Joseph Kony Afariki?

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JF-Expert Member
Dec 1, 2006
Habari hii kama ni kweli, ni waganda wachache sana watakaomlilia huyu jamaa.

Wanasema adui yako mwombee njaa, wengine eti dua la kuku halimpati mwewe!

LRA's Kony Rumored Dead

Lords Resistance Army (LRA) leader, Joseph Kony is rumored dead. Kony is the head of the rebel group that has terrorized the northern part of Uganda for over two decades. The 46 year old is said to have been executed by some of his commanders on Thursday morning. In the afternoon of Thursday, Intelligence officials from Tanzania were talking of Kony's possible death.

Meanwhile intelligence reports indicate that Odhiambo could still be alive.

The Red Pepper broke the news of Kony being hurt during a shoot out that left 27 of his close body guards dead.

SOURCE: Red Pepper Uganda
kutatokea INTERNAL POWER STRUGLE LRA......ambayo ni mbaya kuliko...kwa amani ya unaweza kuwa mwanzo wa amani ya kudumu kama savimbi na ANGOLA....

LAKINI museveni would not want a total peace in uganda kwa sababu insecurity ndiyo inafanya waganda wampe kura wakiamini bila museveni hakutakua na amani....amani ya kudumu itakuwa na maana museveni hatakuwa na haja sana kwa waganda wa leo ambao hawajui mapambano yalikuwaje ..waliozaliwa 1986..leo wana miaka 22....

LAKINI museveni would not want a total peace in uganda kwa sababu insecurity ndiyo inafanya waganda wampe kura wakiamini bila museveni hakutakua na amani....amani ya kudumu itakuwa na maana museveni hatakuwa na haja sana kwa waganda wa leo ambao hawajui mapambano yalikuwaje ..waliozaliwa 1986..leo wana miaka 22....

Mkuu ni kweli

Halafu jeshi la Uganda linapata mshiko mzuri sana kwa kuendelea kupigana vita na Joseph. Sasa kama amekufa biashara itakuwa hakuna tena.
Dua la kuku siku zote humpata mwewe wewe angalia Historia. Haaaaa ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa..................
Hao red pepper comments!!!

Chissano si ndio alikuwa mpatanishi na I believe at one point alishawahi kukutana na Kony.

Kuna uvumi kuwa Museveni and co wanatumia hivi vita vya northern Uganda kwa manufaa yao binafsi.
Jamaa ameibuka na kukanusha, yuko hai! Mambo magumu jamani, hili gaidi limesumbua sana!

I am not dead — Joseph Kony
Friday, 25th April, 2008

THE Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader, Joseph Kony, has dismissed rumours that he was shot dead following an internal revolt. - More details in our next edition of Sunday Vision to be published here soon. Hii hapa:
Jamaa ameibuka na kukanusha, yuko hai! Mambo magumu jamani, hili gaidi limesumbua sana!

I am not dead — Joseph Kony
Friday, 25th April, 2008

THE Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader, Joseph Kony, has dismissed rumours that he was shot dead following an internal revolt. - More details in our next edition of Sunday Vision to be published here soon. Hii hapa:

Dua la kuku halimpati mwewe!
Dah...! Naona hili dua limemkosa kosa tu lakini sio kitu kwani litampata tu. Bado linavinjari ile mitaa yake ni sawa na jinsi linavyomkosakosa Robert Mugabe.
Joseph Kony for years amekuwa ana mmoutsmart Museveni and it's killing him kuwa jamaa ameshindwa kumkamata pamoja na Operation Lukuki za UPDF...
heshima mbele wakubwa,huyu jamaa amefariki kweli au nyepesi tu maana gazeti la SUNDAY VISION la nchini uganda la leo jumapili lina habari inayosema joseph kony bado yupo hai,sasa inakuwaje hapa wakubwa?
Joseph Kony for years amekuwa ana mmoutsmart Museveni and it's killing him kuwa jamaa ameshindwa kumkamata pamoja na Operation Lukuki za UPDF...

Icadon vipi tena leo?...Are you asking or are you stating the fact that the man is dead?..wengine wetu tunakuamini sana lakini hapa naogopa mtu atakuita muongo eti!
Icadon vipi tena leo?...Are you asking or are you stating the fact that the man is dead?..wengine wetu tunakuamini sana lakini hapa naogopa mtu atakuita muongo eti!

I meant it's killing Museveni that he hasn't been able to arrest/kill Kony pamoja na operations anazoendesha kila leo uko Northern Uganda.

Samahani kama nilieleweka vibaya

Issue ya Kony ni ngumu one point watu walikuwa wanasema ilo ni jina la kutunga hakuna mtu kama Kony, wengine wakasema ni ghost...ata Chissano alivyojaribu kukutana naye uso kwa uso Okotaba 2007 aliishia kukutana na maafisa wengine wa LRA lakini sio Kony mwenyewe. Lakini kuna baadhi ya watu wameshakutana naye.
Will the ongoing peace talks between the Ugandan Government and the insurgent Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) survive its worst crisis to date? The talks, which began sixteen months ago, looked destined to finally bring to and end the war in Northern Uganda after twenty-one long years. However, after months of going back and forth, the Juba peace process is now faced with what looks to be the worst crisis yet.

Garamba, where the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leadership is holed up, has fallen almost entirely silent, and the little news that is trickling out is deeply worrying. The two top rebel militants, Joseph Kony and his deputy Vincent Otti, have disagreed and a major split is feared. Otti is cut from the rest of the world and his satellite phone is now in the possession of Kony’s signaler, Labal Piny. Kony and Otti, both indictees of the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity, have led the LRA during the best and worst of times for the shadowy organisation.

Who are the LRA? The LRA is a shadowy fundamentalist outfit that has been fighting to take power in Uganda and rule the country according to the Biblical Ten Commandments. The rebels operated in the northern Uganda and from bases in southern Sudan but have now been confined to Garamba National Park. The LRA have committed numerous abuses and atrocities, including the abduction, rape, maiming, and killing of civilians, women and children. Five of its commanders have been indicted for war crimes in the International Criminal Court.

The fallout between the LRA’s leaders seems to be the cause of the reported death of at least thirty rebels in an October 10 battle between Kony and Otti loyalists. Otti’s fate is unknown and the rest of his loyalists are in disarray. If these reports are true, this is unprecedented even in the rebel’s long history of dishing out harsh treatment to members suspected of disloyalty. In the immediate aftermath of the battle the LRA lost its operations commander and third in command, Major General Opiyo Makasi, who surrendered to Congolese authorities and was due to be handed to Kampala. This is said to be a great loss to the LRA, as Makasi is believed by many to be Kony’s close confidante. It is claimed that his defection has seriously rattled the rebel ranks. If other reports of the escape of two senior and battle hardened commanders, Kwoyelo and Ben Acellam, turn out to be true, then the loss in the rebel ranks is immeasurable.

The more worrying impact of this crisis is the severing of communications between the rebels and the Government. The two sides have not been in touch for weeks. Colonel Ochora, who has been an important channel of communication between the rebels and the government is a frustrated man. For the last one month the Colonel has failed in his desperate attempts to talk to Otti. Kony is also not taking his calls. On October 27 Col Ochora went on air via a local FM radio in Gulu and personally appealed to Kony to explain what is going on, an appeal that has thus far been met with deafening silence from Garamba.
Kony has also snubbed the UN envoy for northern Uganda (and recent winner of the African Leadership Award) Joacqim Chissano, who he was scheduled to meet on October 22. A week into his appointment Mr Chissano lost contact with Kony. Aware of the potentially harmful effect of a breakdown in communication on the peace process, Mr Chissano attempted to meet Kony face to face. He got only as far as Maridi where he met with LRA negotiators, themselves stranded after they had failed in their own attempts to meet with their leader.

Adding to the confusion was the strange decision by Sudanese People’s Defence Forces (SPLA) troops to detain members of the LRA’s negotiating team for almost an hour when they travelled to Maridi on October 20. LRA negotiators Mr Martin Ojul and Mr Yusuf Okwonga Adek were arrested on their way to their Maridi Hotel by members of the SPLA. This left the rebel team bewildered and they are still waiting for an explanation.

If it is difficult to pinpoint the impact on the peace process of the latest crisis, it is even harder to determine what might have caused it. There is no substantive information as to what may have sparked the disagreement. One reason that has been put forward to account for the fallout is an alleged dispute over how to spend the $600,000 provided for consultations by the donor community. Others claim that a power struggle was afoot between the top two rebel leaders on how to conduct the peace process. According to the latter theory, Otti wanted the talks to be accelerated. Kony, on the other hand, was dragging his feet and began accusing his deputy of betrayal. Kony is claimed to be extremely angry over reports that his deputy had reportedly sanctioned a failed attempt to recruit of former rebels of the Uganda National Rescue Front (UNRF II) to boost the LRA’s numbers in the event that the peace talks fail.

This latest fallout may, however, have unintended positive effects. There are indications that Kampala is preparing to grant the defected commander amnesty, as it did to other defectors before him. Should this be the case, it could have the effect of sending a clear message to the rebels who are still holed up with Kony that Ugandan government means business and is ready to pardon the rebels. Whether this leads to more defections or an acceleration in the peace process over the next few weeks remains to be seen.

Though this latest crisis has put a dark cloud over the future of the peace process, Dr Ruhakana Rugunda, the government's chief negotiator and minister for Internal Affairs, is confident that the process is still on course. In the last twenty years the rebels have hit rock bottom but still managed to emerge from the rubble. This latest hiccup is likely to be no exception. As the world waits word from Garamba, perhaps we should heed the advise of Uganda’s internal affairs minister, that in peace talks there are always hitches and corners and it is not over if it can still be salvaged. Let us hope so, for if these peace talks fail blood will once more be spilled on the soil of Northern Uganda.

Peter Edopu, Programme Head: African Human Security Initiative 2 and Director, ISS Nairobi
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