When It Comes To Sex, Women Know Best


JF-Expert Member
Jan 17, 2012
If men made love the way most women prefer,
both sexes would feel more sexually fulfilled—and
many relationships would improve out of bed as
well as between the sheets.
If men made love the way most women prefer,
women would receive the leisurely, playful,
massage-inspired, whole-body sensuality every
sex survey shows they value for erotic enjoyment.
Meanwhile, if men made love the way most
women prefer, men would enjoy more aroused,
more enthusiastic lovers, and more reliable
erections and better ejaculatory control.
All men have to do is listen to what women say
about sex, and let go of the idea that sex should
proceed like it does in pornography.
Women's Biggest Complaint About Men As
In survey after survey, women, especially young
women, complain that men, especially young men,
make love in a manner that's too rushed, too
mechanical, and too narrowly focused on
women's breasts and genitals. In many women's
experience, too many men view sex as a headlong
plunge into intercourse. That's porn-style sex. It
can be summed up by the phrase, "wham, bam,
thank you, ma'am."

Published on February 29, 2012 by Michael
Castleman, M.A. in All About Sex
if women told us wat thy want tungewaridhisha,just don expect me to guess like am angel or some supernatural being without u telling me wat u want
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