Big Brother: Lerato lashes out at viewers


May 3, 2011
After her her friend and fellow housemate (Bertha) recently called viewers a disgrace of the African Continent,,, Its now Leratos turn to blast the BBA audience. Some readers from Jhb recently e-mailed us to say a few words about a radio interview miss Lerato Sengadi did recently.

When asked about what she feels about people who complained about her swearing and bad language she said she doesn't give a f**ck , she also said that people are so good judging others when themselves they are messed up , she said she s been using the F -word forever and thats part of her vocabulary and she didnt give a damn if anyone was offended by it .

She also said she was not expecting to be evicted so soon and that now that she was outside she believed that the BBA audience is stupid and immoral for evicting real entertainers (the UnTouchables) and leaving inside adulterous Richard and deranged MaureenShe also Said she believed Offunneka is involved with witchcraft as she saw some voodoo dolls on her belongings.
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