on the fact that most of the time the correct action is clear, regardless of whether or not included in a code.
  6. As a result of the foregoing, Spotlight (Private Investigation) Limited, Board of Directors approved and authorized the issuance of this Business Code of Ethics.

Spotlight is a Consultancy Company
We have all the professionals.
1. Lawyers, in case it is a legal issue,
2. Auditors
3. Engineers for the Construction checking
4. Architectures
5. Expert Investigators
6. Doctors for medical investigation
Management Team
1. Kelanga, D.M. Managing Director, LL.M (Hons). In Corporate law.
2. Mauki, C. Director, PhD holder in Social Relationship and Counseling Psychology
3. Kaiza, R. Director, LL.B (Hons).
4. Fadhili L, Company secretary, LL.B (Hons) Advocate

Contact us
We would be delighted to hear from you. Feel free to invite us to your office in case you would like to discuss anything related to this website. You may reach us through the following contacts:

Physical Address:
P. O. Box 10739
Dar es Salaam
Onset House, Plot No. 53
Mbezi Beach – Jogoo

+255 762 939985
+255 753 931243
+255 718 884511
+255 713 407182
Email: info@spotlightinvestigation.com or spotlightinvestigation@gmail.com
Imepitia wizara ya mambo ya ndani,BRELA na baadhi ya vyombo nchini ili kusajiliwa hapa nchini?
Majibu pleaae!
Kila kitu mkuu kiko tayari subiri ni upload picha flani utapata maelezo mengi ya kina naona kuna kitu kinakataa kuwa uploaded hapa.
Ukosefu wa kazi mbaya sana anasingizia ku upload wakati kakosea kuandika kwani kufeli ku upload ndo kukufanye uandike ovyo ovyo kama msichana wa kazi wakati unaleta kitu very sensitive wee bhaaaa
Hiyo kampuni inaitwaje?
Imesajiliwa Tanzania?
Ofisi zao ziko wapi?
Imeanzishwa lini?
Mnadili na Upelelezi ngazi ipi?

Yaani vimaelezo vyako vitatu unaona umemaliza? Alafu utegemee kupata wateja?
Mkuu nimekuelewa
Jina: Spotlight investgation
ofisi: zipo Onset House plot no: 53 Mbezi beach Jogoo Dar es salaam
imeanza hivi karibu
Vitu tunavyofanya: 1.Kupeleleza kwa kina eneo unalotaka kujenga makazi/Biashara ili kuepuka kuvunjiwa na madhara mengine kama migogoro ya ardhi n.k
2.Kuchunguza kitu unachotaka kununua kama hakina shida yoyote mfano Gari nyumba na mengine mengi
3.kumchunguza unaetaka kumuoa/kuolewa na taarifa zake za kina tangu ana zaliwa
4.Kumpata na kumfahamu mtu aliekufanyia mabaya au kukutapeli
5.kwenye mahusiano pia alikadhalika na mengine mengi unayohitaji
aisee napenda ni comment mkampeleleze mtu fulani sema naogopa BAN ya Mr Moderetor aiseee

Ukosefu wa kazi mbaya sana anasingizia ku upload wakati kakosea kuandika kwani kufeli ku upload ndo kukufanye uandike ovyo ovyo kama msichana wa kazi wakati unaleta kitu very sensitive wee bhaaaa
Makosa ya kiufundi mkuu nisamehe sana ila soon utapata taarifa kwa kina
Ndio hapa
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