Zitto’s letter to Cameron over dirty Swiss billions

Ukoloni wa mawazo ni mbaya sana, eti anamwandikia Cameron!!

UK, Germany and the rest of Europe wanaangaika mpaka leo hawajaweza kuishawishi Uswiss iwape majina ya watu wao walioweka pesa Uswiss alafu ndo aje akusaidie wewe Zitto! Loh!

Nikipata muda nitaeleza vizuri hii issue ya offshore asset ili hawa wanasiasa wasitudanganye danganye kwa vitu wasivyovielewa hata wao!

Siasa zako fupi na uelewa wako mdogo wenye kuishia mbagala ndio unakufanya usielewe kuwa kwa sasa hata UK wapo busy kushugulikia masuala haya ya off shore finance na illicities. Angalia taarifa hii ya chancellor ( Head of treasury ) kutoka BBC
[h=1]Osborne: G7 agree to target tax evasion and avoidance[/h]
George Osborne co-chaired the two-day meeting in Buckinghamshire with Sir Mervyn King

Continue reading the main story[h=2]Related Stories[/h]

The G7 group of industrialised nations have agreed that there must be collective action against tax evasion and avoidance, the UK's finance minister has said.
Chancellor George Osborne said after the talks that it was "incredibly important" that firms and individuals paid the tax they owed.
The members agreed on more policy issues than had been assumed, he added.
The G7 comprises the US, Germany, the UK, Japan, Italy, France and Canada.
In a news conference held jointly with Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King, Mr Osborne said the finance ministers and central bank governors of the G7, meeting in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, had also agreed no bank should be "too big to fail".
Tax avoidance"We must put regimes in place... to deal with failing banks and to protect taxpayers and to do so in a globally-consistent manner," he said.
The issue of tax avoidance had been raised by Britain, Germany and other countries earlier this year.
They asked the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - which advises rich nations on tax policy - to examine possible changes to address the problem of multinational companies using transfer pricing rules to shift profits into tax havens.
Continue reading the main story[h=2]Analysis[/h]
Joe LynamBBC business correspondent
The G7 summit was an important stepping stone towards a global new standard on tax.
The overarching goal of Britain and the rest of the G7 is to have a new set of rules around the world to prevent tax evasion and avoidance.
That goal is fiendishly complex and to help achieve it a number of countries have agreed to share information on suspected law breaking in both areas of tax law.
Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the UK and US currently are in a pilot scheme where tax authorities share info with each other.
Britain wants the rest of the EU - including very low tax countries such as Luxembourg and Austria - to sign up to this pilot scheme at next Tuesday's Ecofin in Brussels.
Luxembourg said it would, but Austria is being vague.
On top of this, the OECD is doing a lot of work behind the scenes to come up with a framework to clamp down on evasion and make avoidance less profitable for big firms, such as Starbucks, Google and eBay.
The OECD will report into next months G8 in Fermanagh, but principally for Sept's G20 summit.

BBC business correspondent correspondent Joe Lynam said the latest talks were an important step towards a new global standard on tax.
Britain wants all EU countries to sign up to a pilot scheme where tax authorities share information with each other, including low tax countries such as Luxembourg and Austria, our correspondent said.
Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the UK and US are currently signed up to the scheme. Luxembourg has said it will join too, but Austria has yet to confirm if it will take part.
Mr Osborne also said that British territories, including the tax havens Jersey and the Cayman Islands, need to play more of a part in trying to put a stop to tax evasion.
"Of course you have to respect that many of these territories have important industries and we don't want to unnecessarily damage them," he said.
"But it is necessary to collect tax that is owed and it is necessary to reduce tax avoidance and the crown dependencies and the overseas territories need to play their part in that drive and they need to do more."
The chancellor said the discussions had "reaffirmed that there are still many challenges to securing sustainable global recovery, and we can't take it for granted".
But he added: "We are committed as the advanced economies in playing our part in nurturing that recovery and ensuring a lasting recovery so that we have prosperity in all our countries."
Prior to the meeting, Mr Osborne had said the group still wielded "major economic firepower" as they represented around half the global economy between them - although the larger G20 was now the "primary economic forum for setting the global rules of the game".
In other developments:

  • Japan was not censured during the talks, despite talk ahead of the meeting it would be criticised for a massive stimulus plan that had pushed down the value of its currency, the yen. There are concerns Tokyo is engineering an export-led recovery that could hinder other regions' ability to grow.
  • German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, said the eurozone crisis is no longer the main risk for the global economy. He said a "relatively high level of liquidity" could cause problems and that he had told Japan there are already consequences of its policy to pump money into its economy.
  • European Central Bank President, Mario Draghi, said the G7 countries did not call on central banks to do more to boost the world economy.
The meeting came as the British chancellor faced pressure over the pace of the UK's austerity measures.
G7 conference participants "agree on more than people thought" said George Osborne

Last month, the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, reiterated his belief that the chancellor should slow down the pace of the cutbacks.
But on Saturday, Mr Osborne said that while the UK's economic situation was difficult, "we are making progress and the economy is healing".
Shadow Treasury Minister Catherine McKinnell countered that it was "disappointing that this G7 meeting has failed to set out any concrete steps to promote economic growth or tackle tax avoidance."
She added: "George Osborne should reflect on why Britain is experiencing the slowest economic recovery of any G7 country other than Italy.
"With Britain's economy flatlining and living standards falling, it's no wonder even the IMF is saying the chancellor's failing policies need to change."
Siasa zako fupi na uelewa wako mdogo wenye kuishia mbagala ndio unakufanya usielewe kuwa kwa sasa hata UK wapo busy kushugulikia masuala haya ya off shore finance na illicities. Angalia taarifa hii ya chancellor ( Head of treasury ) kutoka BBC

PhD- you have just demonstrated that you still don't have a clue as to the actual substance supposedly being discussed here.
PhD- you have just demonstrated that you still don't have a clue as to the actual substance supposedly being discussed here.

Nachomaanisha ni kwanza kukiri tatizo lipo, ZZK hana dola , anasaidia kuwaeleza watawala watambue tatizo, lakini pia kuwakumbusha wafadhili kuhusu tatizo ( DFID) ndio mwenyekiti wa Budget support ( GBS) kwa sasa, UK wana uwezo mkubwa wa kusaidia utambuzi wa tatizo hili.
Not only that, mimi naona Zitto ameshindwa simple form 1 economics na hususan David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage elegantly describes principles that lead different jurisdictions to specialize in certain things: fine wines from France, cheap manufactures from China, and computers from the United States. But when we find that the British Virgin Islands, with fewer than twenty-five thousand inhabitants, hosts over eight hundred thousand companies, or that more than 40 percent of foreign direct investment into India comes from Mauritius, Ricardo’s theory loses its traction. Companies and capital migrate not to where they are most productive but to where they can get the best tax break.

IMHO I think we should investigate an upgrade in the intellectual level of those MP's of Zitto's calible we elect to office especially when write the most ridiculous and brain-dead letters yet seen.

Tatizo hao kina Zitto along with Kigwangalla ndo ma "Young Turks" wenyewe, uki upgrade kwa bunge letu la sasa sanasana utapata kina Majimarefu tu.

Meanwhile kuna watu smart kibao mtaani hawawezi hata kuzungumziwa kuingia parliament kwa sababu ya all the azzkissing that bs involves in party politics.

Tukiambiwa tulete private candidacy party bigwigs wanaiua motion makusudi.

Nishalisema hili kitambo hapa.

Wengine tusiochelewa ku dismiss tunaweza kusema anatafuta cheap popularity tu.

This Zitto fellow can't be that smart. He lacks a coherent approach.

We have done so. By asking Zitto to name names. He hasn't.

Kwa nini anawaficha?
I think just the contrary. Of many things debated in parliament this one has been coherent and one can actually follow step by step the progress made by the Legislator.
Remember when names were named (excuse the tautology), nothing happened. Even if names are named today, the most that would happen would be for those people to be sanctioned but there moght not be any action to block the pipelines siphoning Tanzanian wealth.
with his private motion he is setting up not just a precedent but hopefully a law that will bind past and future fisadi. the first victory was the parliament resolution on hidding money offshore (available here).
As the internal efforts go on, there is absolutely no reason not to move on with other means, like approaching other nations (like Gernamy, UK or Switzerland) and see how they can participate in this effort.
And even if they don't kutokua na taarifa kusiwe sababu for them not acting.
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The problem with this line is that you tend to end up agreeing with it, then contradicting yourself when you try to carry on arguing pointlessly.

In addition this entire tired simplicity of "good vs evil / CHADEMA vs CCM" is as old as Zoroastrianism.

Granted, CCM stinks more than a wayside didie, but that does not mean the oligarchy - and sometimes even patronage- does not extend to the opposition. Zitto himself is a beneficiary of kissing up to CCM stalwarts, so who are these numskulls to go vile with juvenile vitriols over CCM, while all along the entire thing is a badly staged circus Juvenal would have hardly approved?
So what are you saying here? Kua he should try to please mafisadi to protect his political ambition/career?

Not really
the point here ni ange avoid making unnecessary attention kwa watu ambao
wanaweza anza kum block mapema....

Bora wasim notice now kama yuko seriously kurudisha hizo pesa
kuna mtu Russia aliwahi kuzaniwa atawa please mafisadi
kumbe ndie aliekuja kuwakomesha ...his name is Vladimir Putin....
Remember when names were named (excuse the tautology), nothing happened. Even if names are named today, the most that would happen would be for those people to be sanctioned but there moght not be any action to block the pipelines siphoning Tanzanian wealth.

You may be right in that even if names are/were named, it will all be for naught.

But, at least it would add some credence to the claims and put some people on the defensive.

Don't you think?
You may be right in that even if names are/were named, it will all be for naught.

But, at least it would add some credence to the claims and put some people on the defensive.

Don't you think?

Could be. But maybe he doesn't have the names and that is why he is pushing on the process. What would it be if he has a list of 10 people out of which only 9 are actual fisadis and the 10th is just someone keeping his money offshore? Or what if there are 25 of them and he only has a list of 10? If I was him I wouldn't risk too much on names, but invest in the process instead. and this answers The Boss preocupation too. he doesn't shame anyone, he shames the practice.
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You may be right in that even if names are/were named, it will all be for naught.

But, at least it would add some credence to the claims and put some people on the defensive.

Don't you think?

Very true, this could have triggered something!. Even the "so prepared future fisadi's) could have noted that, this is not a joke, rather a serious business the government is making close follow up!
I think just the contrary. Of many things debated in parliament this one has been coherent and one can actually follow step by step the progress made by the Legislator.

If the legislators is resorting to writing a letter to the British MP, obviously, over all those steps, not much of a progress has been garnered.

Remember when names were named (excuse the tautology),

The tautology is imaginary. I do not remember Zitto naming names, which is the subject matter here.

nothing happened.

If you are referring to another matter, you have to examine the whole matter, not just take the aspect of naming names.

Naming names is the last resort of an MP in tune with his constituency. Right now, by appealing to Cameron and not naming names to Tanzanians, Zitto Kabwe is sending a message to the people of Tanzania, that he has more faith in David Cameron than the people of Tanzania.

Either that, or he is completely bluffing and has no names whatsoever.

Both deeply deplorable and borderline irredeemable.

Even if names are named today, the most that would happen would be for those people to be sanctioned but there moght not be any action to block the pipelines siphoning Tanzanian wealth.

That is rather presumptuos of you. Are you turning Cleo the psychic?

You are also forgetting the right of the people to know, no matter the consequences or lack thereof. Right now Zitto - were he to name names- could very easily walk with a free conscience, saying I pleaded my case to the Tanzanian people, I gave them names, they did not rise up to the occassion.

But because he is not naming names, some of us do not even know if he has the names or is just playing a political ruse, highfalutin like a pre-bolshevism Russian count with no land, or a cowboy with a big hat but no cattle.

with his private motion he is setting up not just a precedent but hopefully a law that will bind past and future fisadi.

We have seen precedents and laws since Sokoine. What's new with his lelemama?

the first victory was the parliament resolution on hidding money offshore (available here).

You have an unhealthy regard for resolutions, laws, precedents etc. That is well and good, but what if the whole thing is deemed a charade because the oligarchy is not involving the people?

What good is a law that is not/ cannot be implemented because of the power structure? It is as good as none.Indeed it may be worse than none, because then Tanzania can brag in the international scene, that we have such and such a law, saying little about mass participation in enforcing the law.

Even if you don't have good laws, if you have mass participation you are on the right side, because eventually good laws will be in place.

But if you do not have mass participation, even if you have good laws, you are on the wrong side because these laws could be easily skirted.

By not naming names, Zitto is not engaging mass participation to it's full potential.

As the internal efforts go on, there is absolutely no reason not to move on with other means, like approaching other nations (like Gernamy, UK or Switzerland) and see how they can participate in this effort.
And even if they don't kutokua na taarifa kusiwe sababu for them not acting.

Barua kwa hawa watu waandike watu wa grassroots activism, Zitto kapewa utepe wa kibunge mbona anataka kujifanyisha kazi za ma secretary na vijana wa grassroots organizations za kuandika barua?

Zitto anatakiwa kuwa strategic zaidi ya kuandika barua. Asipojibiwa then what's next?
Siasa zako fupi na uelewa wako mdogo wenye kuishia mbagala ndio unakufanya usielewe kuwa kwa sasa hata UK wapo busy kushugulikia masuala haya ya off shore finance na illicities. Angalia taarifa hii ya chancellor ( Head of treasury ) kutoka BBC.)
Mmmmmmmm!! Hongera naona uelewa wako mkubwa hata kinachoongelewa hujaweza elewa!!

Anyway kwa wenye interest zaidi hebu tusome nyuzi ya leo leo toka Gov ya Uswiss wanavoangaishana na USA ambayo nayo haijafanikiwa kupata majina pamoja na mabavu yao yote ya kuweza kufunga mifumo ya kiuchumi kwa taifa lolote.

soma hapa Dispute over banks: Swiss announce US deal to end tax evasion saga - swissinfo.ch
If the legislators is resorting to writing a letter to the British MP, obviously, over all those steps, not much of a progress has been garnered.

The tautology is imaginary. I do not remember Zitto naming names, which is the subject matter here.

If you are referring to another matter, you have to examine the whole matter, not just take the aspect of naming names.

Naming names is the last resort of an MP in tune with his constituency. Right now, by appealing to Cameron and not naming names to Tanzanians, Zitto Kabwe is sending a message to the people of Tanzania, that he has more faith in David Cameron than the people of Tanzania.

Either that, or he is completely bluffing and has no names whatsoever.

Both deeply deplorable and borderline irredeemable.

That is rather presumptuos of you. Are you turning Cleo the psychic?

You are also forgetting the right of the people to know, no matter the consequences or lack thereof. Right now Zitto - were he to name names- could very easily walk with a free conscience, saying I pleaded my case to the Tanzanian people, I gave them names, they did not rise up to the occassion.

But because he is not naming names, some of us do not even know if he has the names or is just playing a political ruse, highfalutin like a pre-bolshevism Russian count with no land, or a cowboy with a big hat but no cattle.

We have seen precedents and laws since Sokoine. What's new with his lelemama?

You have an unhealthy regard for resolutions, laws, precedents etc. That is well and good, but what if the whole thing is deemed a charade because the oligarchy is not involving the people?

What good is a law that is not/ cannot be implemented because of the power structure? It is as good as none.Indeed it may be worse than none, because then Tanzania can brag in the international scene, that we have such and such a law, saying little about mass participation in enforcing the law.

Even if you don't have good laws, if you have mass participation you are on the right side, because eventually good laws will be in place.

But if you do not have mass participation, even if you have good laws, you are on the wrong side because these laws could be easily skirted.

By not naming names, Zitto is not engaging mass participation to it's full potential.

Barua kwa hawa watu waandike watu wa grassroots activism, Zitto kapewa utepe wa kibunge mbona anataka kujifanyisha kazi za ma secretary na vijana wa grassroots organizations za kuandika barua?

Zitto anatakiwa kuwa strategic zaidi ya kuandika barua. Asipojibiwa then what's next?

haya kaka, umesikika.
What would it be if he has a list of 10 people out of which only 9 are actual fisadis and the 10th is just someone keeping his money offshore?

First and foremost, cardinal rule number one is don't go public with information you aren't certain about else you expose yourself to legal liability.

So, avoid conjectural work. Say things which you can back up.

Or what if there are 25 of them and he only has a list of 10?

Then name the ten you know.

If I was him I wouldn't risk too much on names,

Why not?

but invest in the process instead. and this answers The Boss preocupation too. he doesn't shame anyone, he shames the practice.

So what's the purpose of that 'process' then?
Huyu mkuu wangu wa Zitto wa kanda yetu ya magharibi sijui lini ataacha siasa za zima moto zenye kutafuta cheap populality, Mi imenibidi niipitie habari mara 4 nzima maana sikuwa naamin kama kweli jembe msomi kama Zitto anaweza kufanya utumbo kama huo eti barua kwa Cameron, ooh my foot!!

Zitto kama mpaka leo umeshindwa kututajia majina hayo kama jinsi ulvyohaidi, Sasa iwaje utengeneze bongo movie nyingine na wakati fika ukijua kuwa u wil goin achieve nothing.
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Could be. But maybe he doesn't have the names and that is why he is pushing on the process. What would it be if he has a list of 10 people out of which only 9 are actual fisadis and the 10th is just someone keeping his money offshore? Or what if there are 25 of them and he only has a list of 10? If I was him I wouldn't risk too much on names, but invest in the process instead. and this answers The Boss preocupation too. he doesn't shame anyone, he shames the practice.

Uko right kuwa ku name names may not be a good idea
na ni sahihi ku fight the practice...if he is doing that..
my concern iko hivi...
Hizo European government first huwa hazi respect much opposition in Africa
sometimes hazi respect hata government in charge
sioni how wata respond to him sana sana ata wa alert wale ambao
wako against huko Europe ,ndio maana first nilisema lets wait and see...
the motive may be good but......
Uko right kuwa ku name names may not be a good idea

Kwa nini si jambo zuri?

na ni sahihi ku fight the practice...if he is doing that..

Bila kutaja majina na kuonyesha jinsi fulani na fulani walivyoneemeka kinyume cha sheria na mfumo mbovu ni vigumu sana kuwashawishi watu kwamba unachokidai kina ukweli.
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