Think this way............... Waanzilishi wa CCM karibu wooteee washakufa.............. Lakini we still have CCM.................. KWA HIYO CDM = MEMBERSDr. Slaa gave CDM big fame this time. Suppose his not there, who is next in line?
Dr. Slaa gave CDM big fame this time. Suppose his not there, who is next in line?
Though Dr is instrument in giving name to CDM, and he is a key person in the CDM for the time being, it is wrong to say CDM=Slaa because Chadema is a party which will always continue to exist even after Slaa. We give Dr his due respect of course, but he is not Chadema and Chadema is not Slaa. He is significant part of the party for the time being. It is wrong to tie parties to individuals as if it is their homes....sharpen your thinking mkuu
kweli zitto was next, lakini kwa papara zake za kukimbili vyombo vya habari kupingana na misimamo ya chama hadharani anajishusha mwenyewe. Ni vyema kaanza kukomaa na kukubali silence is the best healer.zitto
existence ya ccm is based on being a state party "chama dola", its existence is through state apparatus and resourcesthink this way............... Waanzilishi wa ccm karibu wooteee washakufa.............. Lakini we still have ccm.................. Kwa hiyo cdm = members
The fact is......bado ipoexistence ya ccm is based on being a state party "chama dola", its existence is through state apparatus and resources
the day it is not in power that is the end of ccm.
Kiingereza chako kimetulia!!!!!!!!!